- 突破风格与复制:超高层、高层
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- 2174字
- 2025-02-17 13:04:12
地点:阿联酋阿布扎比Al Sorouh海岸

Surmount 突破点
The Empire Tower is a 60 storey luxury residential development located in Al Sorouh Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The building occupies a prime site near the coast and is surrounded by three major streets while also emphasizing the vista afforded by this site. The complex is oriented to maximize the nearby ocean view to the northeast and overlooks the outdoor park to the southwest.
The building form is uniquely divided into a series of linear vertical blades, 9 total from ground level to level 12, the first 6 blades continue to the roof level 59. The blades are externally clad with a curtain wall containing insulated glass units which are thermally sufficient and will fulfil the local thermal insulation requirements of Abu Dhabi. At the same time, the color and reflectivity of the glass are chosen to make the tower stand out aesthetically in its vicinity.

The curvaceous form of the tower is the direct response to its site surroundings, maximizing its presence on the street with vertical layers spreading out to the property lines. The building then bends away from the street across from a large commercial tower, allowing for an enlarged view corridor between the central park of the community and the sea one block away. The splayed vertical layers converge while rising up before bending forward together as the 231m tower rises toward the sky and maximizing its views between the park and the sea.
The splays of the tower increase individual unit frontage and thus a larger cone of view. The southern facing balconies provide effective shading for the apartments below while the angle of the southern façade prevents from direct solar gain. In contrary the majority of the skin facing north is oriented at an angle to allow most efficient light impact. The curved overall tower section reflects easterly mid morning light which reduces solar gain as well.
The arrangement for private balconies is designed as a standard block which plugs into notched areas created between staggering blades. This facilitates repetition for balcony details for construction simplicity.
Although the tower is curvaceous in form, the external cladding is designed to standard modules where practicable, with the number of “bespoke” panels minimized to reduce cost. The various angles between faceted façade panels and constantly changing angles between corner façade panels are resolved by common connection means. The details utilize a pivoting point mechanism to allow flexibility and adaptation which significantly reduce the need for custom curtain wall profiles and panels.
The design also challenges structural conventions in terms of efficiency. Traditionally the shear walls are located along the inner side of the core. The design considers the structural efficiency by pushing the shear walls to the outer side of the corridor, therefore widening the structural base and reducing the span between the core and façade. This effectively reduces the structural depth and construction materials required for the structural members. The larger core also allows pressure to be transferred to the foundation over a larger footprint thus reducing quantities of concrete.
Despite the external appearance of the changing building geometry, the floor layout configurations are mainly standardized. For ease in construction and functionality the core is centralized and vertical despite the stacked floor plans shifting sideways.
The 60 non-typical floor plates are dynamically held together by the blades, creating an iconic feature on the water's edge. The design challenges the limitations for high-rise residential development, requiring the services and structural elements to stack vertically.
The project is designed to work within these limitations, while creating a dynamic form. These limitations are overcome by providing modular units on the Eastern and Western sides, allowing the shear walls and services to be stacked. These units continuously shift to form the blades, utilizing the views towards the waterfront. The modular units terminate on the 60th Floor, allowing the form to extend towards the sky. The smaller floor plates and reduced core size on levels 59 and 60 allow a unique duplex unit.
帝国大厦是一栋高60层的豪华住宅大厦,位于阿联酋阿布扎比市的Al Sorouh海岸。大厦被三条主干道所围绕,占据了海岸附近的黄金地段,同时也使这个地段的美景更为突出。大厦的朝向使人们在这里能最大限度地欣赏到附近东北方向的大海,俯瞰西南的户外公园。

Northeast Elevation Plan 东北立面图

Southeast Elevation Plan 东南立面图
The huge sloped ground floor is like the root of a tree. The floors slope moderately in the opposite direction after the transition. The roof floor is near the boundary, which has characteristic “blades” to highlight the vertical volume. The side façade with nine sharp “blades” forms contrast with the soft front façade, which gives the dynamic façade full of strong visual impact.

Section Plan 剖面图

Section Plan 剖面图

Crown Section Plan 顶部剖面图

Detail Plan 细节图

Crown Cross Section Plan 顶部横截面图

Typical Floor Plan 典型平面图

6th Floor Plan 6 层平面图