
  • Joy
  • John Galsworthy
  • 3903字
  • 2016-06-14 16:34:29

Of course,I'll speak to your Uncle.I'll stop him somehow,even if I have to make a fool of myself.I 'll do anything you want--MRS.GWYN.I feel as if I were being smothered here.

LEVER.It 's only for one day.

MRS.GWYN.[With sudden tenderness.]It's not your fault,dear.Iought to have known how it would be.Well,let's go in!

[She sets her lips,and walks towards the house with LEVERfollowing.But no sooner has she disappeared than JOY comes running after;she stops,as though throwing down a challenge.

Her cheeks and ears are burning.]


[After a moment MRS.GWYN reappears in the opening of the wall.]

MRS.GWYN.Oh!here you are!


MRS.GWYN.[Uncertainly.]Where--have you been ?You look dreadfully hot;have you been running?


MRS.GWYN.[Looking at her fixedly.]What's the matter--you 're trembling![Softly.]Are n't you well,dear?

JOY.Yes--I don't know.

MRS.GWYN.What is it,darling?

JOY.[Suddenly clinging to her.]Oh!Mother!

MRS.GWYN.I don't understand.

JOY.[Breathlessly.]Oh,Mother,let me go back home with you now at once--MRS.GWYN.[Her face hardening.]Why?What on earth--JOY.I can't stay here.

MRS.GWYN.But why?

JOY.I want to be with you--Oh!Mother,don't you love me?

MRS.GWYN.[With a faint smile.]Of course I love you,Joy.

JOY.Ah!but you love him more.

MRS.GWYN.Love him--whom?

JOY.Oh!Mother,I did n't--[She tries to take her Mother's hand,but fails.]Oh!don't.

MRS.GWYN.You'd better explain what you mean,I think.

JOY.I want to get you to--he--he 's--he 'snot--!


JOY.[Passionately.]I'll fight against him,and I know there's something wrong about--[She stops.]

MRS.GWYN.About what?

JOY.Let's tell Uncle Tom,Mother,and go away.

MRS.GWYN.Tell Uncle--Tom--what?

JOY.[Looking down and almost whispering.]About--about--the mine.

MRS.GWYN.What about the mine?What do you mean?[Fiercely.]

Have you been spying on me?


MRS.GWYN.Where were you?

JOY.[Just above her breath.]I--I heard something.

MRS.GWYN.[Bitterly.)But you were not spying?

JOY.I was n't--I wasn't!I didn't want--to hear.I only heard a little.I couldn't help listening,Mother.

MRS.GWYN.[With a little laugh.Couldn't help listening?

JOY.[Through her teeth.]I hate him.I didn't mean to listen,but I hate him.

MRS.GWYN.I see.Why do you hate him?

[There is a silence.]

JOY.He--he--[She stops.]


JOY.[With a sort of despair.]I don't know.Oh!I don't know!

But I feel--

MRS.GWYN.I can't reason with you.As to what you heard,it 's--ridiculous.

JOY.It 's not that.It 's--it 's you!

MRS.GWYN.[Stonily.]I don't know what you mean.

JOY.[Passionately.]I wish Dad were here!

MRS.GWYN.Do you love your Father as much as me?

JOY.Oh!Mother,no-you know I don't.

MRS.GWYN.[Resentfully.]Then why do you want him?

JOY.[Almost under her breath.]Because of that man.


JOY.I will never--never make friends with him.

MRS.GWYN.[Cuttingly.]I have not asked you to.

JOY.[With a blind movement of her hand.]Oh,Mother!

[MRS.GWYN half turns away.]

Mother--won't you?Let's tell Uncle Tom and go away from him?

MRS.GWYN.If you were not,a child,Joy,you wouldn't say such things.

JOY.[Eagerly.]I'm not a child,I'm--I'm a woman.I am.

MRS.GWYN.No!You--are--not a woman,Joy.

[She sees joy throw up her arms as though warding off a blow,and turning finds that LEVER is standing in the opening of the wall.]

LEVER.[Looking from face to face.]What's the matter ?[There is no answer.]What is it,Joy?

JOY.[Passionately.]I heard you,I don't care who knows.I'd listen again.

LEVER.[Impassively.]Ah!and what did I say that was so very dreadful?

JOY.You're a--a--you 're a--coward!

MRS.GWYN.[With a sort of groan.]Joy!

LEVER.[Stepping up to JOY,and standing with his hands behind him--in a low voice.]Now hit me in the face--hit me--hit me as hard as you can.Go on,Joy,it'll do you good.

[Joy raises her clenched hand,but drops it,and hides her face.]

Why don't you?I'm not pretending!

[Joy makes no sign.]

Come,joy;you'll make yourself ill,and that won't help,will it?

[But joy still makes no sign.]

[With determination.]What's the matter?now come--tell me!

JOY.[In a stifled,sullen voice.]Will you leave my mother alone?

MRS.GWYN.Oh!my dear Joy,don't be silly!

JOY.[Wincing;then with sudden passion.]I defy you--I defy you!

[She rushes from their sight.]

MRS.GWYN.[With a movement of distress.]Oh!

LEVER.[Turning to MRS.GWYN with a protecting gesture.]Never mind,dear!It'll be--it'll be all right!

[But the expression of his face is not the expression of his words.]

The curtain falls.