第22章 CHAPTER 7(4)

When she was gone, I felt as if there was to be no more fun--though it is difficult to say what she had contributed to the hilarity of the party. No jests, and little laughter had escaped her lips; but her smile had animated my mirth, a keen observation or a cheerful word from her had insensibly sharpened my wits, and thrown an interest over all that was done and said by the rest. Even my conversation with Eliza, had been enlivened by her presence, though I knew it not; and now that she was gone, Eliza's playful nonsense ceased to amuse me--nay, grew wearisome to my soul, and I grew weary of amusing her: I felt myself drawn by an irresistible attraction to that distant point where the fair artist sat and plied her solitary task--and not long did I attempt to resist it: while my little neighbour was exchanging a few words with Miss Wilson, I rose and cannily slipped away. A few rapid strides, and a little active clambering, soon brought me to the place where she was seated--a narrow ledge of rock at the very verge of the cliff, which descended with a steep, precipitous shaft, quite down to the rocky shore.

She did not hear me coming: the falling of my shadow across her paper gave her an electric start; and she looked hastily round--any other lady of my acquaintance would have screamed under such a sudden alarm.

`Oh! I didn't know it was you--Why did you startle me so?' said she, somewhat testily, `I hate anybody to come upon me so unexpectedly.'

`Why, what did you take me for?' said I; `if I had known you were so nervous, I would have been more cautious; but--`'

`Well, never mind. What did you come for? are they all coming?'

`No; this little ledge could scarcely contain them all,'

`I'm glad, for I'm tired of talking.'

`Well then, I won't talk, I'll only sit and watch your drawing.'

`Oh, but you know I don't like that,'

`Then I'll content myself with admiring this magnificent prospect.'

She made no objection to this; and, for some time, sketched away in silence. But I could not help stealing a glance, now and then, from the splendid view at our feet to the elegant white hand that held the pencil, and the graceful neck and glossy raven curls that drooped over the paper.

`Now,' thought I, `if I had but a pencil and a morsel of paper, I could make a lovelier sketch than hers, admitting I had the power to delineate faithfully what is before me.'

But though this satisfaction was denied me, I was very well content to sit beside her there, and say nothing.

`Are you there still, Mr Markham?' said she, at length, looking round upon me--for I was seated a little behind on a mossy projection of the cliff.--`Why don't you go and amuse yourself with your friends?'

`Because I am tired of them, like you; and I shall have enough of them to-morrow--or at any time hence; but you, I may not have the pleasure of seeing again for I know not how long,'

`What was Arthur doing when you came away?'

`He was with Miss Millward where you left him--all right, but hoping mamma would not be long away. You didn't entrust him to me, by the by,' I grumbled, `though I had the honour of a much longer acquaintance; but Miss Millward has the art of conciliating and amusing children,' I carelessly added; `if she is good for nothing else.'

`Miss Millward has many estimable qualities, which such as you cannot be expected to perceive or appreciate. Will you tell Arthur that I shall come in a few minutes?'

`If that be the case, I will wait, with your permission, till those few minutes are past; and then I can assist you to descend this difficult path.'

`Thank you--I always manage best, on such occasions, without assistance.'

`But, at least, I can carry your stool and sketch-book,'