从社会发展进程看,精细化管理的发展与汽车工业是分不开的。福特汽车的规模化生产影响了整个20世纪的制造业,表明了流水线、标准化是科学管理的重要起步阶段;通用汽车的细分化生产激发了消费者的个性化需求,从而调整自身的生产与服务能力,形成了科学管理的中间发展阶段;因势而生的丰田汽车 “精益化管理”是在前两个阶段基础上的深化和细化,提升了众多企业和职业经理人的管理理念,是管理科学的最新发展阶段。

精益供应链(Lean Supply Chains):来源于精益管理,将从产品设计到顾客得到产品这整个过程所必需的步骤和合作伙伴整合起来,快速响应顾客多变的需求。其核心是减少、消除企业中的浪费,用尽可能少的资源最大程度地满足客户需求。
精益供应链的出现,成为减少浪费、降低成本、缩短操作周期、提供强化的客户价值从而增强企业竞争优势的一种 “伟大的方法”。精益供应链理论从单纯的企业管理与物流管理中走出,形成了一门新兴的管理理论。
精益管理链(Lean Management Chains,LMC)是从精益供应链发展和派生出来的新概念。精益管理链是指在管理活动中,要以顾客满意为轴向,不断优化生产过程、服务过程、供应过程,减少浪费、降低成本、形成精益管理的有效过程。精益管理链借鉴了精益供应链的原理与链条概念的功能注解,形成了独特的管理理论。

安索夫的协同概念包括互补效应和协同效应两部分,互补效应是指 “自组织”,即:通过整体的效益来节约成本、增加收益,而协同效应是指 “搭便车”。
“搭便车”效应——安德鲁·坎贝尔等在 《战略协同》一书中说: “通俗地讲,协同就是 ‘搭便车’。当从公司一个部分中积累的资源可以同时且无成本地应用于公司的其他部分的时候,协同效应就发生了”。
一是目标取向的高度一致性。管理协同和精细化管理的思想,不管是在营利组织还是在非营利组织中的运用,都有利于最大限度地实现组织的目标,最大限度地提高组织的运行效率和降低成本。管理协同的实质是一种自组织协同,它是指没有外界因素的驱使下,系统内部开放式的合作所自动出现的功能有序化的新结构现象,可实现提高效率和提升效益的目标。而精细化管理的内涵最明显的是 “精、准、细、严”,这也是以提高效率、降低成本来实现组织目标的。
二是管理要素与内容的趋同性。管理协同强调的是组织内部的组成,要服从总体的目标,并通过供应链等形式的运作来进行系统整合,从而提高组织的运作效率,使组织内部紧密联系,具有竞争力。精细化管理的思想则也是通过流程和职能的量化,实行节约化的管理,强调以人为本,使 “认真严谨”成为一种工作习惯。
当国内许多公立医院还在为规模化扩张而竭尽心力之时,一些世界发达国家的医院已经开始收获精益管理所带来的丰硕成果。美国著名医院管理大师所著的 《向世界最好的医院学管理》和 《精益医院》等书,无不向我们展示了医院精益管理的种种益处。
马克·格雷班在 《精益医院》一书的最后,描述了他们的最后思考——2001年美国的工业界发出了这样一种声音,我们希望看到一个世界医疗界的丰田。在那时,美国医疗界还没有一个明确的领导者能够拥有一个显著优于其他医院的工作流程或创新成果。即使到现在也依然没有一个精细化管理的榜样可供大家学习,不过已经有很多家医院谱写了“创精益医院”的故事。
今天我们也要发出这样一种声音,在中国也已经有了自己的 “创精益医院”的探索与原创理论的贡献。我们的研究从理论上讲,是将管理科学最新成果——精益供应链与协同理论,和中国医院管理相结合的产物。从实践上讲,是一个比较完整的、具有创新性的、还有普适性的医院管理创新应用成果。这表明,我们在这一方面的研究已经达到了一个新的高度。

2010年和2012年,中国协和医科大学出版社分别出版了我的两本专著 《医院精细化管理概论》和 《创精益医院》,在综合吸收前者的理论基础和后者的管理实践的基础上,根据我院近年来在医院精细化管理过程中新的创新探索,对理论与实践相结合的成果进行了进一步的提炼与升华。
第二,医院精益管理链的构建要注意运用链条机制的原理,将医院管理作用的要素,实行齿状对接,以求无缝连接和最优效果。并注意运用协同管理的自组织原理,将医院的子系统最优化,并产生 “1+1>2”的整体效应。
第三,构建医院精益管理链的三部曲:一是对于院长和医院决策者来说,要选对要素!各个不同医院和医院在不同时期,它的核心要素都是在动态变化之中,需要我们注意识别,并注意掌握。二是选对、选准要素后,要根据精细化管理的要求,按照PDCA循环的原理,进行重点管控,产生显著的变化与效果。三是注意利用协同原理,将要素之间的管理效果实行 “自组织”和 “搭便车”效应。这样就达到了医院构建精益管理链的目的。
第四,各医院的精益管理链可以各不相同,但都必须围绕医院的战略管理、医院的组织结构管理、医院的学科建设与人才管理、医院的文化管理、医院员工的管理、医院医疗质量管理、医院服务管理、医院流程管理、医院的绩效与薪酬管理等来进行和构建。这样才能抓住医院管理的 “牛鼻子”,达到医院精益管理链的效能目的!


2004年,中国台湾医院管理专家邱文达博士创新地在医院医疗质量管理中开展了品管圈的新型活动形式。品管圈(Quality Control Circle,QCC)是由相同、相近或互补之工作场所的人员组成(又称QC小组,一般6人左右),全体合作、集思广益,按照一定的活动程序,对自己的业务水平、岗位职责不断地进行维持与改善的活动。品管圈的运转就是管理到改善到管理再到改善,如此循环往复,持续改进的过程,即PDCA的过程。
在众多的医疗质量管理工具中,“品管圈”是一个可在短期内见效、明显改善相应部门质量和提高效率的活动。它倡导以一线员工为中心,组成质量改善圈,共同学习和运用品管方法,讨论、发现、解决工作中存在的问题,形成自下而上、卓有成效的质量改善机制。从 “要我做”到 “我要做”,使 “质量改善”真正成为一种文化,一种习惯,成为一种团队工作的固有模式,并凭借它去寻找问题、发现问题、解决问题。
从某种意义上讲,可以说,医院的死亡病例讨论是一部最具有活学活用价值的医院管理,那么 “五个不放过”就是我们在医院医政管理过程中往往存在的患者与家属不满意,而医院和医生又容易忽视和容易自以为是的一些问题。
患者死亡,手术失败、出现并发症、纠纷投诉等情况在医院屡见不鲜。对于患者的死亡,医生往往会分析 “患者病情太重”、“病情变化太快了”、“我们已经尽力了”等各种原因;对于并发症,医生往往会寻找 “这是正常的并发症”、“这种病就会有这种并发症”等各种借口;对于纠纷投诉,医生往往会解释 “我已经做到位了”、 “我已经跟家属沟通过了”、“我又没错,是家属无理取闹”。很多情况下,医生可以凭借各种理由、各种借口“蒙混过关”,但仔细分析,真的是这样吗?
当我们遵循 “五个不放过”原则,认真剖析,追根溯源,分析隐藏在这些问题背后的深层次原因时,就会发现诸多死亡病例在病情评估、严重程度的判断上有失误,在病情观察、细节处理方面有疏忽;手术病例在适应证、禁忌证把握上有不当,在围手术期处理上有欠缺;对并发症的防范措施不到位;与患者及家属的医患沟通不到位;甚至医院管理制度有漏洞等一系列问题。此时,各种理由、各种借口在事实面前显得是多么的无力!
