- Joy
- John Galsworthy
- 4445字
- 2016-06-14 16:34:29
MRS.GWYN.Why?Have you been having any?
JOY.[Glancing at MRS.GWYN,and then down.]N-o,of course not!
MRS.GWYN.Where are they all?Where's Peachey?
JOY.Fussing about somewhere;don't let's hurry!Oh!you duckie--duckie!Aren't there any letters from Dad?
MRS.GWYN.[In a harder voice.]Yes,one or two.
JOY.[Hesitating.]Can't I see?
MRS.GWYN.I didn't bring them.[Changing the subject obviously.]
Help me to tidy--I'm so hot I don't know what to do.
[She takes out a powder-puff bag,with a tiny looking-glass.]
JOY.How lovely it'll be to-morrow-going home!
MRS.GWYN.[With an uneasy look.]London's dreadfully stuffy,Joy.
You 'll only get knocked up again.
JOY.[With consternation.]Oh!but Mother,I must come.
MRS.GWYN.(Forcing a smile.)Oh,well,if you must,you must!
[Joy makes a dash at her.]
Don't rumple me again.Here's Uncle Tom.
JOY.[Quickly.]Mother,we're going to dance tonight;promise to dance with me--there are three more girls than men,at least--and don't dance too much with--with--you know--because I'm--[dropping her voice and very still]--jealous.
MRS.GWYN.[Forcing a laugh.]You are funny!
JOY.[Very quickly.]I haven't made any engagements because of you.
[The COLONEL approaches through the wall.]
MRS.GWYN.Well,Uncle Tom?
COLONEL.[Genially.]Why,Molly![He kisses her.]What made you come by the towing-path?
JOY.Because it's so much cooler,of course.
COLONEL.Hallo!What's the matter with you?Phew!you've got your hair up!Go and tell your aunt your mother's on the lawn.Cut along!
[Joy goes,blowing a kiss.]
Cracked about you,Molly!Simply cracked!We shall miss her when you take her off to-morrow.[He places a chair for her.]Sit down,sit down,you must be tired in this heat.I 've sent Bob for your things with the wheelbarrow;what have you got?--only a bag,Isuppose.
MRS.GWYN.[Sitting,with a smile.]That's all,Uncle Tom,except--my trunk and hat-box.
COLONEL.Phew!And what's-his-name brought a bag,I suppose?
MRS.GWYN.They're all together.I hope it's not too much,Uncle Tom.
COLONEL.[Dubiously.]Oh!Bob'll manage!I suppose you see a good deal of--of--Lever.That's his brother in the Guards,isn't it?
COLONEL.Now what does this chap do?
MRS.GWYN.What should he do,Uncle Tom?He's a Director.
COLONEL.Guinea-pig![Dubiously.]Your bringing him down was a good idea.
[MRS.GWYN,looking at him sidelong,bites her lips.]
I should like to have a look at him.But,I say,you know,Molly--mines,mines!There are a lot of these chaps about,whose business is to cook their own dinners.Your aunt thinks--MRS.GWYN.Oh!Uncle Tom,don't tell me what Aunt Nell thinks!
COLONEL.Well-well!Look here,old girl!It's my experience never to--what I mean is--never to trust too much to a man who has to do with mining.I've always refused to have anything to do with mines.
If your husband were in England,of course,I'd say nothing.
MRS.GWYN.[Very still.]We'd better keep him out of the question,had n't we?
COLONEL.Of course,if you wish it,my dear.
MRS.GWYN.Unfortunately,I do.
COLONEL.[Nervously.]Ah!yes,I know;but look here,Molly,your aunt thinks you're in a very delicate position-in fact,she thinks you see too much of young Lever.
MRS.GWYN.[Stretching herself like an angry cat.]Does she?And what do you think?
COLONEL.I?I make a point of not thinking.I only know that here he is,and I don't want you to go burning your fingers,eh?
[MRS.GWYN sits with a vindictive smile.]
A gold mine's a gold mine.I don't mean he deliberately--but they take in women and parsons,and--and all sorts of fools.[Looking down.]And then,you know,I can't tell your feelings,my dear,and I don't want to;but a man about town 'll compromise a woman as soon as he'll look at her,and [softly shaking his head]I don't like that,Molly!It 's not the thing!
[MRS.GWYN sits unmoved,smiling the same smile,and the COLONELgives her a nervous look.]
If--if you were any other woman I should n't care--and if--if you were a plain woman,damme,you might do what you liked!I know you and Geoff don't get on;but here's this child of yours,devoted to you,and--and don't you see,old girl?Eh?
MRS.GWYN.[With a little hard laugh.]Thanks!Perfectly!Isuppose as you don't think,Uncle Tom,it never occurred to you that I have rather a lonely time of it.
COLONEL.[With compunction.]Oh!my dear,yes,of course I know it must be beastly.
MRS.GWYN.[Stonily.]It is.
COLONEL.Yes,yes![Speaking in a surprised voice.]I don't know what I 'm talking like this for!It's your aunt!She goes on at me till she gets on my nerves.What d'you think she wants me to do now?Put money into this gold mine!Did you ever hear such folly?
MRS.GWYN.[Breaking into laughter.]Oh!Uncle Tom!
COLONEL.All very well for you to laugh,Molly!
MRS.GWYN.[Calmly.]And how much are you going to put in?
COLONEL.Not a farthing!Why,I've got nothing but my pension and three thousand India stock!
MRS.GWYN.Only ninety pounds a year,besides your pension!D'you mean to say that's all you've got,Uncle Tom?I never knew that before.What a shame!
COLONEL.[Feelingly.]It is a,d--d shame!I don't suppose there's another case in the army of a man being treated as I've been.
MRS.GWYN.But how on earth do you manage here on so little?
COLONEL.[Brooding.]Your aunt's very funny.She's a born manager.