- 行走.发现-变迁.中美高校主题创作项目:汉英对照
- 北京电影学院摄影学院
- 401字
- 2025-03-01 11:34:56
Dong Yuxiang
Born in 1990 in Suzhou
Photography major undergraduate, Beijing Film Academy
2012 Member of China Science Writers' Association.
2012 Nation Motivation Scholarship.
2012 Outstanding Work of China Pingyao International Photography Festival (PIP) Micro-film Competition.
2012 3rd prize of 2010-2011 Annual Excellent Academic Paper in Natural Science of Suzhou City.
2012 1st prize of the 3rd China Adolescents Science Video Festival.
2011 Group exhibition transitions at University of Minnesota,USA.
2010-2012 Excellent Student Scholarships of Beijing Film Academy.
Live in the Shadow
From the series of Live In The Shadow. I always think about why I photograph and the meaning of photography. I often feel surprised at what reported on the newspaper. It is beyond my imagination. I try to keep up the tradition of documentary photography and make something indescribable visualize. After amazing, wonderful and terrible stories, only insipid images remained. I took these pictures without blue sky, graceful cloud and beautiful shadow. Not matter what had happened and what had lost.The most important thing is to look into the images instead of the surface.

中山南路路边人行道 Sidewalk of Zhongshan South Road

街心公园 Centual Street Park

滨湖新城连团村韩家荡64号 NO.64 Hanjiadang Liantuan Village, Binhu Metro

高考考场 College Entrance Exam Sites