“五个不放过”时刻提醒我们,凡事要透过表面现象看本质。一般患者死亡、手术失败、出现并发症、纠纷投诉中,最容易隐藏医疗质量问题,绝不能简单地以所谓的 “理由”和 “借口”懈怠了医院内部严格的医疗质量管理,否则类似的情况必然还会发生。
“五个不放过”是推进医疗质量持续改进的有力 “武器”。坚持 “五个不放过”查找医疗质量存在的问题,通过PDCA循环不断改进,必将能有效提高医疗质量,提高医院管理水平。
在医院管理不断走向精细化的年代,医疗质量管理也由终末管理向环节管理转变,“五个不放过”就是一把打开环节质量管理大门的 “钥匙”,坚持 “五个不放过”,必将成功做好环节质量管理。
我们从2009年开始,对医院所有的死亡病例本着 “五个不放过”的精神和要求注意筛查、逐一讨论、逐一反思,构成医院科室和医生对于医疗质量关键环节和患者生命的警醒、警示。通过认真的讨论、分析、思考,来形成有效的医院对医疗质量管理最后一道防线的构建。
一是坚持每日进行对医疗、护理总值班的抽查和医务处护理部的巡视、检查,查找薄弱环节和问题。二是坚持每周或双周,医院组织一次医疗护理和行风的联合督查行动,由院领导轮流带队,各职能科室参加,抽查十二项核心制度的落实情况,对于检查中发现的问题,下发限期整改通知书。三是坚持要求院领导、科主任与名医、首席专家每月进行一定数量的病历质控,通过病历质控来查找问题,提升医疗质量与水平。四是坚持每季度以死亡病例讨论为主题的季读课,医院选择一到两个死亡纠纷病例,组织院内外专家参与点评、分析和讨论,并请所在科室提出相应的整改措施,以整改来促进医疗质量的提升。五是坚持每半年举行医疗纠纷追究与评判,对所发生的病例组织科学的评判,明确责任,一方面让医务人员自行分析,并进行解释,另一方面让专家评判,并且根据最后的结果,让相关人员与科室进行整改。六是坚持每年开展一次医疗安全警示教育周(或月)的活动,将一年来发生的医疗意外事件、院内感染事件,进行大讨论和警示教育。在此基础上,医院还通过 “金点子征集”等活动方式,收集建议、意见和方案,逐一加以整改和落实。
无锡市第二人民医院医疗质量管理品管圈是坚持 “五个不放过”的医疗质量管理理念,找准医疗质量管理的切入点,运用循迹追踪法发现整个系统存在的问题,通过PDCA循环对问题加以分析、讨论、改进,同时形成日、周、月、季、年周而复始的有效的医疗质量管理循环。

2013年9月,由我主要研究的课题 《医院 “人才树”工程的构建——提升学科带头人与普通员工群体素质项目》获亚洲医院管理奖人力资源发展类卓越奖,这次中国大陆仅有两家医院获奖,我们是其中之一(另一家为华西医院)。这个项目源于我们医院十多年坚持不懈抓人才培养,是历经十多年对人才培养体系不断完善、实践、再修正、再构建,最终实现人才培养精细化管理。
一是引入 “树型结构”理论。破除以往人才培养模式单一、局限的弊端,从医院人才队伍涵盖的不同技术层次及发展阶段要素分类,层层递增,实施阶梯状分层培养。按 “基底—树干—树冠”三级培养体系,对应普通医务人员和新职工群体—技术骨干群体—精英群体。基底(普通医务人员和新职工群体)以确立终身学习理念、实施全员职业养成教育为主;树干(技术骨干群体)以创新人才培养机制、实施助推成长计划为主;树冠(精英群体)以加强能力业绩考核、拓展学术辐射力为主。三者间相互依存,梯式发展,协调合作。


三是 “人才树”工程具有的 “两个一、两个三”的特点。其中 “两个一”是指一种人才管理工具和一本小册子;“两个三”是指针对群体的三级培养体系和个体医学人才成长的三个阶段。
“一种人才管理工具” “人才树”工程的 “树形”是对人才梯队的形象比喻,既代表了集体的人才组成,也象征着人才的成长过程。这是一种管理工具,它把医院对不同层次人员的管理纳入其中,形成一种可测量、可奖励、可动态培养的体系。这一工具,我描述为一种 “函数工具”,它对医院整体医疗水平起着放大、缩小的作用:医院管理得好,学科建设和人才培养的效果就被放大;医院管理得不好,学科建设和人才培养的效果就会大打折扣。
“人手一本小册子” 在无锡市第二人民医院,有一本每位员工都有的小手册——《卫技人员系统培训与考核办法》。在这本手册上,不同职称、不同学历的员工,从入职到退休每一年需要完成的任务、考核目标,都有明确、细致的要求。
“群体三级培养体系” 从医院人才结构的全体而言,“基底—树干—树冠”人才培养模式被描述成一个 “树形”结构。其中 “基底”就是医院刚刚入院的普通中青年员工,“树干”包括35~45岁的中青年骨干、副高和中级职称的技术骨干,是医院加速培养的对象,“名医”、“首席”、“专家”这些省市重点学科的带头人,作为 “树冠”,主要发挥他们的技术引领、科研创新和名医诊疗作用。医院对三种对象采取三种不同层次的培养举措,对他们有不同层次的管理要求,以此搭建强有力的医院人才梯队。
“个体医学人才成长三个阶段” “人才树”工程引入职业路径,在员工入院第一天起到退休的整个职业生涯各阶段提出不同的目标,为每个员工量身定制科学的职业路径规划,以实现员工个人与医院发展目标。从个人职业生涯来看,总体需经历三个阶段:一是学习阶段,为实习或刚工作时期,需要基础的积累;二是成长阶段,也是最为漫长的一个阶段,在实践中进行自我发展和自我提高;三是成熟阶段,经过漫长的积累和锤炼,能将自身能力应用自如,是发挥主导作用的一个阶段。不同的阶段有着不同的路径和目标。
如果说前几年我们医院的人才树工程比较好地解决了树冠人才的引领作用以及临床技术的水平发挥,和基底人才的储备与基础教育问题,那么对于树干人才来说,我们侧重于他的国际眼光的培养、专科技术的提升、综合能力的打造,这些方面都有较大的进步和进展。但是,这些树干人才也出现了思想不稳定、前途不明朗、业务作用发挥不理想等困惑,这是我们充分认识到由于树冠人才的作用与价值链的形成与影响对树干人才产生了一定的消极作用与不良影响,有必要促使我们在充分发挥树冠人才的临床作用的同时,也要采取一些特殊措施,来引导和培养树干人才作用的独特发挥,并且要让树干人才看到他们自己与树冠人才的区别和不同,并寻找自我作用的发挥渠道与方法,这是我们在 “人才树”工程中的新发现、新认识与新重点。第一,要突出树干人才的阶段性明确目标,在专科技术、临床能力、科研创新、学习能力的培养方面,都要有明确的方向与指标。第二,要有适合树干人才特点的竞赛方式,让树干人才寓教于乐,在经常性、反复性、特定性的临床医疗工作中,寻找到可比较的、可促进的方式方法,如积分赛、征文赛、年排名等。第三,要有一定强度的激励方式,树干人才往往在收入上与树冠人才会有较大的差异,也会比较看重业务收入上的区别,对优秀树干人才给予一定强度的正向激励,是具有积极意义的,不仅对个体具有鼓励作用,而且对于群体而言,也有正向的引领作用,会有事半功倍的效果。
每个医院都有着自己的绩效与薪酬体系,但是有些院长与医院管理者没有充分认识到医院绩效与薪酬管理的独特杠杆作用与测量意义。在医院管理中,存在着为了考核而考核,甚至 “先进轮流做”的现象,没有发挥绩效管理的正确导向与竞赛接力作用。
五是可操作性。这种考核与分配方法实现了医院经济管理与综合目标管理的结合,使医院长期战略在短期目标中得以体现。在此基础上,以平衡、促进医院各项工作协调发展为前提,努力纠正和强化当前工作中的 “短板”,并通过量化设计后形成可操作性目标,最终达到调动全院各类人群积极性的目的。
从2004年到2014年,无锡市第二人民医院基于平衡计分卡之上的绩效管理与薪酬体系已经走过了整整十年。十年中,我们看着第一张简单而略显粗糙的 “医院平衡计分卡”从我们的手中诞生,看着绩效分配从实施前的与收支结余关联经历数次调整走向了要素式分配的道路,如同孕育和培养一个孩童般看着他从稚嫩走向成熟,从蹒跚学步到步履坚定。
探索之一:推行优质服务 “五个一”
“一个窗口发药”优化就诊流程——对门诊药房采取了 “窗口大一点、高度降一点、距离近一点、流程简一点、速度快一点”的改造,在全市率先采用柜台式发药模式。使从前的排长队 “人等药”变成了如今的 “药等人”,据统计该举措实行以来,患者取药时间平均缩短了20分钟。
“一站式服务中心”提供 “管家”式贴心服务。针对 “便捷、高效”两大主题,2009年医院在门诊开设了包括集中预约、分诊导医、便民措施、药物咨询、审批报销、方便门诊、投诉处理等服务功能,平均每年为10万多名患者提供服务,真正做到减少患者往返。
“168后勤服务一条专线”解决患者后顾之忧。对全院后勤服务功能进行整合,开设院内 “168”服务热线,只需一个电话,为住院患者提供所有生活、设施保障,检查陪送服务及营养饮食供应。我们承诺:凡住院患者错过就餐时间,拨打 “168”热线后,20分钟内热腾腾的伙食就会送达患者床头。
一是建立 “中心”服务平台。我们以大型医院的门诊患者疾病谱及实际需求为研究对象,针对需要2个以上相关专科提供诊疗服务的人群,以病种为单位,结合医院优势学科特色,率先推出了脑科联合门诊、胸痛冠心病联合门诊等八个中心化门诊,实现了从单科门诊模式向多科联合门诊模式转变。每个诊疗中心的医务人员由院部指定的相应专科的副高以上人员组成。多科医师对同一患者进行联合诊疗,多科沟通提出最佳诊疗方案。
二是选择 “中心”诊疗适应证。合理选择 “中心”诊疗的适应证,我们规定一是在同一专科就诊3次以上,或在多个专科就诊仍未明确诊断或诊疗效果不佳的患者;二是在就诊时,同时合并多系统疾病,需要多个专科协同会诊的患者;三是外地患者在当地就诊诊疗效果不佳,需要请专家会诊的患者;四是对以往诊疗效果不满意的患者。
三是制定 “中心”运行制度。我们在制定诊疗中心的相关医疗工作制度和服务制度的基础上,同时规定疑难病例的可预约诊疗,由患者通过电话或现场向工作人员说明基本病情,工作人员根据患者病情确定需要参与诊疗的专家及诊疗日期,提醒患者就诊时需要携带的医学资料,如病历、检验报告单及影像学资料等。对于一些年龄较大、病情较急的患者,医院开通检查、治疗绿色通道,必要时由工作人员陪同检查、陪同治疗。
四是宣传 “中心”诊疗程序。“中心化诊疗”实施后,为了让广大患者知晓我院这一服务举措,医院在各门诊、急诊室、病房都向患者做了宣传和发放告知材料,在报刊和电视台都作了宣传,让患者可以 “有备而来”。
医疗中心化设置的目的,在于系统完成人员整合、技术整合、设备整合和患者资源整合。将具有同一系统疾病专业的医生整合在一个中心范围内,实现医疗人力资源的整合,和疾病不同治疗方法整合,以体现 “以人为本、以患者为主体”的医学医疗新方式。
探索之三:脑科 “中心化”发展的新模式
