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Unit 1 谈判签约

abide v. 遵守
If you fail to abide by the contract, we shall have the right to cancel the contract.
Tips abide是动词,在考试中多考查与介词搭配的用法,abide不能单独使用,需跟介词by连用,如:abide by a contract。
accord v. 与……一致,给予
The product specification must accord with the contract.
Tips accord在考试中多考查作不及物动词时的用法,accord作“与……一致”解时,是不及物动词,要与介词with连用,如:accord with sb's interests。
accordance n. 一致,和谐
The boss asked us to sign the contract in accordance with specific situation.
Tips accordance是不可数名词,常用在短语in accordance with中,作方式状语。如:do the paper in accordance with requirements。
additional a. 额外的,附加的
Try to propose additional conditions during the negotiation.
扩展 supplementary a. 补充的;added a. 额外的
adjourn v. 推迟,休(会)
Due to the bad weather, they had to adjourn the negotiation.
Tips adjourn后可接介词to和until,表示“移至”或“延期至”,如adjourn to the meeting room。
amend v. 修正,修订,改善
Whether to amend the clause is decided by both sides.
Tips amend常在考试中考查词义辨析,是书面用语,侧重指修改合同等文件,如:amend the law。
amendable a. 可修改的
They found nothing amendable in the contract.
扩展 amendatory a. 改正的;amendment n. 修正案
appropriate a. 适当的
Why don't you put it forward at the appropriate time during the negotiation?
Tips appropriate可作定语和表语,作表语时appropriate后可接介词for或to,表示“……是恰当的”,如:appropriate to the season,appropriate for the woman。
argue v. 争论,争执
They argued for a long time before signing the contract.
Tips argue在句中兼作及物动词和不及物动词,argue后可以接不同的介词来表示附加意义,如:argue about, argue with, argue against, argue on。
attention n. 专心,注意
All the people didn't pay attention to the negotiation process, but the results.
Tips attention在考试中常考查固定搭配的用法,如:pay attention to, call sb's attention。
authorize v. 授权,批准
The manager authorized me to participate in the negotiations on his behalf.
Tips authorize是及物动词,可以直接接宾语,还可以接动词不定式作补语,如:authorize sb to do sth。
bilateral a. 双方的
In the conference room, they signed a bilateral agreement.
Tips bilateral多作形容词,但没有比较级,如:bilateral talks, bilateral agreement。
buyer n. 买方
According to the contract, the buyer's rights are bigger than the seller's.
短语 buyer reading 购前必读;fashion buyer时尚买手
clause n. 条款,从句
These clauses seem more favorable to us.
短语 arbitration clause 仲裁条款;contract clause 合同条款
collaborate v. 合作,协作
This is the third time they have collaborated.
短语 collaborate with 与……合作;collaborate on 在……上合作
consensus n. (意见等的)一致,共识
Unless they reach a consensus, the contract can't be signed.
短语 consensus on/about 在某方面的共识;consensus of opinion 一致的意见
consigner n. 发货人
Why didn't the consigner inform us of the delivery time?
扩展 client n. 委托人;principal n. 当事人
cooperation n. 合作
The failed contract means that we have a failed cooperation.
短语 seek cooperation 寻求合作;mutual cooperation 相互合作
consult v. 商议,咨询
On this issue, they had to consult a lawyer.
Tips consult有两个考点,作“商议”解时,一般与介词with连用;作“咨询”解时,后面直接接宾语。如:consult with sb about a problem, consult a lawyer。
contract n. 契约,合同
They debate the details of the contract.
Tips contract一般作可数名词用,动词形式不常见,如:write a contract, under contract。
contractual a. 合同的,契约的
Any party shall not violate the contractual provisions.
短语 contractual agreement 合约协议;contractual obligation 合同义务
controversy n. 争论,争议
Their controversy finally got successfully resolved.
短语 endless controversy 无休止的争论;beyond controversy 无可争议的
debate v.&n. 辩论
For the sake of their own interests, they are debating fiercely.
Tips debate表示“争论”,兼作名词和动词。作动词时,相当于argue,可与介词搭配;作名词时相当于argument。如:debate about/on,heated debate。
defer v. 延期
Daniel deferred the contract until a month later.
