- 中美比较文学·第1期
- 张华 (美)米勒主编
- 392字
- 2021-03-30 02:57:13
Abstract Chinese tradition of Bowuzhi experienced several changes during the long period in history,especially in the Han and Jin Dynasties,being oppressed by the orthodox of Confucian while self-marginalized.The tradition of Bowuzhi combination with the tradition of“talking of strange”,which turned out to be one of the sources of literary narrative.But the value of Bowuzhi does not lies in literature only,on the contrary of western tradition,we can sum the core in three points:all things are related in a mysterious way,human body as the centre of universe,the Isomorphism of human and universe.This should be taken as important principle during the construction of Chinese heritage system.
Keywords Bowuzhi; literary narrative; nature history
“博物志”这个词通常被等同为西文之nature history,这其实是一个内部充满张力的组合。有研究者认为“这个词暗示两个层面的共存——nature暗示分类的层面,即自然排列(或人工创造物)的范围,history则暗示自然(或)人造物在时间中的传记层面。”[2]但在中国传统的认知体系中,博物志既不是一个线性的时间概念,也没有逻辑和科学分类意识主导;这个传统既不入经史正典的行列,又不同于散落民间的草根文化。在那种散点的、体悟式的、渗透性的、看似漫不经心的追求中究竟有何深意?本文试图从博物学的概念和中国本土的知识传统之间的张力入手,做一点探索。