第一章 卵巢毒理学绪论(Ovarian Toxicology Exordium)
一、卵巢毒理学研究中的基本概念(Basic Conception in the Ovarian Toxicology Research)
二、卵巢毒理学研究方法(Research Method in the Ovarian Toxicology)
三、卵巢毒理学研究的未来与展望(The Future and Prospect of the Ovarian Toxicology)
第二章 卵巢的形成与生长发育(Formation and Growth of Ovary)
一、胚胎中卵巢的形成与发育(Formation and Growth of Ovary in Embryo)
二、卵巢结构(Ovarian Structure)
三、卵巢的生殖功能(Reproductive Function of Ovary)
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四、卵巢的内分泌功能(Endocrine Function of Ovary)
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五、卵巢功能的调节(Regulation of Ovarian Function)
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六、卵巢的生殖周期(Ovarian Reproductive Cycle)
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第三章 毒物对卵泡生长发育的影响(Effect of Toxicants on Follicular Growth and Development)
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一、卵泡的发生、发育与排卵(Folliculogensis, Follicular Development and Ovulation)
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二、毒物对不同发育阶段卵泡的损害(Follicular Damage)
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三、毒物对卵泡发育的毒作用机制(Mechanisms of Toxicants on Follicular Development)
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四、卵巢卵泡体外培养(Ovarian Follicle Culture in Vitro)
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第四章 毒物对卵巢卵母细胞的影响(Effects of Toxicants on Ovarian Oocyte)
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一、卵母细胞的发生和成熟(Oocyte Development and Maturation)
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二、化学物对卵母细胞减数分裂的影响(Effects of Chemicals on Oocytes)
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三、卵母细胞损害与颗粒细胞的联系和结局(Relationship between Oocyte Damage and Granulosa Cell and Its Outcome)
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四、与卵泡发育的联系和结局(Associations with Follicular Development and Outcomes)
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第五章 毒物对卵巢颗粒细胞生长发育和功能的影响(Effects of Toxicants on the Growth,Development and Function of Ovarian Granulosa Cells)
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一、卵巢颗粒细胞概述(Overview of Ovarian Granulosa Cells)
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二、环境毒物对卵巢颗粒细胞的毒作用及其机制研究(Toxic Effects of Environmental Toxicants on Granulosa Cells and Their Mechanisms)
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三、几种环境毒物对卵巢颗粒细胞影响的研究(Effects of Some Environmental Toxicants on Ovarian Granulosa Cells)
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第六章 卵巢毒作用机制:下丘脑-垂体- 卵巢轴调节功能障碍(Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis Disorders in Ovarian Toxicity)
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一、卵巢功能的神经内分泌调控(Neuroendocrine Regulation of Ovarian Function)
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二、毒物对下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴的影响(Effects of Toxicants on the HPO)
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三、二硫化碳雌性性腺毒作用机制研究(Mechanisms of Carbon Disulfide on Female Gonadal Toxicity)
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第七章 卵巢毒作用机制的表观遗传学研究(Epigenetics of Ovarian Toxicity)
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二、毒物的卵巢毒作用与DNA甲基化(Ovarian Toxicity and DNA Methylation)
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三、毒物的卵巢毒作用与microRNA(Ovarian Toxicity and microRNA)
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四、毒物的卵巢毒作用与长链非编码RNA(Ovarian Toxicity and lncRNA)
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五、毒物的卵巢毒作用与组蛋白修饰(Ovarian Toxicity and Histone Modification)
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六、表观遗传学与卵巢疾病(Epigenetics and Ovarian Disease)
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第八章 卵巢在胚胎发育过程中的损伤:毒物对胚胎干细胞定向分化为卵巢颗粒细胞的毒作用及其机制研究(Ovarian Injury During Embryonic Development:Effects of Toxicants on the Embryonic Stem Cells Differentiated into Ovarian Granulosa Cells and Their Mecha
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一、毒物对胚胎发育过程中卵巢的毒作用(Toxic Effects of Toxicants on Ovaries During Embryonic Development)
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二、毒物对干细胞定向分化为卵巢细胞的影响(Effects of Toxicants on Directed Differentiation of Stem Cells into Ovarian Cells)
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三、镉对胚胎干细胞定向分化为卵巢颗粒细胞的影响及其机制研究(Cadmium Affected on the Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells into Ovarian Granulosa Cells and Its Mechanisms)