脑科中心的五个 “联合”工作机制——脑科中心正式成立以来,坚持 “以患者为中心”,以提高医疗技术水平和服务质量为宗旨,大力开展科技创新、管理创新,本着突出特色和注重实效的原则,实施精细化管理,建立了神经内外科以及相关影像、病理、康复的五个 “联合”工作机制:一是单病种疾病的联合规范化诊治,如:脑卒中的多学科合作、规范化诊治;二是建立了联合查房制度,脑神经专科开展了每月2次的神经内外科联合查房,中心主任和神经内外科等医师共同对患者进行查房,大大丰富了三级查房的内涵;三是开设了脑病联合会诊中心。我们开设了每周三下午的脑病联合会诊中心,聚集了神经内外科、神经放射影像、神经内分泌、神经眼科等专科的副主任医师以上的专家,共同对患者进行会诊,对患者的诊断、鉴别诊断以及进一步的治疗措施大家共同商讨,从而制订患者的诊疗最佳方案;四是开展了每周1次的联合脑科学术周会(Neuroscience Meeting/Friday Lunch Meeting)。每周五的中午进行了脑科学术周会,神经内外科、神经放射、神经病理、检验等科室人员参加。开展从病史到辅助检查、治疗、手术结果、病理结果等的病例讨论,以及外来学者、本院医师特别是年轻骨干医师等做专题报告;五是开设了脑科联合急诊。我们自2009年起在急诊室增加了脑科急诊。将神经内外科的急诊进行调整与合并,成立了脑科急诊。脑病患者统一在脑科急诊就诊,方便了患者,也提高了脑病的抢救成功率。
脑科中心近年来成熟开展一系列 “品牌手术”,脑血管病规范化诊疗、防治卒中单元管理、缺血性脑血管病超早期溶栓治疗等诊疗技术也走在国内前列。目前该中心实现年门急诊量5000余人次、抢救危重患者3000余人次,抢救成功率达90%以上。脑科中心大力开展国家级、省级新技术新项目,近年来共获得3项国家自然科学基金的资助,打开科研新局面,科研立项及论文发表逐年上升。2011年获评江苏省医学 “创新团队”及 “领军人才”,并成为国家卫生计生委脑卒中筛查与防治基地。
医院与崇安区各社区卫生服务中心建立合作关系后,医院又增设了社区预约,社区患者可直接到所在社区卫生服务中心预约我院门诊,2011年以来通过社区预约的患者达9000余人次,被称为 “身边的三甲医院”。我院还与号码百事通建立合作关系,并以此为平台扩大我院的预约人群。
推行 “24小时预约挂号”服务,在门诊安放24台自助服务机,提供24小时自助挂号和收费服务,可预挂7天内各类专家门诊和普通门诊号,支持银联卡支付。同时,与工商银行合作,推出 “先诊疗后付费”服务,有效缩短患者等候时间。目前日均有300余人次通过自助服务机进行挂号、交费或预授权,门诊预约就诊率达到95%以上。我院还向自费患者发放带有电子钱包功能的 “普仁卡”,自费患者将通过 “普仁卡”或 “银联卡”就诊,医保患者将通过 “医保卡”就诊,这也是我院即将推出 “先诊疗后结算服务”的第一步。
探索之六:腔镜中心 “工作室点名制”
过去,我们医院胃镜室还是那么多医生、那么多胃镜,由于绩效考核方法还是趋向于 “大锅饭”式,与多劳与优劳的挂钩体现不明显。以至于因为需空腹准备,大家上班每天只上午做胃镜,每天只做30~40个,肠镜也只每周预约一二个下午,每次只预约5~10个。所以,胃肠镜检查在许多医院都成为看病难、等候长、预约慢的瓶颈。如:前一阶段,我们无锡市许多医院曾经胃镜预约超过二周以上、肠镜预约超过一个月以上。
在全院开展 “治顽症,提服务”活动,重点对群众反映最强烈的、最不满意的热点问题进行专项研究,总结归纳出当前较为突出和亟须整改的八大 “顽症”,向社会、向员工作出公开承诺。


医院事业部制改革从真正意义上实现了 “机构更简、关系更顺、年龄更优、素质更强、效率更高”五个突破,创新医院的内部管理架构,真正做到了 “职能到位、职责到位”,降低了管理重心,缩短了管理跨度,规范了管理权责,提高了管理效能,更有效地解决了当前医院部门间因职能交叉或多头管理造成的协调困难、效率不高、执行力不强等现象。
在这种模式下,医生没有积极性、竞争性,更没有患者的选择性,医院的绩效也难与医生的医疗服务相挂钩,很容易出现 “干好干坏、干多干少都是一个样”的现象,也容易存在 “不管你医疗水平如何,一样当主任”的现象。
主诊医师负责制是国外医院管理中普遍运用并取得成功的医疗管理模式,在国外被称为 “Attending”负责制,是由一名Attending,一名Fellow和一名以上Resident组成的一个医疗小组,主诊医师率领该医疗小组全权负责实施患者门诊、住院、手术、会诊、出院后随访等一系列医疗活动。
我们医院倡导的 “科主任领导下的主诊医师负责制”,赋予主诊组一定的医疗权和自主权,同时还要保证科主任能够统筹协调整个科室,强调科主任协调作用的关键性。
主诊组的设置——根据各科室、病区的床位数及医生人数来设置主诊组。主诊组原则上 “因岗设人、以岗定责”,每个病区40~50张床位,设置2~3个主诊组,各医疗组的组合通常采取双向选择。允许 “高职低配、低职高配”,可根据临床工作的需要按1∶1∶1(即1名主诊医师、1名主治医师、1名住院医师)、1∶1∶2或1∶2∶4等几种形式构成。主诊医师全面负责组内的医疗活动,拥有医疗终结权,带领主诊组完成各项诊治工作,保证连续性、及时性、完整性。疑难危重病例则要求提交全科讨论,并服从科室讨论意见,把好本组医疗质量关、安全关。主诊医师还要担负起对下级医生的培养、研究生指导等教学科研工作。
主诊医师的资格与遴选——主诊医师一般由从事临床工作一定年限的副主任医师以上职称人员担任,若科室高职人员不足则可视情况由表现突出的高年资主治医师担任,具有丰富的临床理论和实践经验,科研教学能力突出,并具有一定的管理水平。主诊医师实行竞聘上岗,通常经过本人申请、科主任提名、专家组和医院职能部门的综合权重考核,经院学术委员会讨论后产生,一般聘期为1~2年。此外主诊医师不搞 “终身制”,实行动态管理,对不能胜任主诊医师的随时进行调整,医院按照每年绩效考评结果,对排名靠后者进行滚动进出式的重新遴选。根据科室人员结构也可设立后备主诊医师或副主诊医师和自由主诊医师(部分精力充沛的老专家)。
新型护理责任组的改革。2012年,我们借鉴了主诊医生负责制的方法,创造性地开展了新型护理责任组的模式—— “全程精细化(优质)护理责任组”的改革。
特点三:建立适应全程精细化护理责任组模式的护理流程。在人力调配上结合医院和科室实际,原则性与灵活性相结合,打破一刀切,实行差别化的人力比,如根据工作需要,建立了准时制(Just In Time)应急护理人力资源调配系统;对康复、特需病房实行“12小时班”;神经内科病房实行 “一月连续夜班”制;急诊、重症病房实行 “责任组8小时连续负责制”;眼科病房推行 “APN班”等,把排班真正 “弹”起来。
特点四:完善考核,优胜劣汰。首先完善对护士的考核,医院以建立护士岗位管理制度为核心,推进医院人事制度改革,坚持按需设岗、按岗聘用、竞聘上岗。护理部建立了与之相适应的考核办法,对新遴选的责任组长耐心指导,每半年进行滚动管理。对排名位于前六位的护理组和责任组长予以表彰和重奖,对于排名靠后工作能力差和工作积极性不高的责任组长予以告诫乃至取消资格。其次完善了护理组工作质量的考评体系。制定了包括工作量指标、质量指标、满意度、学习与创新四个维度的考核细则及各级满意度测评表、工作量统计表、护理组专科护理质量考核表。建立了护理组三级督查SOP,完善了护理二班督导岗,增设了每天 “护理主任代表值班制”和 “服务巡查员每日督查制”,对发现的问题随时进行指导。
特点五:改革护士收入分配制度。医院根据实际表现和工作业绩,建立科学的绩效考核和分配体系。护理部实行独立绩效考核,以 “高风险、高强度、高质量、高收入”为原则。在绩效分配上,与科室的护理工作量、岗位风险、护理质量(护理服务满意度)和护士能级挂钩,向临床一线倾斜、提高夜班津贴,逐步提高护士收入。2013年,我们对此项改革又进行了深化,实行了与医疗主诊组相结合的新的护理责任组模式。新的护理责任组模式确定后,我们又再次修订了对各护理组的工作评价,从以往对科室考核细化到对每个护理组的考核细化,通过工作量、医疗质量、成本效益、满意度等20多项指标进行综合评价、考核。
医院管理在任何时候都必须遵循 “文化在先,行为在后”的客观规律。很难想象在粗放、浮躁、散漫的医院文化氛围中,去运行一条精细、协同、高效的医院管理链。
医院的文化建设要形成一种特色,一种品牌,一种卓越。这需要院长与医院领导者们的不断学习与创新思维。也需要医院精英们、业务技术骨干们的锦上添花与率先垂范。更需要医院全体员工的广泛认同、共同推进、全面实施。这是医院文化建设的三个层次与三个步骤。医院文化的管理作用是重要的。它可以让医院领导者的行政命令依托一种文化力量来引导员工自觉遵循,最终变成高效的执行力。同时它也能变成无形的 “紧箍咒”,约束少数落后员工的不规范、不守纪的错误行为。
二是凝聚作用。文化最重要的作用方式就是保持较强的凝聚作用。医院管理有起伏、有危机、有创新,但更多的还是一种常态管理,要使医院这个特殊的团队保持一种良好的管理态势,最重要、最有效的管理方法就是通过医院文化的力量将全体员工团结在一起,形成 “院荣我荣,院衰我耻”的境界。
我们倡导并探索实施医院精细化管理,将精益理念灌输全院员工、贯穿整个管理过程、整个医疗流程。精益带给大家一种理念,做任何事都要认真负责、追求完美。无论是学习,还是工作,讲究专注地做好每一件事、在每一个细节上精益求精、力争最佳。精益文化要求我们要有认真严谨的态度,需要我们确立勤勉踏实的作风,需要我们养成深入思考的习惯,需要我们坚定永不满足的信念,将 “精益”始终贯穿于学习、工作、生活中。
医院每年3月,在院庆期间都要隆重举行 “科技文化周”活动,这样的活动已经持续多年。在院庆科技文化周活动中,医院要开展形式多样、丰富多彩的系列活动,如一场高水平的学术报告会:邀请国内院士或者著名的专家学者来院授课;一场院庆升旗仪式,凝聚全院职工的爱院热情;举办一场 “学科建设与技术创新大会”等。近年来,医院学科建设取得长足进步。
“金点子”活动点燃创新火花。2005年起,医院开始每年组织 “金点子”活动,针对医院发展规划、医院重点工作以及工作中遇到的瓶颈、急需解决的问题等情况都拿出来和大家一起讨论,一年一个讨论主题,群策群力,集思广益。这样的活动一方面能充分调动全院职工的积极性,另一方面这样的 “头脑风暴法”,可以使医院发展中的很多问题就在这一个个小点子中迎刃而解!
“早、晚读课”。2004年7月起,我们针对中高级职称人员和初级职称人员分别开设了每月一次的 “早晚读课”,利用早晨上班之前一小时或下午下班后一小时的时间进行继续医学教育,即 “早读课”和 “晚读课”。迄今共开展早读课185场次,累计57972人次;晚读课98场次,累计17339人次,先后邀请了国内知名院长、学者来院授课,从医院管理、科研攻关、前沿技术、设备使用等多方面进行介绍,加快了医务人员的知识更新步伐。
员工征文活动让院长了解员工的心声。员工怎样释放个性?如何培养会思考的员工?这看似许多复杂的问题,实际上只需要一个简单的方法就可以实现——员工征文。针对覆盖全院的重大事件、具有特殊意义的重要时刻,或者看似微不足道的 “小事”,我们常常给职工出 “命题作文”,不限体裁和风格,诗歌、散文、记叙、甚至微小说都行,只要把他们对于命题的所思、所感都表达出来。院长通过开展员工征文活动,好比找到医院文化建设的风向标,知道如何塑造更接地气的医院文化。因为没有人比员工更了解自己医院的文化了,没有一种文化可以脱离员工的行为而存在。
全员开展每天学习半小时,运动半小时。2013年下半年,我们在医院开展了 “每天学习半小时、运动半小时”的健康行活动。每天学习半小时,就是要求大家坚持学习、团队学习、专业学习。医院要求科室每月都要组织和承办学术讲座、医学新进展介绍、病例讨论及主题沙龙等业务学习活动。每月遴选面向全院的开放性讲座,每周二、三中午一小时。迄今为止,共组织全院性的开放性讲座24次,参加人员6000多人次。
