- 一辈子够用的英语万用会话10000句
- 李文昊
- 1297字
- 2021-03-26 18:02:27
7 论文
Dialogue 对话 MP3 03-07
Steven and Lily will soon graduate from college. Now they are busy writing theses.

Steven:How's your thesis going?
Lily:Don't mention it. The thesis due date is coming, but my thesis isn't even close to being done.
Steven:I've finished the first draft, but the professor said it's poorly written. I have to rewrite it. It's so depressing.
Lily:Don't worry. Anyway, you are better than me.
Vocabulary and Phrases 单词和短语
thesis [ˈθiːsɪs]n.主题,论文,论点
draft [drɑːft]n.草稿,草图,汇票
Key Sentences 核心句型
1 All papers should have page numbers! 所有论文都要标明页码!
2 Is a paper required for this course?这课程要不要写论文?
3 How long should this paper be?这篇论文要多长?
4 My paper consists of fifteen pages.我的论文共15页。
5 What is the topic of your paper?你论文的主题是什么?
6 Never plagiarize your paper.课程论文千万不要抄袭。
7 They tell me how to write research papers.他们告诉我如何写研究论文。
8 Some schools only accept typed essays.有的学校只接受打印的论文。
9 I need to write two essays.我需要写两篇论文。
10 Linda is writing a medical research paper in English.琳达正在用英语写一篇研究性的医学论文。
11 There is a need for a curb on downloading papers.有必要抑制下载论文的势头。
12 The paper is constituted with the preface and the text.论文由引言和正文两部分组成。
13 This paper consists of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion.本论文分绪论、正文、结论三大部分。
14 This thesis consists of preface and six chapters of the text.本论文包括前言和正文六章。
1 How's your thesis going?你的论文写得怎么样了?
2 In fact, I just finished the outline.事实上,我刚写完提纲。
3 His graduation thesis is coming on quite well.他的毕业论文进展顺利。
4 I need to rewrite this thesis.我需要重写这篇论文。
5 I am afraid you are required to rewrite your paper.恐怕您的论文需要重写。
6 The thesis due date is coming, but my thesis isn't even close to being done.马上要交毕业论文了,可我的论文还差得远呢。
7 I've finished the first draft.我写完初稿了。
8 Lily is working on her term paper.莉莉正在写学期论文呢。
9 She has finished writing her essay.她写完了她的论文。
10 Her thesis is being finished off.她的论文快写完了。
11 You ought to have submitted your term paper to the teacher.你应该把你的学期论文交给老师。
12 She is writing her doctoral thesis.她正在写博士论文。
13 They are busy writing their term papers.他们正忙着写期末论文呢。
14 Jack is busily engaged in writing a thesis.杰克正忙着写论文。
15 I was busy hunting for a job recently and had no time to write my thesis.这些日子都在找工作,没时间写我的论文啊。
16 She is working hard at this thesis.她正在努力地撰写论文。
17 Can I have a read of your paper?我可以阅读一下你的论文吗?
18 Go back to your dorm and work really hard to get your thesis done.回到宿舍,发奋写完论文吧。
19 Tina is now concentrating on finishing the term paper.蒂娜正专注于完成期末论文。
20 The students have submitted their essays to their tutors.学生已经把论文递交给导师了。
21 All papers should be given in before 12 o'clock. 12点以前必须交论文。
22 You have half a month left to finish the thesis.还有半个月时间可以去写论文呢。
23 The girl keeps plugging away at her dissertation.这个女孩一直坚持不懈地写论文。
1 What do you think of the thesis?你认为这篇论文怎样?
2 The treatise she wrote is excellent.她写的论文很优秀。
3 Her thesis is rife with errors.她的学位论文错误连篇。
4 In fact, it is a scientific thesis.事实上,它是一篇科学论文。
5 There is too much redundancy in this essay.这篇论文重复过多。
6 It's your senior thesis, not just any assignment.这是你的毕业论文,不是家庭作业。
7 I have to say your paper is full of spelling mistakes.我必须说的是你的论文拼写错误很多。
8 There are few papers dealing with this subject.很少论文论述这个题目。
9 The theme in this paper is too vague.这篇论文的主题含混不清。
(也可以这样说:The theme of his essay was obscure.)