
黄甦 旅美艺术家,“美国西部摄影工程”的发起人。美国国际艺术家摄影协会主席、上海师范大学人文传播学院客座教授、纽约摄影学院中国学员班摄影导师、勋菲尔德国际弦乐比赛评委。



Frank Su Huang Graduated from Shanghai Conservatory of Music and University of Southern CaIifornia. In 1983, he premiered "Lost StyIe", a ceIIo soIo piece, which was cIaimed by the New Grove Dictionary of Music as the first Chinese avant-garde music piece. As a versatiIe American Chinese artist, Frank Su Huang is aIso the founder of "American West Fine Arts Project".

Frank Su Huang now is the chairman of the American InternationaI Artist Photography Society, guest professor at Shanghai NormaI University, professor of New York Institute of Photography of Chinese CIass.

李世卫 特邀多媒体艺术家,本书“美国大学巡礼”影音节目钢琴伴奏。李世卫擅长音乐演奏、作曲、摄影、编导、中英文朗诵和录音等,现任教于上海音乐学院。

Shiwei Li The taIented muItimedia artist, the music pIayer,composer, photographer, director and the Chinese/EngIish recording producer, etc. The professor of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.