Establishing New Modal of Lean Hospitals with Asian Characteristics--Form a Hospital Lean Management Chain
I.Lean Management and Lean Management Chain
From the perspective of social development,the development of lean management is closely related to automobile industry.
Large-scale production of Ford Motor has influenced the manufacturing industry of the whole 20th century,indicating that line and standard production is an important initial stage.
Differentiation production of General Motor stimulated special needs of customers so that GM adjusted its own production and service capability,thus enteringthe intermediate stage of scientific management.
“Lean Management” of Toyota was formed based on the former two stages, and has improved many enterprises’ and managers’ understanding of management ideology.It is the latest development stage of scientific management.
From the perspective of theory, lean management includes three theoretical origins, such as F.W.Taylor's scientific management,Deming's quality management and Toyota's lean management.Taylor's scientific management theory emphasizes on establishing standards by using scientific research methods and applying them to production for better performance.Major contribution of Deming's quality management theory to lean management theory is the emphasis on process flow design in advance, system and non-system causes, manager's role of managing and helping, and staff training.
Toyota's lean management focuses on less investment, including manpower, equipment,time and space,for most value.The fundamental approach of Toyota lean management is achieving sustainable improvement and excellence of process by standardization,automation and participation of staff,thus realizing higher efficiency and speed and less waste.
The essence of Toyota's lean production system is the Toyota triangle model,which is a integrated system with staff and staff development as the core.Based on this core,three modules including technology tool,management tool and philosophical idea are developing at a balanced pace.The scientific combination of those four parts forms lean culture.
In recent years, with the rise of logistics industry, in lean management studies, a new research field emerged,namely lean supply chain theory.This theory is the application of lean production and lean management in logistics industry.As hospital administrators,we should pay attention to and learn from that.
Lean supply chain, originates from lean management, integrates all the necessary procedures from product design to sale so that suppliers can response to customers’changing needs quickly.Its core is to reduce and eliminate waste and meet the maximum needs of customers by using the minimum resources.
Lean management chain is a great solution to reduce waste, lower cost, shorten operation cycle, provide enhanced customer value and improve enterprises’ competitive advantages.
Lean supply chain, different from simple enterprise and logistics management, is a new emerging management theory.The definition of lean supply chain theory given by US supply chain management association is that plans and management of all the organizations concerned in management activities, which consist of access to resources, supply and transformation of service,and process management.
Another critical part of lean supply chain is the coordination of service partners.
Chain Mechanism
First,a chain is usually a metal ring or a series of connected links used for important mechanical transmission.
Second, a chain mainly has four varieties: ①transmission chain, used for the efficient transmission of power; ②conveyor chain, used for efficient transportation of materials; ③traction chain, mainly used for pulling and lifting; ④special chain, a special function chain installed in a mechanical device.
Thirdly, a chain composes of chain plate, chain pin and axle sleeve, the precise connection of which enables long-term and highly efficient momentum.A chain is the most efficient production tool in machinery industry.
Function of chain mechanism to the system
First is action orientation.The chain mechanism guides the operation of the whole system without influence of other external or internal factors,thus enabling its integrity and orderliness.
Second is low cost and high efficiency.The most important feature of chain systematic function is low input and high output.It is a converter that can reduce internal disorder,consumption and conflicts within the system.
Third is maintaining stability.Chain mechanism tells us that dentate connection is the most stable connection.It prevents structural unbalances and maintains internal stability within the system.
