- 六级晨读美文100篇
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- 1637字
- 2020-06-25 10:28:19
A Little Great Man

Oliver Goldsmith
I have visited many countries, and have been in cities without number, yet never did I enter a town which could not produce ten or twelve of those little great men; all fancying themselves known to the rest of the world, and complimenting each other upon their extensive reputation. It is amusing enough when two of those domestic prodigies of learning mount the stage of ceremony, and give and take praise from each other. I have been present when a German doctor, for having pronounced a panegyric upon a certain monk, was thought the most ingenious man in the world; till the monk soon after divided this reputation by returning the compliment; by which means they both marched off with universal applause.
The same degree of underserved adulation that attends our great man while living, often also follows him to tomb. It frequently happens that one of his little admirers sits down big with the important subject, and is delivered of the history of his life and writings. This may properly be called the revolutions of a life between the fireside and the easy chair. In this we learn, the year in which he was born, at what an early age he gave symptoms of uncommon genius and application, together with some of his smart sayings, collected by his aunt and mother, while yet but a boy. The next book introduces him to the university, where we are informed of his amazing progress in learning, his excellent skill in darning stockings, and his new invention for papering books to save the covers. He next makes his appearance in the republic of letters, and publishes his folio. Now the colossus is reared, his works are eagerly bought up by all the purchasers of scarce books. The learned societies invite him to become a member; he disputes against some foreigner with a long Latin name, conquers in the controversy, is complimented by several authors of gravity and importance, is excessively fond of egg sauce with his pig, becomes president of a literary club, and dies in the meridian of his glory. Happy they, who thus have some little faithful attendant, who never forsakes them, but prepares to wrangle and to praise against every opposer; at once ready to increase their pride while living, and their character when dead. For you and I, my friend, who have no humble admirer thus to attend us, we, who neither are, nor ever will be great men, and who do not much care whether we are great men or no, at least let us strive to be honest men, and to have common sense.
prodigy [ˈprɒdədʒi] n. 奇才,天才
【拓】genius [ˈdʒiːnɪəs] n. 天才
mount [maʊnt] v. 登上,爬上
【拓】amount [əˈmaʊnt] n. 数量
panegyric [ˌpænəˈdʒɪrɪk] n. 赞颂,颂词
【拓】compliment [ˈkɒmplɪmənt] n. 赞美
ingenious [ɪnˈdʒiːniəs] a. 有才华的
【拓】talented [ˈtæləntɪd] a. 有才能的
adulation [ˌædjuˈleɪʃn] n. 奉承
【拓】flattery [ˈflætəri] n. 奉承
darn [dɑːn] v. 织补
【拓】knit [nɪt] v. 编织
folio [ˈfəʊliəʊ] n. 对开本的书
【拓】foil [fɔɪl] v. 挫败;阻挠
colossus [kəˈlɒsəs] n. 重要的人或事物
【拓】somebody [ˈsʌmbədi] n. 大人物
meridian [məˈrɪdiən] n. 顶点
【拓】peak [piːk] n. 顶点,高峰
forsake [fəˈseɪk] v. 放弃
【拓】for the sake of 为了
wrangle [ˈræŋgl] v. 争论
【拓】argue [ˈɑːɡjuː] v. 争吵
be fond of 喜爱,爱好
【例】Once they are fond of a girl and have respect for her, they will never disappoint her under any circumstances. 一旦他们喜欢上一个女孩并且尊重她,那么在任何情况下他们都不会让她失望。