第2章 The Crystallization of Collective Wisdom

It is an honor that Professor Wu Huimin and Professor Jiang Hong have decided to publish this collection of writings about the exchange program between Hampshire College and Anhui Agricultural University,an exchange program that has meant so much to Hampshire College and to me personally as a teacher and scholar. I am pleased to write a preface for this collective record written by those who have participated in our twenty-year exchange program,generously devoting their time and talent to this joint endeavor.

As Professor Huang Banghan writes,this exchange grew out of his early mentorship of a Hampshire College student learning Chinese in Beijing and doing research on nannies from Wuwei County. His great kindness and guidance as her teacher,inviting her to his home in Hefei and taking her to Wuwei,led in turn to our own research collaboration on infant adoption in China and the US,a long-term collaboration that began in 1995. As part of our research collaboration,Lao Huang came to Hampshire College for the first time in 1996,using the college as a home base for his research interviewing American adoptive parents of Chinese children raised in the US. During his stay at Hampshire College,he became a popular and beloved “uncle” of many Hampshire College students who visited him in his campus apartment,a favorite of the staff at the college dining hall who greeted him every morning,and a good friend of the college president Gregory Prince with whom he frequently met to discuss a possible exchange. The two of them decided to create a very special exchange program based on the principle of mutual benefit to meet the special needs of both institutions,their teachers and students. In order to foster close relationships between faculties and students,president Gregory Prince welcomed AAU scholars each semester to come visit Hampshire College to pursue their own academic interests and explore Hampshire and the Five College Consortium that Hampshire College belongs to. This resulted in a rich and unique exchange that has lasted for twenty years,successfully building close and meaningful ties between many teachers and students whose educations and lives have been broadened and deeply enriched through cross-cultural exploration and understanding.

Within a few years,teaching and learning Chinese language became a central focus of the exchange program activities. Through this program,Hampshire has been able to build its own program in Chinese language study. Although as part of the Five College Consortium,Hampshire College students could take foreign languages at any of the other four colleges,as originally intended by the founders of Hampshire College in 1970,through our exchange program we have been able to offer both first and third year Chinese on our own campus for our students. Our language program has been a small one but one of high quality. Because of the excellent teachers that AAU has sent to us each year,these classes have provided a solid foundation for our students to begin learning Chinese in their first year of college as well as to pursue Chinese at advanced levels. Our classes tend to be smaller and more intimate than those of other colleges,allowing students more time to participate and get help from teachers. The student- centered pedagogy of these classes has suited the student-centered teaching philosophy and the pedagogy of the college as a whole. Most rewarding,students and visiting Chinese teachers often develop close and rewarding relationships that extend learning and cultural exchange beyond the classroom.

In addition to sending a small number of students to AAU to study during the semester,in 2005 we added a summer session for intensive Chinese language study at AAU. This has been a wonderful addition to our exchange. It allows students to continue to study with their AAU teachers in Hefei for two additional months each summer,making it possible for students to learn two full years of Chinese in less than one calendar year. The summer program also provides an immersion experience for students,introducing them to life and culture in China. The experiences that students have outside the classroom are as important to their education and personal growth as inside the classroom. Many AAU students also participate in this experience as tutors and special helpers for the Hampshire students. Because of the strong reputation the program has earned,it attracts students from the other colleges as well.

As Hampshire College benefited by adding a Chinese language program through this exchange,AAU also benefitted by being able to use our exchange as a platform to build a strong program and undergraduate major in teaching Chinese as the second language(CSL)at AAU. Many universities in China now have CSL programs but AAU's teachers and students have our ongoing exchange of students and teachers to build upon and gain experience in teaching English-speaking students Chinese. American students have their own special characteristics in learning Chinese. AAU's Chinese teachers become more accomplished because they have gained and shared the experiences of teaching CSL to US students,elevating their skills above teachers from Chinese departments that do not have special programs or opportunities for gathering and sharing experiences in teaching CSL in both an English-speaking environment and in China.

