- 常青树英语 四级(初二)·上
- 张涛 高洪德总主编 徐庆仰主编
- 219字
- 2020-08-30 00:05:19
You must know the book Travels of Marco Polo. Let's know something about his life!你必须知道《马可·波罗游记》这本书。让我们一起学习马可·波罗的人生吧!
1 Marco Polo was born in 1254. His father was an Italian merchant. In 1271, 17-year-old Marco Polo followed his father on a journey to the East.

2 Three years later, Marco Polo reached China. The emperor of China, Kublai Khan, liked him so much that he gave Polo a government job in China. ①During that time, Marco Polo traveled all around China and lived there for about 17 years. On his return to his home in Venice, Polo was captured in a war. He was locked up in a prison. There, he met a story writer. Marco Polo told the writer about his journeys in China. They became an accurate description of China during the time between 1271 and 1295.The Europeans didn't believe these stories at first, but as many people started to travel to East Asia, they discovered that most of the stories were true. ②These tales greatly influenced many Europeans.
3 In 1934, the stories were published in a book.
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