
These lands march with the territory of the Ydallcao,and in all these there is much wheat and grains and cattle and goats and gingely and cotton;and very fine cloth made of the last,for all the cloth that is manufactured is made of it.He has a revenue from these territories of six hundred thousand PARDAOS,and is obliged to furnish two thousand five hundred horse,and twenty thousand foot,and twenty elephants,and he pays every year to the King a hundred and fifty thousand PARDAOS.

Another captain called Lepapayque,who is lord of Vimgapor,[631]a land very rich in seed-plots and cattle-breeding farms,has a revenue of three hundred thousand PARDAOS;and is obliged to furnish twelve hundred horse and twenty thousand foot and twenty-eight elephants,and he pays to the King every year eighty thousand PARDAOS.

The treasurer of the jewels,who is called Narvara is captain of the new city which is called Ondegema,[632]and is lord of the city of Diguoty and of Darguem and of Entarem,[633]and of the other lands bordering on the lands of Bisnaga;they are all fields.They yield him every year four hundred thousand PARDAOS,of which he gives the King two hundred thousand,and the rest he spends on twelve thousand foot and six hundred horse and twenty elephants.

Another captain called Chinapanayque,the King's marshal,is lord of the land of Calaly[634]in the direction of Cochim in the interior,and of many other lands that yield him three hundred thousand PARDAOS;and he is obliged to pay the King every year one hundred thousand PARDAOS,and serves with eight hundred horse and ten thousand foot (PRACOS).

Crisnapanayque is lord of Aosel,[635]which is a large city,and of other villages that I do not here mention as they have very difficult names.These lands yield him every year twenty thousand PARDAOS of gold,and he pays an annual revenue to the King of seven thousand PARDAOS,and serves with five hundred horse and seven hundred foot (PRACOS).

Also Bajapanarque,who is captain of the country of Bodial,[636]which borders on Mamgalor[637]by the sea-coast.He is lord too of Guiana.[638]In this country there is much pepper and sugar-cane and cloth (of flax)[639]and much rice;but there is no wheat,nor other cloth,and it is a land of wax.It yields him three hundred thousand PARDAOS a year,and he serves with eight hundred horsemen and ten thousand foot and fifteen elephants.He pays the King ten thousand PARDAOS.

Mallpanarque,who was chief master of the horse to King Crisnarao,is lord of the country of Avaly,[640]which is in the interior of Calecu.[641]This land has much iron and much cotton,rice,goats,sheep,cows and buffaloes.He has a revenue of fifteen thousand PARDAOS,and is obliged to serve with four hundred horse and six thousand foot,and pays the King every year five thousand PARDAOS.

Another captain,called Adapanayque,who is the chief counsellor of the King,is lord of the country of Gate,[642]whence come the diamonds,and of many other territories which yield him three hundred thousand gold PARDAOS,excluding the precious stones which form a revenue by themselves.He pays to the King every year forty thousand PARDAOS,with the condition that all diamonds which exceed twenty MANGELINS[643]in weight shall be given to the King for his Treasury.He serves with eight thousand foot and eight hundred horse and thirty elephants,and pays the King every year one hundred thousand PARDAOS.

Another Bajapanayque is captain of Mumdoguel,[644]which was a fortress of the Ydalcao,and was taken from him by Crisnarao when he took Rachol,[645]which was a boundary of it.This fortress of Mumdoguel with other territories yields him four hundred thousand PARDAOS,and he serves with a thousand cavalry and ten thousand foot and fifty elephants,and pays the King every year one hundred and fifty thousand PARDAOS.

In this way the kingdom of Bisnaga is divided between more than two hundred captains who are all heathen,[646]and according to the lands and revenues that they have so the King settles for them the forces that they are compelled to keep up,and how much revenue they have to pay him every month during the first nine days of the month of September.He never gives any receipts to them,only,if they do not pay they are well punished,and are ruined and their property taken away.All the captains of this kingdom make use of litters and palanqueens.These are like biers and men carry them on their shoulders,but people are not allowed to make use of litters unless they are cavaliers of the highest rank,and the captains and principal persons use palanqueens.There are always at the court where the King is twenty thousand litters and palanqueens.

These matters concerning (I.E.the power and greatness of)the kingdom of Bisnaga,though it may seem to you that I have exaggerated,yet the people of this country assert them to have been even more notable[647]in times past,and greater than they now are.