The recent addition to our summer program of AAU undergraduates with majors in CSL has greatly enhanced the program. Indeed I feel this element has made our exchange truly unique and exciting for both sides. Our students enjoy the close,daily interaction with AAU students. Unlike in other summer programs,when they arrive in Hefei they instantly have the opportunity to make friends with Chinese students,all of whom graciously help the US students get settled and feel at home in Hefei. The AAU student language tutors also provide excellent daily support for intensive language learning. (These AAU students are earnest practicing teachers who are becoming skilled in CSL and work hard to meet the individual learning needs of their Hampshire College students.)These student-to-student relationships have quickly become among the most important element of our exchange program,building mutual understanding and lasting relationships among our students. Few programs offer such a full and meaningful experience to its foreign students,who sometimes remain isolated in their own groups and are separated from Chinese students and society,like foreign islands on Chinese university campuses. In contrast AAU's exchange program provides a more fully integrated,mutually beneficial,real-life experience for our students in China. For AAU students it provides an opportunity to get to know US students,their culture,ideas about education and hopes for the future. It further gives AAU students an opportunity to learn how to teach through actual practice at the early stage in their CSL education. Indeed one of those AAU students,Danni Song,became the main Chinese teacher at Hampshire College after obtaining a Master's degree in the US.

Our exchange has more recently expanded to include the agricultural and environmental sciences,including tea and food science. In February 2011,AAU president Wan Xiaochun visited Hampshire College and urged an expansion of our exchange program to include more study and research in the areas of agriculture and the sciences. This suggestion led a group of Hampshire faculty to apply for a grant from the Henry Luce Foundation aimed at fostering students’ interests in environmental studies and sciences within Asian studies,with a focus on agriculture. As part of this initiative,Hampshire College has been able to bring undergraduate students from AAU to participate in the Farm,Food,and Sustainability Institute(FFSI)summer program located on the Hampshire farm. Hampshire College students have also gone to study and visit programs related to agriculture at AAU,such as their large bee program and well-known tea science and tea culture program. At the same time,AAU faculties in these areas have visited Hampshire College,becoming close colleagues and friends with science faculties at Hampshire College and the Five Colleges. Shared interests in learning more about organic and sustainable forms of agriculture and food production,as taught through Hampshire's FFS Institute,and the creation of “Community-Supported Agriculture” organizations(CSAs)in our exchange areas have now become an important core area of interest for many of the faculties and students who have participated in our exchange program.

Personally,working with our dynamic exchange has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my career and in my personal life. I have made so many wonderful friends,sharing common interests and goals based on fostering the education and cross-cultural understanding of the students and teachers of our institutions. One of the great pleasures of my life is working with the dear friends and colleagues I have made at AAU. Hefei and AAU have become my second home over the last twenty years,enriching my own life as well as my professional work as a teacher and scholar. I will always be grateful to the efforts of those who have built this exchange,year by year,many of whom have contributed to this volume of essays. I am most grateful to Lao Huang and to Jiang Hong,who have helped to build this exchange from the beginning and given generously their time and energy to this twenty-year venture.

Through these various aspects of exchange,the program has grown organically and fruitfully over the years,fulfilling Huang Banghan and Hampshire president Gregory Prince's original goal of mutual benefit in new and deeper ways. We are very fortunate to have this rich and dynamic program at Hampshire College.

Kay Ann Johnson

Professor of Asian Studies and Politics

Director of the Hampshire College China Exchange Program

Hampshire College


March 2016




正如黄邦汉教授写道,这个交流项目源自于他对一位在北京学习中文并做关于无为县保姆相关研究的罕布什尔学院学生的指导。他对学生非常友好,邀请学生来他在合肥的家,之后又带她去无为,并对学生予以指导。因为黄邦汉教授指导罕布什尔学生的机缘,我和他于1995年开始了中美儿童收养问题的长期科研合作。作为我们合作研究的一部分,黄邦汉教授1996年第一次来到罕布什尔学院,他主要通过采访收养父母研究美国家庭收养的中国孩子在美国生活的情况。在罕布什尔学院期间,他成为一名受罕布什尔学院学生欢迎和爱戴的“叔叔”,许多罕布什尔学院的学生都曾访问过他居住的校园里的公寓;他也成为一名在校园餐厅广受员工欢迎的人,那里很多员工每天早上向他问候致意;他还成为罕布什尔学院时任校长Gregory Prince的朋友,他们经常见面讨论可能开始的合作交流。他们两人决定本着互利互惠的原则,设计出一个特别的交流项目,以满足两所学校教师和学生的特别需要。为进一步促进两校师生的关系,Gregory Prince校长欢迎安徽农业大学的学者每学期来罕布什尔学院访问,欢迎他们来做学术交流,同时了解罕布什尔学院以及它所属于的“五校联”联合体。正因为此,我们有了一个持续了20年的丰富而独特的交流,这个交流成为密切两校众多老师和学生之间关系的有意义的纽带。跨文化交流和跨文化理解拓展了这些老师和学生的视野,丰富了他们的教育和生活。










