- 一辈子够用的英语万用会话10000句
- 李文昊
- 1552字
- 2021-03-26 18:02:30
5 乘火车出行
Dialogue 对话 MP3 04-05

Steven wants to go to Shanghai by train. He has bought the ticket. Now it is time for ticket checking.
Steven:Do I check in for the train D808 to Shanghai here?
Ticket inspector:Yes, show me your ticket please.
Steven:Here you are. By the way, when does the train leave?
Ticket inspector:The train is driving after ten minutes.
Steven:Thanks. Where is my seat?
Ticket inspector:It's over there. Have a good trip.
Steven:Thank you.
Vocabulary and Phrases 单词和短语
ticket [ˈtɪkɪt]n.票,车票
inspector [ɪnˈspektə]n.检查员、巡视员
seat [siːt]n.座位,底座、席位
Key Sentences 核心句型
1 From which station does the train leave?这列火车从哪个站开出呢?
(也可以这样说:Where does the train leave?)
2 Where is the platform for the next train to Shanghai?请问下一趟到上海的火车在几号站台?
3 What platform does the train leave from?这班列车从哪个站台开出呢?
(也可以这样说:From which platform does the train leave?
Can you tell me what platform the train leaves from?)
4 What is your train time?火车什么时候发车?
(也可以这样说:When does the train start?
When does the train leave?
What time does your train leave?)
5 When is the next train for Hong Kong?下一班开往香港的火车是什么时候出发?
(也可以这样说:What time does the next train to Hong Kong leave?)
6 How long will this express take to go to Shanghai?这列直达快车开到上海要多久?
(也可以这样说:How long will this express take to get to Shanghai?
About how long does the express take to Shanghai?)
7 Do you know when the train is due in Shanghai?你知道这趟车什么时候到达上海吗?
(也可以这样说:Do you know when the train will arrive in Shanghai?)
8 What's your train number, please?车次多少?
9 Perhaps it will be at Platform 3.可能是第3站台。
10 If the train is not late, you will have enough time to transfer.如果火车不晚点的话,你有足够的时间转车的。
11 Go to platform 5, please.请到5号站台。
12 It leaves from West Station.它从西站出发。
13 It leaves from platform 3.从3号站台开出。
14 The train pulls out at noon.火车在中午发车。
15 Tomorrow afternoon it will get to Shanghai.明天下午它就会到达上海。
16 The train delayed for 30 minutes.火车延迟了30分钟。
(也可以这样说:The train is behind time for 30 minutes.
The train was 30 minutes late.
The train was 30 minutes behind schedule. )
17 That train gets there at nine o'clock on the button.那班火车9点整会到。
18 Platform Four and just follow the blue arrows.第4月台,你跟着蓝色的箭头走就行了。
19 Has the train come yet?火车到了吗?
20 Is it time for us to get in now?我们可以进站了吗?
1 The train is bound for Qingdao.列车开往青岛。
(也可以这样说:This is the train for Qingdao.
The train leaves for Qingdao. )
2 The train for Shanghai is on track 4.开往上海的列车停靠在第4站台。
(也可以这样说:The train for Shanghai is on platform 4.
The train for Shanghai leaves from track 4. )
3 The train is driving after ten minutes.列车定于10分钟后开车。
(也可以这样说:The train leaves in ten minutes.
The train starts in ten minutes. )
4 Do I check in for the train D808 to Shanghai here?到上海的D808次列车是在这儿检票吗?
5 Show me your ticket please.请出示您的车票。
1 We'll be sitting in the second carriage from the bottom of the train.我们的位置在倒数第二节车厢里。
2 Where am I supposed to pay the excess fare?我应该到哪里补票?
(也可以这样说:Where is the fare adjustment office on this train?)
3 I'm going to get a drink from the dinning car.我要去餐车喝点东西。
(也可以这样说:I'd like to get a drink from the dinning car.
I want something to drink in the dinning car. )
4 The dinning car is the No. 9.餐车在9号车厢。
5 Does this train stop at Luohe, please?请问列车在漯河停吗?
(也可以这样说:Do you know if this train will stop at Luohe?
Would you mind telling me whether the train will stop at Luohe? )
6 Which car are we in?我们在第几车厢?
(也可以这样说:Which carriage are we in? )
7 Do we change trains at the next station?我们在下一站换火车吗?
(也可以这样说:Need we change trains at next station? )
8 Is it direct train?这是直达车吗?
(也可以这样说:Is it a through train?
It is direct train, isn't? )
9 Can we change seats?咱们可以换换座位吗?
(也可以这样说:Can I change seats with you?
Would you mind changing seats with me? )
10 Is this seat taken?请问这座位有人吗?
(也可以这样说:Is this somebody's seat?
Is this seat occupied?
Does anyone sit here?
Is anybody sitting here? )
11 I think you are in my seat.我想你坐的是我的座位。
(也可以这样说:I think you took my seat.
I'm afraid you are in my seat. )
12 Take my seat, please.请坐我这儿。
(也可以这样说:You can have my seat.
You can take my seat, please. )
13 Where is my seat?我的座位在哪里?
14 The first-class compartments are in the front of the train.头等车室在列车的前面。
15 You are not allowed to smoke in the train.火车上不允许吸烟。