

Abstract Jonathan Edwards was the leader of the First Great Awakening during the colonial period of North America,and America's most important and original philosophical theologian.Edwards grounded his life's work on conceptions of beauty,harmony,and ethical fittingness,and played a critical role in shaping American culture and literature.In China,the study concerning the work of Edwards started a century ago,but not abundant nor thorough.On the one hand,this study is mainly focused on the literature aspects of Edwards's work and heavily influenced by the already exist studies made in America.On the other hand,the religious aspects in Edwards's work caught the attention of Chinese scholars’attention just decades ago due to the different priority of the source culture and cultural misreading.This paper uses the reception history of the work of Edwards in China as a case study to tap into the broader issues of the Chinese selection of Western literature and the influence of religion on Western literature in a non-Western context.

Keywords Jonathan Edwards; literary reception; Puritan literature

乔纳森·爱德华兹(Jonathan Edwards,1703—1758)是美国有史以来最为重要、最具原创性的本土哲学家和神学家,也是美国历史上最伟大的知识分子之一。他生活于北美殖民地时期,生前主要的社会身份是一位基督教牧师兼学者。他的名字与美国早期的“大觉醒运动”紧密相关,是这场运动的发起人之一。作为清教神学的卓越代言人,爱德华兹的思想已被公认为是美国民族精神和民族性格的重要构成要素之一。此外,他也是一位勤奋的著作家,一生为世人留下了数量惊人的作品,包括学术论文、布道词、书信等。这些作品的成就与影响不仅奠定了他作为思想巨匠的地位,也为他赢得了崇高的文学声誉。他被视为美国清教文学的典范作家,并以其深邃的思想和独特的风格深刻影响了后世美国文学。
