- 英语专业四级新题型解题技巧与实战模拟
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- 2020-08-29 19:35:06
Read carefully the following excerpt on term-time holiday in the UK,and then write your response inNO LESS THAN 200 words,in which you should:
- summarize the main message of the excerpt,and then
- comment on whether parents should take children out of school for holiday during term time in order to save money.
You should support yourself with information from the excerpt.
Marks will be awarded for content relevance,content sufficiency,organization and language quality.Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

Write your response on ANSWER SHEET THREE.
作文一般都是三段式结构,即引入(Introduction)、主体段落(Body paragraphs)、结论(Conclusion)。引入部分一般会对写作话题的背景进行介绍,进而引出双方观点,随即也可马上表明自己的立场(同意哪一方的观点)。在主体段落需要讲明自己为什么会支持这一立场,即赞成或反对的原因,并需要作出例证和解释。在结尾部分对自己文章的主要论据进行总结,并重申自己的立场,还可进一步提出建议,来解决阅读材料中出现的问题。
本篇阅读材料为一则新闻报道,标题(Term-time Holidays Will Be Banned)便已对材料的主要信息进行了高度概括。诸如此类型的文章,重要信息往往会出现在较为醒目的地方,如开篇、每段段首或文章结尾,目的是让读者能又快又准地获取资讯。
在总结阅读材料时,可以采用“4 Ws+1H”分析法,抓住五个方面的内容:时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who)、原因(why)以及方式(how)。本篇材料的时间并不明确,但其他四个方面的内容是十分清晰的。事件发生的地点为UK;人物涉及政府官员(the Education Secretary,the general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers)、教师(head teachers)、家长(parents)和学生(children);原因可以理解为parents taking their children out of school to save money for holidays;方式则是banning term-time holidays。在众多的信息中,考生要学会比较、筛查,挑选出最重要的信息。
与此同时,考生要抓住阅读材料中出现的两种不同的观点或做法。在本篇材料中,虽然没有明确地提及“观点”,但却包含两种“做法”。一种是parents taking their children out of school to save money for holidays,另一种是banning term-time holidays。在不同做法的背后,自然有不同的看法或者观点,稍稍改变一下我们审题的思维,这些观点就很容易被发现。
评论部分是作文的重点,涉及两个方面:第一,总的立场,即whether parents should take children out of school for holiday during term time in order to save money;第二,赞成或反对的原因,可分小点论述。无论是总立场还是分论点,都应该有主题句,然后进行两到三句阐述。
研究表明,作文句子的长度和密度与作文成绩直接相关。句子的长度和密度包括每个句子的单词数、每个句子里面的从句数目、并列句的数目等内容。例如As an attempt of the UK government to bring down truancy levels in schools,parents are to be banned by the education authority from taking their children out of school for holidays during term time.这个句子的长度和复杂度就要高于一般的简单句,这样的句式是作文获得高分的主要因素之一。
Notwithstanding the fact that…尽管
Sacrifce A for the sake of B为了B而牺牲A
Given the importance of…鉴于……的重要性
Which Is More Important,Education or a Cheaper Holiday?
As an attempt of the UK government to bring down truancy levels in schools,parents are to be banned by the education authority from taking their children out of school for holidays during term time.Notwithstanding the fact that term-time holidays cost less,the government offcials state that a child’s education is more important than a holiday.From my perspective,their statement is quite convincing.Parents,therefore,should not sacrifce their children’s education for the sake of a cheaper holiday.
Firstly,students’absence from school,no matter it is authorized or unauthorized,would jeopardize their education to some extent.Even a one-day leave could cost them some effort to catch up when return,let alone a holiday that usually lasts for several days.Moreover,the school is a community where people are inter-connected and mutually affected.One student’s out of school not only has the potential to damage his or her own education,but also is likely to interrupt that of others.Lastly,parents’taking children out of school for cheaper holiday seems to encourage truancy,and hence go against the government’s commitment to making education more academically rigorous.In the long run,it would disturb the development of education in the society at large.
Given the importance of education,I agree that term-time holidays should be banned.In addition to tough measures taken by the government,I believe parents’cooperation is all needed to reduce truancy in schools.
(239 words)