- 每天读点世界文化:探寻最美“世界文化遗产”(我是英语文化书)
- 许伶俐 张颖慧
- 21字
- 2021-03-28 08:31:29
Unit 3 远古奇迹背后的秘密:东南亚世界文化遗产
3.1 Angkor Wat—The Biggest Temple in the World吴哥窟——世界最大庙宇
Located in Northwestern Cambodia, Angkor, the capital of the Ancient Khmer Empire was possibly founded around the 9th century A.D. by King Jayavarman II. However, the city reached its peak glory(鼎盛)in the 12th century under Kings Suryavarman II and Jayavarman VII. The most beautiful and most famous monument in the city, Angkor Wat, lies about one kilometer south of the Royal town of Angkor Town which was founded by Jayavarman VII.
The Temple of Angkor Wat was dedicated to the Hindu God Vishnu by King Suryavarman II, who reigned(统治)between 1131 and 1150 A.D. The Temple was constructed over a period of 30 years, and illustrates some of the most beautiful examples of Khmer and Hindu art. Covering(覆盖)an area of about 81 hectares, the complex consists of five towers, which are presently shown on the Cambodian national flag. These towers are believed to represent the five peaks of Mount Meru, the Home of Gods and Center of the Hindu Universe. Angkor Wat features the longest continuous bas-relief(浅浮雕)in the world, which runs along the outer gallery walls, narrating(叙述)stories from Hindu Mythology.
With the decline of the Ancient Khmer Empire, Angkor Wat was turned into a preservation. In 1992, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee declared the monument, and the whole city of Angkor, a World Heritage Site.
Angkor Wat is one of the most beautiful and mysterious historical sites in the world. Located over 192 miles to the North-West of Cambodia's capital Phnom Penh, Angkor has been "protected" from tourism, and the customs and the cultures of the people living there have not changed much. However, intense internal warfare(内战)for over fifty years has impacted on the people and to an extent on the physical structure of the temples at Angkor.
For many years, Angkor Wat was totally isolated from the Western World. Large, thick jungles cover the area, and it is located in the center of Cambodia. The French colonialists were the first westerners to get exposed to Angkor. They heard rumors from the local population about "temples built by gods or by giants". Most of the colonialists referred these rumors to folk tales(民间故事), but some believed that there really was a "lost city of a Cambodian empire", which had once been powerful and wealthy. The history of Angkor Wat dates back to the Kingdom of Funan. This kingdom was established by an Indian Brahmin(婆罗门), and in 200 A.D., the country was peacefully settled by Indian traders. Four hundred years later, the kingdom had become a prosperous(繁荣的)trading region. As the area was located on the Pilgrim rout between China and India, Hinduism and Chinese Buddhism was adopted by the new settlers. The Indian and Chinese influence can still be felt in Cambodia, and the temples of Angkor Wat closely resembles Hindu and Buddhist temples that can be found in Northern India and in Nepal. In the end of 600 A.D., the Funan Empire lost much of its power to the Kingdom of Chenla. The capital of this new empire, Sambor, was located about 40 miles to the Southeast of Angkor. During this time, beautiful sculptures and carvings in sand-stone was popular. In 750 A.D., a king with a reputation of being a war-like person, was able to expand the Chenla Kingdom. However, trade with India stopped, and the Indonesian Empire raised to power.
In 800 A.D., the Kingdom of Kambuja was established, and king Jayavarman I took control over the kingdom. He built several capitals near Angkor Wat, were responsible for many social changes, and was able to size land to the North and to the East. In 889 A.D., a nephew of Jayavaram became the new emperor, and he was able to bring peace and unity to the Khmer Kingdom. In 944 A.D., Jayavarman V established many Mahayana Buddhist temples near Angkor, and moved the court to Yasodharapura, at Angkor. Cultures prospered(繁荣), and so did the Khmer Empire. In 1000 A.D., Suryavarman, a young man who may have come from the Malayan provinces of the empire, ascends the throne of Kambuja. He would become the king of Kambuja for over 50 years. He is responsible for the planning and foundations of the city of Angkor. In 1051 A.D., Udayadityavarman II succeeded Suryavarman, and continued to build the city of Angkor, and restored many of the temples. Angkor was now both a sacred temple city and the center of a vast irrigation system.

用英语畅谈Angkor Wat黄金句
☺ The Temple of Angkor Wat was dedicated to the Hindu God Vishnu.吴哥窟是用来供奉印度教的守护神——毗湿奴的。
☺ The Temple was constructed over a period of 30 years.吴哥窟的建造历时30余年。
☺ The Temple illustrates some of the most beautiful examples of Khmer and Hindu art.吴哥窟向世人展示了高棉艺术和印度艺术中许多精美的技艺。
☺ Angkor Wat features the longest continuous bas-relief in the world.吴哥窟的特色在于它有世界上最长的连续性浅浮雕群。
☺ In 1992, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee declared the monument, and the whole city of Angkor, a World Heritage Site. 1992年,联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会将吴哥窟和整个吴哥市列为世界文化遗产。
☺ For many years, Angkor Wat was totally isolated from the Western World.多年来,吴哥窟完全脱离于西方世界。
☺ The history of Angkor Wat dates back to the Kingdom of Funan.吴哥窟的历史可以追溯到扶南王朝。
用英语畅谈Angkor Wat
Filming Location—Angkor Wat电影拍摄地——吴哥窟