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四、胚胎干细胞在毒理学研究中的其他应用(Ather Applications of Embryonic Stem Cells in Toxicology Research)
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第九章 卵巢毒性的多代和跨代影响(Multiple Generational and Transgenerational of Ovarian Toxicity)
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一、多代与跨代效应(Toxicity for the Next Generation)
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二、卵巢毒性的多代和跨代效应(Mutigeneration and Transgeneration of Ovarian Toxicity )
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三、卵巢毒性多代和跨代效应的表观遗传学研究(Mechanisms of Ovarian Toxicity for the Next Generation)
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第十章 生命周期不同阶段毒物暴露的卵巢毒作用(Ovarian Toxicity of Toxicants Exposure at Different Stages of the Life Cycle)
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一、妊娠期及前后毒物暴露对卵巢的毒作用(Toxic Effects of Toxicants Exposure on Ovary During and After Pregnancy)
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二、青春期前及青春期毒物暴露对卵巢的毒作用(Toxic Effects of Toxicants Exposure on Ovary During Prepuberty and Adolescence)
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三、成年期毒物暴露对卵巢的毒作用(Toxic Effects of Toxicants Exposure on Ovary During Adulthood)
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第十一章 镉的卵巢毒作用及其机制(Toxic Effects of Cadmium and Its Mechanisms on the Ovary)
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一、镉的介绍(Introduction of Cadmium)
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二、镉的卵巢毒性(Ovarian Toxicity of Cadmium)
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三、镉的卵巢毒作用机制(Mechanisms of Ovarian Toxicity of Cadmium)
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四、镉的卵巢颗粒细胞毒作用表观遗传调控机制研究(epigenetic regulation mechanism of CD in ovarian granulosa cytotoxicity)
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第十二章 环境内分泌干扰物的卵巢毒作用与机制(Ovarian Toxicity and Mechanism of Environmental Endocrine Disruptors)
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一、环境内分泌干扰物(Environmental Endocrine Disruptors)
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二、环境内分泌干扰物卵巢毒性研究的实验方法(Experimental Method for the Study of Ovarian Toxicity of Environmental Endocrine Disruptors)
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三、环境内分泌干扰物的卵巢毒作用表现(Ovarian Toxicity of Environmental Endocrine Disruptors)
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四、环境内分泌干扰物的卵巢毒作用机制(Ovarian Toxicity Mechanism of Environmental Endocrine Disruptors)
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五、几种常见环境内分泌干扰物的卵巢毒作用(Ovarian Toxicity of Several Common Environmental Endocrine Disruptors)
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第十三章 卵巢疾病流行病学(Epidemiology of Ovarian Diseases)
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一、卵巢癌流行病学(Epidemiology of Ovarian Cancer)
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二、多囊卵巢综合征流行病学(Epidemiology of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
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三、卵巢早衰流行病学(Epidemiology of Premature Ovarian Failure)
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四、其他卵巢疾病流行病学(Epidemiology of Other Ovarian Diseases)
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第十四章 卵巢功能损伤与精神性疾病(Ovarian Dysfunction and Psychiatric Disorders)
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二、多囊卵巢综合征与精神/心身损害(疾病)(Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Psychotic/Psychosomatic Disorders)
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三、多囊卵巢综合征患者后代的神经精神性疾病风险(Risk of Neuropsychiatric Disorders in the Offspring of Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
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四、精神性疾病治疗药物的卵巢(生殖)毒性(Reproductive Toxicity Induced by Antipsychotic Treatment)
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第十五章 卵巢毒理学实验研究设计基本原理及其应用解析(Principles and Applied Analysis of Research Design on Ovarian Toxicology)
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一、明确实验研究目的(Determining the Experimental Research Objective )
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二、卵巢毒理学实验研究设计三要素(The Three Key Factors of Research Design on Ovarian Toxicolog)
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三、卵巢毒理学研究实验设计三原则(The Three Principles of Research Design on Ovarian Toxicolog)
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四、常用毒理学实验研究设计方案(Commonly Used Toxicology Experimental Research Design Scheme)
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更新时间:2025-03-14 23:33:18