- 一辈子够用的英语万用会话10000句
- 李文昊
- 1494字
- 2021-03-26 18:02:32
7 注意事项
Dialogue 对话 MP3 05-07
Julia is going abroad for the first time, so she asks Steven for some advice.

Julia:Steven, I'm going abroad by plane for the first time tomorrow. Can you give me some advice? And what should I pay attention to?
Steven:First, you should have enough sleep to get over the jet lag before the departure. Most people will suffer from jet lag for a few days after a long flight.
Julia:I will go to bed early tonight.
Steven:Do you have an airsickness?
Julia:I don't know. But I have a carsickness.
Steven:You'd better bring some medicine for airsickness.
Julia:Thank you.
Vocabulary and Phrases 单词和短语
jet lag时差
airsickness [ˈɛəˌsiknis]n.晕机
carsickness [ˈkɑ:ˌsiknis]n.晕车
airsick[ˈɛəˌsik] adj.晕机的
Key Sentences 核心句型
1 After the long journey, the jet lag made her uneasy.经过长途旅行,时差令她很不舒服。
2 I felt completely disorientated with the jet lag.时差使我感到昏昏沉沉的。
3 I'm still suffering from jet lag after my trip to America.在飞往美国之后我仍然因为时差感到不舒服。
4 We have jet lag for nearly seven hours.我们有接近7个小时的时差。
5 What's the time difference between the two places, Miss?小姐,这两个地方的时差是多少?
6 I just need more sleep to get over my jet lag.我只是想多睡一会儿调时差罢了。
7 Most people suffer from jet lag for a few days after a long flight.多数人在长途飞行后都会有几天时差倒不过来。
8 Jet lag is a problem every international traveler may come across.时差反应是每一个出国游客都可能遇到的问题。
9 Have you adjusted to the time difference?你适应时差了吗?
10 I always have trouble with jet lag.我总是有时差综合症。
11 Are you still feeling jet lag?你还有时差问题吗?
12 I staved off jet lag with a bath and an early night.我洗了个澡又提前睡下,免除飞行时差的反应。
13 This is the result of jet lag and travel fatigue.这是时差反应和旅行疲惫的结果。
14 I always get bad jet lag when I travel.我每次旅行都很难适应时差。
15 Have you got over the jet lag?你的时差反应调整过来了吧?
16 I get jet lag for a week after traveling overseas.我出国旅游之后一周都会有时差反应。
1 May I have another airsickness bag?请再给我一个晕机呕吐袋好吗?
2 Is there any airsickness bag?有晕机袋吗?
3 I am feeling a bit airsick.我觉得有点晕机。
4 Do you get airsick?你晕机吗?
5 Do you have any medicine for airsickness?你们有任何晕机药品吗?
6 Could you give me some medicine for airsickness?能给我点晕机药吗?
7 We should take along some pills just in case you get airsick.我们应该带些药片预防晕机。
8 She gets sick when she rides in a bus.她乘公共汽车时晕车呕吐。
9 You loathe the smell of gas when you are carsick.当你晕车的时候,会讨厌闻到汽油的味道。
10 We have a special method to relieve motion sickness.我们有特别的办法对付晕车。
11 If you sit at the back of the bus, you may feel travel sick.如果坐在汽车后部,您可能会晕车。
12 Can I take the window seat in case of carsickness?我有点晕车,可以坐在靠窗户的座位上吗?
13 He got carsick and heaved his lunch.他由于晕车把午饭吃的东西都吐出来了。
14 The swing of the ship made many people seasick.船的摇摆使许多人晕船。
15 He got seasick during the voyage.在航行中他晕船。
16 The physician made a prescription against seasickness for him.医生给他开了个治晕船的药方。
17 You loathe the smell of greasy food when you are seasick.当你晕船时,你会厌恶油腻食物的气味。
18 Most passengers of the ship were seized with nausea during the storm at sea.在风暴中,大多数船上的乘客都晕船了。
19 Would you drive a little slower, please?你能开得慢点吗?
20 Do you need to go to hospital?要不要送你去医院?
21 He suffers from carsickness.他晕车。
22 Do you have any motionsickness medicine, Bob?鲍勃,你带晕车药了吗?
1 Please take care of your valuables.请照看好您的贵重物品。
2 Please look after your own bags carefully.请仔细照看好你自己的行李。
3 Could you please keep an eye on my luggage?你能帮我照看下行李吗?
4 That man will see to your luggage.那个人将照看你的行李。
5 Have you left your baggage untended at any time?你的行李是否有无人照看的时候?
6 Is there any chance I can find my luggage?还有可能找到丢失的行李吗?
7 Some of the party's luggage is lost in transit.旅行团的一些行李在运输过程中丢失了。
8 Could you help me to find my lost luggage, sir?先生,请您帮忙找回我丢失的行李好吗?
9 The tourists and businessmen lost their luggage in the accident.在事故中旅游者和商人丢失了行李。
10 I could describe the features of my lost luggage.我能描述出丢失行李的特征。