Fourth is information transmission.Information is the contacts within the organization.Information and smooth logistics are prerequisite to each other.Disorder in logistics will inevitably affect information flow in a negative way,while smooth logistics enables updated and accurate information flow.
Lean Management Chain
Lean Management Chain, abbreviated as LMC, is a new concept derived from lean supply chain.Lean management chain refers to a effective process of optimizing production and service process, reducing waste, lowering cost and forming a lean management chain that targets at customer's satisfaction.Lean management chain is based on the theory of lean supply chain and functions of chains,and becomes a unique management theory.
Lean management chain has two axial directions,which are behavior management and value management.
II.Synergistic Management Theory and Its Applications
As an important trunk of system science,management synergetics emerged in 1970s.Its founder is Professor Haken,a German physicist.
According to Haken's opinion,the so-called synergy refers to the coordinated and cooperative action of sub-systems of the whole system.
Synergy is an internal manifestation of system integrity and relevance generated by interaction within the organization.It will generate synergic effect,which is an overall effect different from the simple sum of the parts.
Haken put forward many imports concepts such as order parameter, super order parameter,fast dynamic, and slow dynamic, laying a solid foundation for the research of synergetics.
Synergies are prevalent in the world.Some have not been recognized and some have already been recognized, such as political synergy, military synergy, cultural synergy and scientific synergy.Even though they occur in different fields of different forms,they have internal regularities.
Management synergy, as one important form, is in relation to management effectiveness from the perspective of systematic organization.
The definition of economics, put forward by famous American economist Mr.Ansoff, refers to the condition that when the enterprise's parts interact to produce a joint value that may be greater than the sum of the parts acting alone.In other words, with a certain amount of investment, an enterprise with a complete product line usually has higher sales revenue or lower operational cost in regards of a particular product than a company that only produces one product.That explains why an integrated value is higher than the sum of parts.
Ansoff's concept includes complementary effect and synergetic effect:the former refers to“self-organization”, namely to save costs and increase revenue through overall operation; the latter refers to a “free ride”.
Self-organization is a process where some form of overall order or coordination arises out of the local interactions between smaller component parts of an initially disordered system.The process of self-organization can be spontaneous,and it is not necessarily controlled by any auxiliary agent outside of the system.
“Free Ride” Effect
Andrew Campbell says in Strategic Synergy that generally synergy is “free ride”.When resources of a division with the company can be used in other divisions without increasing cost,synergetic effect occurs.
Management synergy is a theoretical system that uses ideas and approaches of synergertics to study management and implement management,and its objective is to realize management results in a more effective way.
For hospital administrators,they should use basic theories and approaches of synergetics to guide practices within the hospital so as to achieve coordinated operation of sub-systems and optimized allocation.As a result, a new and vibrant management system can be formed, which is the target of hospital management synergy.
In the study of management synergy,hospital management is a value chain.Internal resources such as human, financial, material and technology resources are allocated and used in an effective way so that self-organization ability can be produced.
Order parameter was introduced into system science by Haken.
Relevance between Management Synergy and Lean Management
According to research, the ideological core, main content and application methods of management synergy and lean management are closely related as follows:
Firstly, their objectives are same.Ideas of management synergy and lean management, applied in profit or non-profit organizations,both help realize maximum results and operational effectiveness and minimum cost.The essence of management synergy is self-organization,which means without external interference,a new orderly structure appears within the system and often helps to realize high efficiency and effectiveness.Meanwhile,lean management is featured as“fine, accurate, detailed and strict”, and its target is to improve efficiency and lower cost.
Secondly,management elements and content are similar.Management synergy emphasizes on a overall goal.Internal factors such as supply chain are integrated systematically so as to enhance operational efficiency and competitiveness.Lean management is conservation-oriented and peopleoriented by quantifying processes and functions.
Thirdly,they both focus on internal resource integration.Both management synergy and lean management emphasize on analysis and rational use of organization's internal functions.After clarifying functions and solving problems,all resources are integrated scientifically to higher effectiveness.Lean management requires classification and integration of tangible,intangible and knowledge resources for higher operational efficiency of the organization.
Fourthly,they have similar working platform.Management synergy and lean management both emphasize on working platforms within sub-systems, information network platform, service practice platform and people-oriented idea platform.
III.Formation of Hospital Lean Management Chain
While many public hospitals in China are struggling to expand,some hospitals in many developed countries around the world are harvesting the fruits of lean management.An America hospital management master have introduced to us the benefits of hospital lean management in his books,such as Management Lessons from the World's Most Advanced Service Organization and Lean Hospitals.
Mark Graban says at the end of his book Lean Hospitals that Toyota sets a good example in American industrial world in 2001,and we want to see our“Toyota” in medical field.At that time, there isn't a leading hospital in American medical field.Even till now, there is no model of lean management that we can learn from.But many hospitals are committed to building a lean hospital.
Today, we have shown the world that efforts have been made to build a “lean hospital” in China.Theoretically speaking,our research is to combine the latest managerial theories that are lean supply chain and synergetics with hospital management in China.Practically,it is a complete,innovative and universally applicable hospital management innovation.That means we have reached a new height of our study.
Our study of hospital lean management chain is based on the project,which won the Chinese Medical Science and Technology Award of Health Management.We have linked theory with practices and re-innovate.
In 2010 and 2012,Peking Union Medical College Press published my two treatises Introduction of Lean Management in Hospital and Building an Excellent Hospital.Based on theoretical foundation and management practice of the above two books,our hospital has made new progress in the journey of realizing hospital lean management.
Within the hospital management system,we have found out six most important subsystems of the hospital: medical quality system, talents cultivation system, performance assessment system,service procedure system,internal control system and hospital culture system.These subsystems interpenetrate and couple with one another within the system and finally form a closely integrated managerial chain.
We find out the intersections of six subsystems, connect them as a chain, and manage those key links,thus forming a hospital lean management chain.
This chain is a dynamic,cyclical and sustainable hospital management system.The chain and synergetic management techniques help improve the overall management effect of a hospital.
Based on the theoretical foundation of lean supply chain and synergetics,we have formed a hospital lean management chain,which is an innovative move.There are four major steps and features regarding the formation of hospital lean management chain.
First of all, during the process of applying lean management to our hospital, we manage all resources, factors, procedures and platforms according to the principle of lean supply chain and management synergy so as to achieve best returns.
Secondly,the establishment of hospital lean management chain needs the use of chain mechanism for seamless connection of all managerial factors,and self-organization theory for optimization of sub-systems and better results as“1+1>2”.
Thirdly, three steps to build a hospital lean management chain: first is to choose the correct factor from the perspective of hospital director and decision-makers.The most important factor varies in different hospitals and during different periods.Second is to focusing on management and control of the chosen factor based on PDCA principles so that to achieve obvious changes.Third is to use synergetic theory so as to realize the effect of“self-organization” and “free ride”.By this way,we can build a hospital lean management chain.
Fourthly,different hospitals can build different lean management chains based on same factors including strategic management, organizational structure management, discipline construction and talent management, hospital culture management, medical quality control, service management, process management and performance management.By seizing the essence, the hospital can make full of lean management chain.
Bullwhip Effect in Hospital Management
Bullwhip effect leads to the divergence of management information from the front line to leadership.
IV.Six Major Factors of Hospital Lean Management Chain
Step one, standard medical quality system.Medical quality is closed related to patients’ life and is a priority that hospital leadership should focus on.The essence of lean medical treatment is quality.The improvement of medical quality requires the integration,optimization and sustainable development of relevant factors within the system and the formation of a PDCA cycle.
Step two,delaminated talents cultivation system.According to the characteristics of different medical talents, we launch different talent cultivation projects, focusing on the foundation that is new medical staff,and building trunk that is key technical talent and crown that is academic leader.As a result,high efficiency is realized in talent cultivation.
Step three,factor-oriented performance assessment system.The hospital aims to establish a fine internal performance assessment system that suit the current development of the hospital and apply strict,detailed and timely supervision on every aspect of hospital work.We have used the strategic factor-oriented balanced scorecard,which covers four aspects such as financial management, internal operation quality, study and innovation, and customers’ satisfaction, to push forward scientific management of the hospital.
Step four, precise service procedure system.According to the principle of BPR(Business Process Re-engineering), the hospital continues to refine and improve medical service procedures including out-patient service, skill examination, ward management and logistics for better results.
Step five, form a “flattening” internal control system.According to the requirements of intensive management, the hospital has restructured the existing administrative, logistical, medical treatment and health care units,thus realizing a flattening hospital management system.
Step six,make hospital culture system a leading system in the hospital.Hospital culture is faith,value and code of conduct that staff adheres to during the process of medical treatment.It is a implicit,flexible and irreplaceable part of hospital management chain and contributes to the coordinated and effective development of the whole hospital.
Step 1.Create Medical Quality Control Cycle in the Hospital
Medical quality is the lifeline of a hospital and the main motivation when a patient is seeking for a hospital.Patients often judge if the hospital management is good based on medical quality.They need high quality medical service,which includes the superb and accurate medical treatment and high quality,fast and efficient medical service.The five aspects of Maslow's theory are all included in medical quality.
