- 一辈子够用的英语万用会话10000句
- 李文昊
- 2049字
- 2021-03-26 18:02:23
7 家庭保健
Dialogue 对话 MP3 01-07
Steven is in good health, and he pays so much attention to food. And now he is talking with Susan about the daily diet and health keeping.
Susan:Steven, you are always looking in good shape. How do you keep it?
Steven:I pay much attention to my daily diet. You know good eating habits help to fortify the body against disease.
Susan:Yeah, you are right. Tell me your normal diet.
Steven:I eat more fruits and vegetables and limit amounts of fatty and fried foods.

Steven:I drink milk every day. It's really good for building strong bones and teeth. I drink tea quite often, for it's protective against kidney cancer.
Susan:Oh, no wonder you are healthy.
Steven:You are what you eat, and a healthy diet creates a body resistant to disease.
Susan:Thanks for sharing your experience with me.
Steven:You're welcome!
Vocabulary and Phrases 单词和短语
disease [dɪˈziːz]n.疾病
cancer [ˈkænsə]n.癌,肿瘤,毒瘤
pay attention to注意
quite aften经常
resistant to对……有抵抗力的,耐……的
Key Sentences 核心句型
1 We all know that the regular taking of green food can promote one's health and prolong one's life.大家都知道常吃绿色食品,能促进健康,延年益寿。
2 Maybe these nutrients are helpful to your health.或许这些营养品对你的健康有帮助。
3 Dietary nourishment is better than medicinal nourishment.药补不如食补。
4 Have you given your mother any nourishment?你给你母亲吃过什么滋补的东西没有?
5 I think more vegetable and less meat is helpful for your health.我觉得多吃蔬菜少吃肉对你健康有益。
6 My idea is that we shall eat more fruits.我的意见是,我们要多吃水果。
7 Above all, you must eat more fruit, especially the skin of the fruit.最重要的是你应该多吃水果,尤其是水果皮。
8 The doctors advise people to eat more fruit and vegetable and less meat such as beef and pork.医生劝告人们多吃水果和蔬菜,少吃牛肉、猪肉等肉类。
9 People should eat a balanced diet with more fruits and vegetables and limited amounts of fatty and fried foods.人们应该均衡饮食,多吃水果蔬菜,少吃脂肪类或油炸的食物。
10 Drinking milk is good for building strong bones and teeth.多喝牛奶有益骨骼和牙齿的生长。
11 Coffee and tea may be protective against kidney cancer.喝咖啡和茶能够预防肾癌。
12 A healthy diet creates a body resistant to disease.健康饮食有助于增强体内对疾病的抵抗力。
13 Good eating habits help to fortify the body against disease.好的饮食习惯有助于强身防病。
14 A balanced diet is a healthy diet.均衡的饮食是有利于健康的饮食。
15 Kitchen physic is the best physic.药补不如食补。
16 Abstinence is the best medicine.饮食知节疾病少。
17 Feed by measure and defy the physician.饮食有节度,谢绝医生来。
18 Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet.饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。
19 She knows everything about healthy food.她深谙健康饮食之道。
20 There's a lot to be said for eating sensibly.饮食合理的好处不胜枚举。
1 He is sick from overeating.他因暴饮暴食而感到恶心。
2 Control appetite.控制饮食。
3 Overindulgence clogs body and mind.暴饮暴食有害身心。
4 Thin hair can also be due to a nutritional deficiency caused by poor diet or even a crash diet.头发稀疏也可能是由于饮食结构不良或暴饮暴食引发的营养不良而导致的。
5 A huge meal can create indigestion as well as leave us feeling exhausted.暴饮暴食会导致消化不良,让我们身心疲惫。
6 His illness comes of drinking too much.他的病是因为喝酒太多。
7 Do not drink deep.不要大量饮酒。
8 It is unsuitable to swim after a meal or drinking.饭后、饮酒后不宜游泳。
9 Drinking was the death of him.饮酒是他的死因。
10 Excessive drinking does harm to the system.过度饮酒对身体有害。
11 My father has the irritating habit of smoking during meals.父亲有边吃饭边抽烟那让人讨厌的习惯。
12 He is in the habit of rising early.他有早起的习惯。
13 Early to bed and early to rise is a healthy way of living.早睡早起是一种有益于健康的生活方式。
14 Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.早睡早起,使人聪明、富有、健康。
15 We should get into the habit of keeping good hours.我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯。
16 It is useful to you to stroll every day.每天散步对你有益。
(也可以这样说:To take a walk every day is good for you.)
17 It's a good habit to go for a walk after supper.晚饭后散步是个好习惯。
18 You should walk more.你该多散散步。
19 You must alter your way of living in order to keep your health in good condition.为了保持健康,你必须改变你的生活方式。
20 Exercise is good for the health.锻炼身体有益于健康。
(也可以这样说:To do more exercise is good for your health.)
21 Regular exercise is good for you.经常运动对你有益。
22 Participation in sports benefits our health and helps to generate a sense of well-being and a cohesiveness in society.运动强身健体,有益身心,还有助发挥团结精神。
23 Exercise is good for our health as well as for the mind.运动对身心健康都有益。
24 Staying up late makes me at my worst in terms of physical situation.熬夜使得我的身体状况变得很差。
1 I had the doctors do the test three times.医生已经给我检查了三次了。
2 To some extent, regular physical check-ups are necessary.在一定程度上,定期检查身体是有必要的。
3 I want to get regular physical check-ups, too.我也想做定期身体检查。
4 Children need to be seen regularly by a doctor to make sure that they are healthy.孩子们需要定期地请医生检查以确保身体健康。
5 We should come to the hospital for regular physical check-ups.我们应该定期到医院检查身体。
6 The best way to avoid serious illnesses is to find out about them early.避免患上严重疾病的最好方法是早点发现它。
7 Tomorrow I will go with you to get a physical check-up.明天我要和你一起去做个身体检查。
8 You should have a regular physical check-up every year.你应该每年做一个身体检查。
1 I tried walking for my health and amusement.我为了养生和乐趣而步行。
2 Under such a regimen you'll certainly live long.你按照这样的养生法一定可以长寿。
3 The doctor recommends sea baths for the benefit of my health.医生劝我进行海水浴来养生。
4 A regimen that suits one person will not suit another.适合这个人的养生方法不一定适合另外一个人。
5 If you want to keep healthy, you should follow a strict regimen.如果你想要保持健康,你应该严格地遵守养生之道。