扩展 delay v. 延迟;respite v. 使延期
detailed a. 详细的
For detailed negotiation, you can go to ask Mr. Green.
Tips detailed是detail的过去分词作形容词,多用作定语,如:detailed description, detailed plan。
disadvantaged a. 处于不利地位的
We are disadvantaged about the distribution of the total profit.
短语 disadvantaged groups 弱势群体;disadvantaged status 弱势地位
discuss v. 讨论,谈论
After they discussed for a day, they finally signed the unfair contract.
Tips discuss在考试中多用作及物动词,其后可直接接宾语,也可以接带疑问词的动词不定式,如:discuss the problem, discuss when to have dinner。
disprove v. 反驳,证明……错误
The latest survey data disproved the information they offered.
扩展 demonstrate v. 证明;prove v. 证明
drafter n. 起草者
The drafter of the contract must take into account the interests of both parties.
扩展 drafting n. 起草;draftman n. 起草者
entitle v. 使有权利,给……定名
These clauses may entitle you to get a full refund.
Tips entitle是使役动词,可以在其宾语后接动词不定式,表示“赋予某人做某事的权利”,如:entitle her to punish the bad guy。
equivalent a. 相等的,相同的
His verbal commitment is equivalent to the contract.
Tips equivalent表示“相等的”,侧重指的是金钱、价值、数量等方面,用在短语be equivalent to结构中,构成表语结构。如:Onedollar is equivalent to ten cents.
execute v. 执行,实行
We hope you to execute the contract as soon as possible.
短语 execute a command 执行命令;execute strictly 严格执行
factor n. 条件,因素
It is necessary to mark the buyer's factors.
Tips 虽然factor的基本意思是“因素”,但是用在合同用语中时表示“条件”,如:one of the factors to sign the contract。
failed a. 失败的
After a failed attempt, they decided to give up the cooperation.
Tips failed在这里是动词fail的过去分词,在考试中多用来作定语,修饰名词。如:failed bank。
finalize v. 定案
Half a month later, they have yet to finalize the agreement.
短语 finalize the deal 达成交易;finalize the details 把细节定下来
implement v. 实施,执行
The seller does not agree to implement the buyer's advice.
Tips implement在考试中可能考查作及物动词时的用法,其后可以接表示“计划、方案、项目、想法”等的名词,如:implement a project。
invalid a. 无效的
Either the party doesn't sign the contract, it is invalid.
短语 invalid contract 无效的合同;invalid argument 没有根据的论点
judgment n. 判断,看法
Accurate judgment on your strength is the foundation of our contract.
短语 value judgment 价值判断;judgment day 审判日
kernel n. 核心,要点
The kernel of the problem is that you don't seem to have great sincerity.
短语 kernel mode 核心模式;walnut kernel核桃仁
legitimate a. 合法的,正规的
Strictly speaking, this clause is legitimate.
Tips legitimate除了作形容词,表示“合法的”之外,还可以作及物动词,表示“使……合法化”。如:legitimate power, legitimate the contract。
long-standing a. 长期存在的
This is a long-standing question, and we can't avoid.
Tips 形容词和现在分词由连字符连接构成复合形容词,类似的形容词还有:good-looking,easy-going。
mutual a. 共同的,相互的
The mutual interests of the two sides have been most secured in the contract.
扩展 common a. 共有的;reciprocal a. 互相的
neglectful a. 疏忽的,不注意的
Both the charge men of the two sides are neglectful of the detail.
Tips neglectful是形容词,常与系动词连用,作表语。在考试中多用在be neglectful of短语中,of不可替换为其他介词。如:be neglectful of duties。
negligence n. 疏忽,粗心大意
It is because of your negligence that there is a flaw in our contract.
短语 medical negligence 医疗事故;civil negligence 民事过失
negotiate v. 谈判,协商,交涉
Our representative is going to negotiate with you about the customer service.
短语 negotiate about 就……进行交涉;negotiate the contract 商定合约
oppose v. 反对,抗争
As long as someone opposes the contract, the two sides have to renegotiate.
Tips oppose用作及物动词,其后接名词、代词和动名词。如:oppose him, oppose wasting the food。
orderer n. 订货人
There is detailed information of the orderer in the contract.