WHO defines medical quality from the perspective of supplier as the comprehensive capability of health service departments or organizations to use health resources to provide residents with medical and health service so as to meet their obvious and obscure needs.Foreign countries think that medical service is the gap between the actual medical and health service patients get and their expectation.
In our country, generally speaking, the narrow sense of medical quality includes technical level of medical personnel, the effect of disease prevention, etc.In its broader sense, medical quality focuses on not only effectiveness, safety and timeliness, but also patients’ satisfaction,medical work efficiency,economic effect of medical technology and the continuity of medical treatment.
1.1 Features of Medical Quality
With the social and economic development,it becomes more and more difficult to manage a hospital.The main problem is that the medical technique and service that hospital and doctors provide cannot meet the expectation of patients and the society as a whole.Many factors including medicine, risk, social, mental and environmental factors contribute to the complexity of medical service.
The hospital is a life-saving and humanitarian place.Medical service is for patients’life and health,and is quite different from the products that enterprises or agricultural industry provide.If a product is unqualified, it can be reproduced; but if medical quality is not good, patients will be gone forever.In this sense,medical quality is life of both patients and the hospital.
Firstly,medical quality is of great importance.Human life matters.Doctors and nurses deal with patients every day.Any small mistake may lead to a catastrophe and endless harm to patients and their families.So the emphasis on medical quality cannot be overstated.Hospital medical quality is extremely important and is the eternal focus of hospital management.
Secondly,emphasis on medical quality should be continuous.One-time medical safety education is not enough.As long as the hospital is in operation,there is potential risk of medical quality problem.No hospital can be sure that it has no medical quality problem.No doctor or nurse can guarantee that medical quality problem will never occur.Medical quality problem can occur any time repeatedly.
Thirdly,medical quality has the character of timeliness.The hospital can see the effect if they pay attention to medical quality during that period.Medical disputes and errors will decrease.On the contrary, if the hospital neglects medical quality, medical problem will occur frequently.The importance of medical quality should be emphasized all the time by all the staff within the hospital repeatedly.
Fourthly,medical quality is responsibility-based.Although medical quality problems can be caused by many factors such as responsibility, techniques and service, the responsibility of doctors and nurses is the most important one.Almost all mistakes that medical staffs make during operations or in giving medicines are related to the responsibility of medical staff.The sense of responsibility is an ideology,attitude and capability.
Fifthly,medical quality should be maintained in an innovative way.As medical quality is a priority all the time,it needs innovative method to maintain.If the hospital always uses one specific way to carry out medical quality education and management,the results will be not that satisfying.Hospital administrators must do research and study continuously, use innovative methods,updated cases and new ways to control medical quality.Then satisfying results will be achieved.
Doctors and the hospital's attitude towards medical quality is different from that of patients.That is a problem that we face in hospital management in China.I think many hospital directors feel that the most tricky trouble in a hospital is dealing with medical disputes and the most difficult problem in management is medical quality.It is so hard to offer satisfying medical technology and service to patients and the society as a whole.
1.2 A loop should be formed in regards of medical quality management.
Firstly,objective difficulties exist in medical quality management.Whoever have served as hospital directors or administrators would feel that medical quality management is a difficult job.But why is that so difficult? On the one hand, patients pay a lot attention to it and sometimes treat medical staff harshly.But this is a common circumstance that can not be changed.Medical quality is closely related to patients’life.So it is understandable that patients treat it seriously.
At present, technology and level of medical treatment are not so perfect.In other words, no doctor or hospital can guarantee to cure all diseases.So it is impossible or unrealistic to avoid medical quality problem.
The subjective difficulty of medical quality management lies in medical treatment activities.Doctors in many hospitals only focus on techniques and direct visual medical effects,and often neglect medical details, such as side effects, complications, and the changes of patients’mental state.
These subjective problems in medical quality management are caused by doctors’insufficient understanding and the lack of an effective management loop that connecting hospital departments and patients.A sustainable and repeatable PDCA cycle is needed for effective medical quality management.
In 2004,Dr.QiuWenda, a Taiwanese hospital management expert, carried out QCC activity in hospital medical quality management innovatively.QCC(Quality Control Circle)is composed of people who are working in similar or complementary workplaces.They collaborate with each other, do brainstorming, and make improvement of their own professional work according to certain processes.The operation of QCC is a continuous improvement process,i.e.a PDCA process.
Among all the management tools of medical quality, “QCC” is a effective one that can bring obvious improvement in a short term.The hospital forms a quality improvement circle with front line staff as the center, implement quality management measures, discuss and find out solutions to problems,forming a top-down and effective model.Hospital staff should shift working attitude from “I have to” to “I want to”.The hospital should cultivate a culture and fixed working mode of quality improvement,find out problems and solve them.
The theories of PDCA cycle and QCC inspire us during our work in establishing hospital lean management chain.Is that possible to include hospital quality management to the chain by using those theories?
Based on management mode of QCC and PDCA,and taking into consideration of medical quality management reality,Wuxi No.2 People's Hospital has carried out establishing a QCC of medical quality management in the process of building a hospital lean management chain.
1.3 Reflections on the principles of “Five Never Let Go”
After over twenty years of hospital management work,I realized that the key of medical quality is medical effect and patients’ satisfaction rate, and to achieve better quality and higher satisfaction rate, we need to better manage and discuss death cases, many of which involve medical disputes, rescuing of critically ill patients, and failed innovation.
To some degree, discussion of death cases is of great importance in hospital management;the principles of“Five Never Let Go” show some problems that patients and their families put forward and doctors easily neglect.
The five principles are as follows: never let go of death cases with unknown causes; never let go of failed operations without finding out reasons; never let go of patients’ complaints without knowing their reasons of dissatisfaction;never let go of medical complications without clear causes;never let go of the disputes without medical staff'ss recognition of their mistakes.
Five Never Let Go
Never let go of death cases with unknown causes
Never let go of failed operations without finding out reasons
Never let go of patients’complaints without knowing their reasons of dissatisfaction
Never let go of medical complications without clear causes
Never let go of the disputes without medical staff's recognition of their mistakes
Death cases, failed operations, medical complications and disputes are common in hospitals.For death cases, doctors usually explain that“that patient's condition is too severer”, “his condition changed so quickly”, “we have tried our best”; for medical complications, doctors often find excuses such as“this complication is common” or“this illness usually comes with this complication”; for medical disputes, doctors always say “I have done my job”, “I have told their families”, “I have done nothing wrong, it's their fault”.In many cases, doctors can muddle through with excuse.But is that really the truth?
When we strictly follow the five principles to analyze the root causes,we will find mistakes and carelessness in previous observation and judgment, improper behavior during operations, insufficient prevention of complications, lack of communication with patients and their families,and loopholes in hospital regulations.In face of reality,all reasons that doctors give are excuse.
The five principles summarize the key to medical quality management.The hospital can start from analyzing death cases, failed operation, medical complications and disputes, then look through every detail during medical treatment,and find out the existing problems.
The five principles also remind us that we should see through appearance to essence.Medical quality problems can easily hide in death cases, failed operations, medical complications and disputes.The hospital should never slack off in internal management because of the so-called“reasons” and “excuse” so as to avoid reappearance of similar cases.
The principle is a powerful“weapon” to push forward sustainable improvement of medical quality.The hospital should stick to the five principles to find out problems,solve them through PDCA cycle,and finally improve medical quality and management capability.
The era calls for hospital lean management and link management of medical quality.The five principles serve as a key to the door of link quality management.
Since 2009,our hospital has implemented the five principles, carefully reviewing every death cases and discussing its causes.All medical staff is fully aware of the importance.Through careful discuss and analysis,we have formed an effective method that is crucial in medical quality management.
1.4 Tracking method contributes to the formation of medical quality management loop.
JCI accreditation and the latest Grade A Tertiary hospital assessment both use tracking method to supervise quality management.Our hospital also uses tracking method firstly in studying death cases and then building a medical quality management loop.The important steps are as follows:
Firstly,conduct examination and inspection on medical and nursing departments on a daily basis to find out weaknesses and problems.
Secondly,carry out a joint inspection on heath care activities and moral culture weekly or every two weeks led by hospital leadership,and a selective examination of the implementation of twelve core regulations.A rectification notice will be issued once a problem is found.
Thirdly, organize quality control on patients’ records by hospital leaders, division chiefs and experts, seeking problem from patients’ records so as to upgrade medical quality and capability.
Fourthly, to carry out high quality “seasonal seminar” on death cases.The hospital selects one or two cases that involves disputes or patients’ complaints, and invite experts within the hospital to analyze medical problem and its root causes deeply,which helps the hospital to improve medical quality.
Fifthly, review and examine medical disputes every six months, clarify responsibilities.One the one hand, medical staffs analyze disputes by themselves; on the other hand, experts give judgment,and finally relevant staff make rectifications accordingly.
Sixthly, hold a medical safety warning education week/month annually, discussing medical accidents and hospital infections.On this basis, the hospital also collects suggestions, ideas and programs for further rectification by activities such as“Golden Idea Collection”.
