- 一辈子够用的英语万用会话10000句
- 李文昊
- 1380字
- 2021-03-26 18:02:28
1 问路
Dialogue 对话 MP3 04-01
Steven is a stranger in this area. He wants to find the nearest postoffice here. Unfortunately he doesn't have a clue. So he decides to ask a person for help.

Steven:Excuse me, ma'am. Can you tell me where the nearest post office is?
Tina:Of course. Go straight ahead. Turn right at the next street. You'll see a tall, yellow building. The post office is on the first floor.
Steven:Do you mean that I go that way for one block, then turn right?
Tina:Yes, you are right.
Steven:Is it far?
Tina:No, it's only about five minutes' walk.
Steven:Thank you very much.
Tina:It's my pleasure.
Vocabulary and Phrases 单词和短语
clue [kluː]n.线索,提示
go straight直走
block [blɒk]n.大楼,街区
Key Sentences 核心句型
1 Excuse me, ma'am.女士,请问一下。
(也可以这样说:Pardon me, ma'am.)
2 I don't have a clue.我对这里一无所知。
(也可以这样说:I'm new here.)
3 I'm very familiar with this area.我很熟悉这个地区。
(也可以这样说:This area is familiar to me.)
4 I can help you.我可以帮你。
5 Sorry, but I'm a stranger here myself.抱歉,我也是外地人。
6 Thank you.谢谢你。
7 Thank you all the same.还是要谢谢你。
8 It's my pleasure.不客气。
(也可以这样说:Not at all.
You are welcome.)
1 Can you tell me where the nearest postoffice is?你能告诉我最近的邮局在哪里吗?
(也可以这样说:Please tell me the way to the nearest postoffice.
Where is the nearest postoffice?
Will/Could/Would/Can you tell me how to get to the nearest postoffice?
How can I get to the nearest postoffice? )
2 It's on the 31st Street and the 3th Avenue.它在第3大道第31街。
3 The postoffice is three blocks away.邮局距此三条街。
4 The bank is on the right of the road.银行在马路的右边。
5 It's on the opposite side of City Hall.正对着市政厅。
6 It's between the bookstore and the drugstore.在书店和药店之间。
7 It's at the end of this street.在这条街的尽头。
8 You'll see it at the corner on your left.在左侧拐角那儿就能看见。
9 The post office is on the first floor.邮局就在它的第一层。
10 Would you please show me where I am on this map?请你告诉我我现在在这张地图上的位置好吗?
11 Go straight ahead.一直往前走。
12 Turn right at the next street.在下个街口往右转。
13 Take the left fork at the crossroads.到十字路口取左边的岔道。
14 There was a street sign that pointed back down towards the cemetery.这里有一块路标指明沿着路标往后走就是公墓。
15 The markings along the route are quite plain.路线沿途的标志都十分清楚。
16 The signpost points in a westerly direction.路标指向西。
17 Do you mean that I go that way for one block, then turn right?你的意思是我往那边走,过一个街区,然后向右转?
18 Would you please make me a map showing the way to the Grand Hotel?请你画张去大饭店的地图给我好吗?
19 What street am I on?我在哪条街啊?
20 At which corner do I turn?我要在哪个路口转弯?
21 Is there any landmark at that bend?那个弯路处有路标吗?
22 Is it easy to spot?很容易找到吗?
23 Is it far?离这儿远吗?
24 It's not far from here.离这儿不远的。
25 Am I close to the 5th Avenue?我离第五大道近吗?
(也可以这样说:Am I near the 5th Avenue?
Is the 5th Avenue close? )
26 How far is it?有多远?
27 Which way is north?哪边是北?
28 How long will it take?要多长时间?
29 Is this the shortcut?这是条近路吗?
30 It's only about five minutes' walk.走路大约只需要5分钟。
1 Do you know what I need to get there?你知道我必须要乘坐哪些交通工具才能到达那里吗?
(也可以这样说:Do you know how I can get there?
Which vehicle should I take to get there?)
2 It's convenient for you to take a taxi there.你乘坐出租车到那儿比较方便。
3 Do you think which is better to go there, by bus or by bike?你认为乘公交车好还是骑自行车好?
4 Why don't you take the subway?你为何不搭地铁?
5 You can take any of the buses on the other side of the street.你可以坐街对面的任何一辆公共汽车。