短语 regular orderer 定期的订货人;angry orderer 愤怒的订货人
party n. 一方,党,聚会
Once one party breaks his promise, the other party will suffer heavy losses.
Tips party是多义单词,可指与条约、合约相关的一方、当事人,在考试中很常见,注意区分其用法。如:the other party另一方;join party入党;dinner party 晚会。
pending a. 悬而未决的
I heard the contract is still pending.
短语 pending case 悬而未决的案件;pending danger 即将到来的危险
progress n. 进展,进步
The news comes that the negotiations have made significant progress.
Tips progress是不可数名词,不能与不定冠词a连用,表示“取得进展”时常用make progress来表示。
reach v. 到达,达成
They didn't reach an agreement about the contract and so they were still in a stalemate.
Tips reach在考试中多用作及物动词,后可直接接宾语,很少用于被动结构。如:reach the conclusion。
redraft v. 重新起草
No one agrees to redraft a contract.
扩展 reword v. 改写;rewrite v. 重写
regularize v. 调整
In the negotiations, they repeatedly regularize the content of the contract.
扩展 coordinate v. 调整;restructure v. 调整
regulation n. 规则,条例
He said we could not act on this regulation.
短语 under the regulations 根据规定;the regulations regarding 有关……的条例
represent v. 表述,表示
One of the representatives represents their suggestions to the both sides.
短语 represent to 指出,描述;represent one's ideas 陈述意见
risky a. 有风险的,危险的
Although the project is risky, we have decided to seek cooperation.
扩展 dangerous a. 危险的;critical a. 危险的
rival n. 竞争者 a. 竞争的
You have ten rivals for the project.
Tips rival在考试中作“竞争者”解,是可数名词。表示“强敌”可用powerful rival来表示。
seller n. 卖方
There are few conditions of the seller in the contract.
短语 short seller 卖空者;ready seller 畅销品
severe a. 苛刻的,严重的
In view of the poor reputation of the seller, the buyer presents a severe condition.
Tips severe是一个形容词,不仅可以修饰合同法律类名词,如severe condition;还可以修饰天气,表示气候恶劣,如severe weather。
shipper n. 发货人
The shipper should send out the goods according to the stipulations.
短语 liner shipper 班轮托运人;shipper seal发货人盖章
sign v. 签名,签署
As long as you sign in the lower right corner, the contract will come into effect.
Tips sign作为及物动词时,其后可直接接名词、代词和从句作宾语,也可以接不定式作补足语,如:sign sb to do。
signature n. 签名,署名
The agreement is invalid without the manager's signature.
扩展 signer n. 签名人;signal n. 信号
smoothly ad. 顺利地
The manager called to ask whether we negotiated smoothly.
短语 go smoothly 顺利进行;read smoothly顺口
stipulate v. 规定
The contract stipulates that the second party shall have the right to obtain the compensation.
Tips stipulate是及物动词,在考试中常接that引导的宾语从句。
supplementary a. 补充的,附加的
They are carefully browsing the supplementary terms in the contract.
短语 supplementary material 补充材料;supplementary unit 辅助单元
suspend n. 中止,暂停,停止
The negotiation was suspended because of debate.
Tips suspend是及物动词,可用在被动结构中。其后接名词或代词作宾语,如suspend a license,其宾语后也可以接介词短语,如suspend sb from post。
tentative a. 尝试性的,不确定的
He drafted a tentative agreement and they didn't decide yet.
短语 tentative plan 暂时的计划;tentative data 试验数据
term n. 条款,术语
If it is possible, we want to add a term in.
短语 carry out terms 履行条件;come to terms 达成协议
unanimous a. 意见一致的,全体一致的
Both sides were unanimous in his suggestion.
短语 unanimous approval 一致通过;unanimous vote 全票通过
valid a. 有效的
Within the valid period of the contract, both parties should strictly abide by each provision.
Tips valid多用来形容合同、法律等,在新托业考试中一般作为定语,如valid period。
wording n. 措辞,用语
We don't understand why there are these inappropriate wordings in the contract.
短语 wording logic 语词逻辑;wording characters 用词特点