Wuxi No.2 People's Hospital adheres to the principles of“Five Never Let Go” to form a medical quality control circle, find out problems by tracking method, analyze, discuss and make improvements by PDCA cycle,thus forming a continuous sustainable and effective medical quality management cycle.
Step 2: “Talent Tree” Project
2.1 View on hospital talent
With the rapid development of society and upgrading of people's livelihood,people's attitude towards health is changing,which will inevitably increase demand for health care and medical talents.And this circumstance will last for quite a long period in the future.The essence of competition among hospitals is talent.Those who have talents,have initiatives and advantages in competition.
Hospital talents
According to the theories of systematic project and synergetics,talent can be divided into three levels and five factors.Three levels are as follows: first is qualified talents, who are with bachelor's degree and academic abilities and recognized as qualified after selection and training;second is special talents, who have special technology on the basis of qualified talents; third is outstanding talents,who have made breakthroughs or innovations in his/her major or one technology.Five factors refer to virtue, wisdom, ability, performance and health.
Talents are elites among ordinary people.They share common personalities with common people while have special ones,which are decided by their capability and status during work.
Hospital talents refer to those who have certain academic knowledge and special skills,and can make benefits to mankind by their knowledge and experience.
2.2 Features of“Talent Tree” Project
On September 2013,the subject“Talent Tree” Project--Ladder of Growth for Medical Elites that I work on as a project leader won“Asian Hospital Management Award of Excellence in Human Resources Project of Year 2013”, making our hospital one of the two hospitals that won this award in mainland China(the other hospital is West China Hospital).This project originates from over ten years’of hard work on talent cultivation and unremitting efforts on lean management.
First,introducing theory of tree-type structure.It gets rid of the simple and limited traditional talent cultivation model,classify talents from different technical levels and development stages, and form a “foundation-trunk-crown” system.Foundation is new and ordinary medical staff,trunk is key technical talent and crown is elite.The hospital aims to establish a life-long learning mechanism in foundation(new and ordinary medical staff), create an innovative and helping plan for trunk(key technical talent)and carry out performance evaluation and knowledge-sharing activities in crown part(elites).The three parts are interdependent and develop together.
Second,introducing the theory of career pathway and working out a professional career plan.In consideration of different education background, working condition and personality, we fully respect personal will and formulate personalized cultivating plan.
We start from initial education for technical personnel,cultivating young and middle-aged professionals and selecting high-level talents.We focus on not only the whole team but also key talents, adopt incentive measures, train staff creatively, thus forming a talent cultivation path with our own characteristics.
Third, “Talent Tree” project has two features.One is that the project includes one talents management tool and one brochure;second is it focuses on three-level cultivation system for group talents and three-stage growth of individuals.
No.1 A talent cultivation tool
The“Talent Tree” project uses a metaphor.The talent team and its growth process is like a tree.The project includes all medical staff in the hospital and serves as a management tool that is measurable and dynamic.
I call it“function tool”, which has a big influence on hospital's medical work.If the hospital is well managed, the effect of discipline building and talent cultivation will be bigger; if not, the effect will be greatly reduced.
No.2 One“brochure” for each employee
In Wuxi No.2 People's Hospital,every employee has a brochure Technical Personnel Training System and Evaluation Methods,in which there are clear and detailed requirements and missions for different employee during different working stage.
No.3 Three-level cultivation system for group talents
Regarding the talent structure as a whole, the “foundation-trunk-crown” mode is like a treetype structure.Foundation refers to ordinary young staff who just enter the hospital;trunk refers to those young and middle-aged professionals and vice-senior and intermediate technical staff at the age of 35 to 45 years, who need a fast cultivating mode, and crown includes key discipline leaders at municipal and provincial levels such as famous doctors, chiefs and experts, who are meant to give guidance.The hospital adopts different measures in cultivating different talents according to different requirements so as to build a strong team.
No.4 Three growing stages of individual medical talents
“Talent Tree” Project introduces a career path, which sets up different goals for staff in different periods,and customize scientific career path for each employee so as to realize the common development of the hospital and staff.
The individual's professional career mainly has three stages: first is learning stage, which is for starters to accumulate basic skills; second is growing stage, the longest one, which is for selfdevelopment and self-improvement in practice; third is mature stage, in which the individual plays a leading role after years’of improvement.Different stages have different paths and goals.
This project covers the whole professional career of staff and specifies award and punishment measures from the aspects of professional capability,technical level and scientific research.In this way, staff will grow at the fastest speed, and hospital can have a stronger, better quality team that can offer better medical service to patients.
2.3 Re-innovation of“Talent Tree” Project in Hospital
In the past few years, our“talent tree” project focused on the leading position of crown talents and education of talents in foundation.We have made progresses in broadening the international horizon and upgrading general capability of trunk talents.
However, some these trunk talents have had unstable emotion, concerns over their future and unsatisfactory work performance,which are side effects of our emphasis on crown talents.This phenomenon inspired us to take some special measures to lead the trunk talents,make them realized their difference to crown talents,and guide them to use their capabilities to the most.That is our new findings and understanding regarding the project of“talent tree”.
Firstly,the hospital should set up clear goals and targets for trunk talents in the fields of special techniques, clinical competence, research and innovation, and learning ability.
Secondly, the hospital should organize proper competitions for trunk talents, such as point match,essay contest and annual rankings so that they can enjoy themselves while devoting themselves to regular clinical work.
Thirdly,certain incentives are needed.There is usually a certain gap between the incomes of trunk and crown talents.It is of positive significance to give excellent trunk talents some bonus,which not only encourage individuals but also set a good example to the others.
Trunk talents matter in the further development of a hospital.They are the connection between crown and foundation.It is a group of great importance but can be easily neglected.When the crown talents are playing a leading role in clinical and research work,the hospital should pay attention to and care for the trunk talents in advance,and combine training and utilization together.That is very important and significant.
The golden age of forty to forty-five is an important growing stage of individuals as well as a significant period of showing their capabilities.We should treat those young and middle-aged medical professionals differently from ordinary staff and carry out new supporting measures.That is the key to stimulation activities.
“Talent Tree” project is a talent cultivation mode based on their growing demand, a innovative practice, a management tool to build a better medical team, a key step of establishing a hospital lean management chain,as well as the inexhaustible power of realizing strategic management of hospital talents.Continuous innovation efforts should be made during the process.
Step 3:The establishment of a dynamic performance management and compensation system.
Performance and compensation management is always a foundation and lever of hospital management.It measures the work performance, efficiency and effectiveness of every medical staff,every medical department and every hospital.
We can say that performance management serves as the eyes or rulers of hospital directors.It measures the working level,significance and value of each employee and division.Hospital compensation system allows hospital directors to pay the regulated for their work and innovation dynamically.
Every hospital has its own performance and compensation system.But many hospital director and administrators are not fully aware of its special leverage effects and haven't conducted performance management scientifically and correctly.
Such performance management is harmful to the development of a hospital.Salary is the reward for contributors and their departments and a response to performance management.Compensation system should be dynamic,consistent and correspondent.
At present, many hospitals haven't directly linked performance to salary.Usually, human resources department takes care of performance appraisal while finance department is in charge of compensation management.
According to what we know,performance and compensation management are totally unrelated in one-third of hospitals,partly related in one-third of hospitals and basically related in others.We advocate that through public hospital reform and management innovation,performance and compensation management in hospitals can be fully related.
3.1 Multi-dimensional Understanding of Performance Management
“Performance is a multi-dimensional object that can be different seen from different angles”.To understand performance from different perspectives, you will get different views:
Step 4:The innovation and exploration of hospital service
Such kind of strategy urges the head of a hospital to level up the service administration to strategic administration.By using the power of decision-making and the available resources,he or she will improve the quality, awareness, environment and process of the service in a hospital, so as to build it into a place labeled with humanity, warmth and comfort.During the process of medical treatment, the hospital should hold the service concept of patient-oriented, striving to treat patients and the society with good technology,warm-hearted service and satisfactory process.
In the 21st century,the strategy of hospital service is no longer the extra choice in pursuing the innovation and excellence of a hospital, rather, it becomes the very important foundation for health&service industry and social pilot industry.Hospitals, no matter big or small, public or private, should all stick to it.The concept of the strategy of hospital service should be like this:sparing no efforts to pursue excellence and innovation.
4.1 Hospital service is the strategic topic of hospital administration
Definition of“service”: it is an activity performed by individuals or organizations.Usually,it is associated with some kinds of available products, by offering it, the demand and expectation of the consumers can be better met.
When we talk about the service of medical care,it relates to a series of medical care output and non-material form services.That means,the hospital takes patients and those with medical care needs as the main clients,by providing them the medical technologies as the basic service means,so as to meet people's healthy demand and bring benefits to them.
The hospital service covers 2 aspects: one is the service of medical technologies, which means to cure the patients; the other is the emotional service, which brings comfort and satisfaction to them.The judgment made by the patients is based on emotion and impression,if they feel the nice technologies and attitude of a hospital, if the service is convenient to them, then it is a good service.
