- 中国经济特区研究(2017年第1期 总第10期)
- 袁易明
- 167字
- 2025-02-17 03:10:45
Promoting the Reform via Opening-up: Experience from the Successful Development of China
(Institute of Economics Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100836)
Abstract: It's necessary to summarize the successful experience in the nearly 40 years of reform and opening-up in China so as to respond to the recent deglobalization trend and the resistance encountered in the reform. Promoting the reform via openingup is the important component of successful experience. The establishment of special economic zones, introduction of foreign capitals, entry into WTO, Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program, China(Shanghai)Pilot Free Trade Zone and the construction of the Belt and Road are the classical cases of promoting reform via openingup, and among them, some cases also indicate the characteristics of“opening-up being reform”. Summarizing the successful experience helps us explore new thoughts on effectively implementing reform measures and further orderly opening-up.
Keywords: Deglobalization; Promoting Reform through Opening-up; Special Economic Zones; China(Shanghai)Pilot Free Trade Zone