- 单词的力量(第2版)
- 朱子熹编著
- 282字
- 2020-06-24 18:40:39
145 disclose
To make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret
同义reveal, expose反义conceal名词disclosure
reveal泄露的内容多是事先不为人知的秘密等。例如;The teacher revealed to his students the test results.(老师向学生透露了考试结果)。
expose是暴露,含有弃置、不予保护的意思;还可以指揭露某人的罪行。例如:We should not expose our children to horrors.(我们不应该让孩子看恐怖片。)
disclose是指公开、透露,其内容多指保密的或不便公开的事件真相。例如:He refused to disclose his name and address to the reporters.(他拒绝向记者透露他的姓名和住址。)