- 每天读点世界文化:探寻最美“世界文化遗产”(我是英语文化书)
- 许伶俐 张颖慧
- 2037字
- 2021-03-28 08:31:27
2.2 Hiroshima Peace Memorial—A Place to Pray for World Peace广岛和平纪念公园——祈求世界和平的地方
The Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome) is the ruin of the former Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall that was destroyed when the first nuclear weapon/atomic(原子的)bomb in human history was dropped by an American air force bomber on August 6, 1945. Because the atomic blast was almost directly above this spot, the walls of the building were partially spared from destruction(摧毁), and the characteristic form of the building remained with the iron frame of the dome. This building representing Hiroshima, the first city to fall victim to nuclear bombing is registered as a world heritage site as a symbol of prayer for permanent(永久的)world peace and the elimination of all nuclear weapons.
In 1910 the Hiroshima Prefectural Assembly decided to build the Hiroshima Commercial Exhibition Hall to promote industrial production in the prefecture. Work started on a site on the east side of the Motoyasu River, to the designs of the Czech architect Jan Letzel, in 1914 and was completed the following year. In 1933 its name was changed to the Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall.
When the first atom bomb exploded(爆炸)over Hiroshima at 8:15 on the morning of 6 August 1945, causing the deaths of 140,000 people, this building was the only one left standing near the hypocenter(爆炸中心)of the bomb blast, albeit(尽管)in skeletal(骨架的)form. It was preserved in that state when reconstruction of the city began, and became known as the Genbaku (Atomic Bomb) Dome.
In 1966 Hiroshima City Council adopted a resolution that the dome should be preserved in perpetuity(永恒). The Peace Memorial Park, in which the dome is the principal landmark, was laid out between 1950 and 1964.
In the park, you will find the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Atomic Bomb Memorial Mound, Children's Peace Monument and a cenotaph(纪念碑)for atomic bomb victims. The Peace Memorial Museum in the park was opened in 1955. Since 1952 the park has been the scene of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony, held annually on 6 August. Speeches are made, wreaths are laid at the Cenotaph, and a moment of silence is observed at 8:15 a.m., the precise moment of detonation, to comfort the spirits of the people who died in the bombing and to pray for world peace.
Genbaku Dome has become a stark and powerful symbol of the achievement of world peace for more than half a century following the unleashing of the most destructive force ever created by humanity. There are only a few world heritage sites having this kind of negative side, including "Auschwitz = Birkenau Concentration Camp(Poland)" where the Nazi Germans slaughtered(屠杀)Jewish people, the "Island of Goree (Senegal)" that was used as a base in the slave trade and "Robben Island (Republic of South Africa)" where people opposed to apartheid(种族隔离)were imprisoned. These sites are registered to remind us of the tragedies that occurred there and to prevent the recurrence(重现,再发生)of such incidents.

用英语畅谈Hiroshima Peace Memorial黄金句
☺ The Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome) is the ruin of the former Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall that was destroyed when the first nuclear weapon/atomic bomb in human history was dropped by an American air force bomber on August 6, 1945. 1945年8月6日,美国空军轰炸机投下了人类历史上第一颗原子弹,原来的广岛县产业促进馆被摧毁,广岛和平纪念公园(原爆圆顶馆)就是在促进馆的废墟上建立起来的。
☺ Work started on a site on the east side of the Motoyasu River, to the designs of the Czech architect Jan Letzel, in 1914 and was completed the following year.建筑工事于1914年在本康河东岸的一个地方开始,由捷克建筑师简•勒泽尔设计,次年完工。
☺ In 1966 Hiroshima City Council adopted a resolution that the dome should be preserved in perpetuity. 1966年广岛市议会通过决议决定永久保留圆顶馆。
☺ Speeches are made, wreaths are laid at the Cenotaph, and a moment of silence is observed at 8:15 am, the precise moment of detonation, to comfort the spirits of the people who died in the bombing and to pray for world peace.仪式上会进行演讲,纪念碑处摆满花圈,在爆炸发生的那一刻,即上午8:15的时候会默哀片刻,以慰藉在爆炸中丧身的魂灵,祈祷世界和平。
☺ Genbaku Dome has become a stark and powerful symbol of the achievement of world peace for more than half a century following the unleashing of the most destructive force ever created by humanity.随着人类所创造的毁灭性力量的释放,原爆圆顶屋成为人类半个多世纪以来为争取世界和平所取得成就的严峻而有力的象征。
用英语畅谈Hiroshima Peace Memorial
Nuclear Explosion in Hiroshima—Tragic History广岛核爆炸——悲痛的历史