The core service of a hospital:it refers to the most important service a client could receive.It embodies the most fundamental function and value of those who offer services.
Obviously,the core service should definitely mean effectively heal the wounded and rescue the dying.The process involves the category, feature, standard, commitment, effectiveness and innovation of medical service.
The excellent service of a hospital does not simply mean owning several famous doctors and those who master the first-class core technologies, rather, it should be guaranteed by the firstrate medical technologies, staff quality, medical equipment and administrative innovation of a hospital.
The superior service is the embodiment of a excellent hospital.Maybe it is difficult to obtain the laurel of great hospital,but it should be regarded as the aim in every hospital leader's mind and heart.
The excellent service of a hospital contains the following 3 aspects: (1)excellence represents self-transcendence.A hospital should continuously explore its potential,trying its best to offer best medical service to patients.(2)Excellence means exceeding market needs.The relentless competition of the medical service market and the various changes of medical service demands produce the excellent service.It advocates that there is nothing best but butter adjust it and surpass the market needs.(3)Excellence is the accumulation of staff creativity.To some extent, offering excellent service is to create a new market and competition,and such kind of new competition is derived and sublimate from the creativity owns by each employee.
Many heads of the hospitals do not realize the foundational,importance and specificity of hospital service.They merely treat it as an ordinary form of medical manifestation.
Therefore, seeing from the aspect of connotation, we could find that the medical services of those hospitals do not reach high-standard scientificalness.If we look at it from the pattern of manifestation, we may also find out that its performance lags behind many pilot industries, let alone meeting the medical security need from both patients and society.
With the transformation of the concept of“disease-centered” to “patient-oriented” medical service, the hospital service has become the strategic topic of hospital administration:
(1)In favor of establishing the hospital brand image and improve competition;
(2)In favor of advancing the reform and development of hospital;
(3)In favor of adjusting hospital to meet the needs of market;
(4)In favor of training outstanding staff team;
(5)In favor of forming better cultural environment of hospital.
The leaders of hospitals should pay high attention to the quality of medical service.The service improvement and administrative innovation of a hospital are totally a kind of administrative activity with less investment, lower cost, short-time period and fruitful effects.At the same time,to every hospital, the hospital administration is endless, so does the hospital service.
The hospital service should be a dynamic and improving process of lasting innovation.The improvement of hospital service is the strategic topic and an abstract application field of hospital administration.In such an application field, the head of a hospital, the hospital administrators and the staff could contribute fully to the creation and innovation.
In the perspective of the head of a hospital and the hospital administrators,the starting point of hospital service should be the staff training and the establishment of the service tenet.The hospital should remind and train the staff at all times to conduct the holy profession with the notion of respecting patients,taking care of them and respecting life.
Mayo Clinic—patient requirement comes first
An employee of Mayo was on a airplane flying from Mayo branch to it's headquarter in Minnesota.When he arrived in Chicago, he was told that due to the rainstorm, many flights were canceled or postponed,therefore he and many others were gathering at the boarding gate.He heard some people whispering, and one of them said: “I have an appointment in Mayo tomorrow morning”, another people said: “I have a physical examination there at half past ten tomorrow morning”, and someone responded: “I am going to have a blood test, so from now on, I would not get anything to eat”.All those people have one thing in common—going to Mayo.But we were told that the next flight took off at 4am next morning, which means when we arrived in Minnesota,we would definitely miss the appointment with Mayo.
At this moment, the Mayo employee stood up and said to us: “ I work in Mayo, and I would help you”.He realized that it is impossible to drive to Rochester from here, since the snowstorm has already cut off the road.Then he called to the airline company and asked whether there were any flights to another place,where it was faster and more convenient to drive to Rochester.He got the “yes” answer, so he told those Mayo patients to-be to go to that place together, and promised to drive them to Rochester.After a short period of coordination, all the people were on board.
4.2 The innovation and exploration of hospital service
NO.1: we carry out the good service of“ five ones”:
We offer one doctor and one consulting room for one patient,thus fully protecting the patient's right of privacy.
In 2004,our hospital took the lead in launching the new initiatives in Jiangsu province,meaning within the limited space,one patient is equipped with one doctor and one consulting room,so that an independent space of diagnosis and treatment could be created for the doctor and the patient.
We offer one medicine window,thus optimizing the medical process.
As to the chemist's shop of outpatient service,some improvements have been made to expand the medicine window, with proper geographical layout, simplify procedure and faster speed.We are taking the lead in adopting the mode of taking medicine from a counter.As we can see from its statistics, that since its implementation, the average time for taking the medicine is reduced by 20 minutes.
One-Stop Service center offers considerate service
In order to be more convenient and efficient,the clinic offered many services functions such as appointment in one place, triage and guiding service, measures convenience, pharmic counseling, examination and approval of reimbursement and complaint settling in 2009.On average,we offer services for more then 100,000 patients each year, making real convenient for the patients.
We offer special telephone line 168 for logistics services,so as to work out patient's worries
We are improving our logistics services,opening the service hot-line 168 for patients in our hospital.Once our patients dial the number 168,we would offer daily necessities, facilities, accompany service and nutrient food supply.We promise that if patients who are in our hospital miss the meal, after dialing 168,they could have the fresh food supply within 20 minutes.
One red wrist-band could open a green channel for first aid
In June 2007,our hospital put forward the wrist-band recognition system, those critically ill patients with the red wrist-band have the priority to obtain diagnosis and treatment.Besides,we have set up the free special telephone line of first aid,so that we can make preparations in advance and won the precious time for the patient.Those critically ill patients could have their hospital admission after they are in hospital.We offer a rescue channel for first aid with one package service of admission,examination and operation.
NO.2:Exploration of outpatient service with multi-centers
In the traditional diagnosis and treatment mode of outpatient service,hospitals are accustomed to the first-level branch mode of internal medicine, department of surgery, gynecology,pediatrics and so on.As the establishment of the traditional first-level branch mode is based on medical treatment, so it is not that convenient for the patients.Later on, the second-level special section and the third-level sick specially the outpatient service have been gradually implemented.
The implementation steps of multi-center diagnosis and treatment mode.
First step is to establish a center service platform.We take the medical records of patients from the large-scale hospitals and the local requirement as the objects of study.For those patients group who need at least two relevant special sections,according to its disease category while combining with our hospital's advantages,we are taking the lead of the 8 center-oriented outpatient services including the joint section for outpatients of brain department,the joint section for outpatients of thoracalgia.By doing this,we have completed the transformation of sole outpatients section to the joint section for outpatients.Medical staff from each center is designated by the hospital and the members shall have certain qualifications from the relevant special sections.Doctors from different sections will conduct a joint diagnosis and treatment for one person and proposed a best medical plan.
The second step is to choose the “center” diagnosis and treatment indication.This is available for patients who meet one of the following conditions: (1)those who have saw the doctor in one special section for 3 times, or patients with uncertain diagnosis or poor treatment effect;(2)those who carry multiple kinds of disease and need the joint consultation from various sections;(3)patients from other places with poor treatment effect and need the joint consultation from various sections;(4)those who are not satisfied with the previous treatment result.
The third step is to lay out the “center” performing system.On the basis of making the relevant medical care working and service system of the diagnosis and treatment center,we offer the appointment for intractable cases.It goes like this:the patient tell his or her state of an illness to the medical staff through a call or on the spot, then according to the patient's condition, the staff make a confirmation of medical specialists and the treatment date,and also reminding the materials they need to carry when they see the doctor such as medical record,inspection report and iconography.For those senior patients or those with severe disease,there is a green channel of inspection and treatment,also the staff will accompany them if necessary.
The fourth is to publicize the procedure of diagnosis and treatment.After the implementation of center-oriented diagnosis and treatment, in order to make it known to the public, we have release the news and materials to patients in each section,including emergency room and sickroom.With the help of magazine and TV,patients could make preparations in advance.
The process re-engineering of center-oriented outpatient service is the second deep consideration and the second thorough design of the previous process of outpatient service.By doing so,we could make further improvement in aspects of quality, cost, service, speed and so on.Therefore,with unique feature and specialists,we could do our best to meet the needs of patients and benefits them.
The purposes of establishment of the centralized medical care is to systematically integrate staff, technology, equipment and patient resources.We hospital gather those doctors who are majoring in the same disease system and put them in one center range,thus realizing the integration of the medical staff resources and various therapies.This is a new medical way of representing“people-oriented and patient-oriented”.
After the implementation of center-oriented diagnosis and treatment,it was embraced and welcomed by large number of patients,and our hospital also won the service innovative prize of Wuxi sanitation system.
Since 2008,our hospital has gradually set up 8 medical center for diagnosis and treatment:
NO.3: The new development model of the “centralization” of brain department
Since 2008,on the guiding principle of mainly implementing the development of special sections, our hospital takes neurosurgery and neurology as the main body, combining with other special sections such as neuroradiology, pathology, inspection and physiatry department, thus establishing the first brain department center in Wuxi, from then on, the brain department center has been on the track of fast development.
Five “joint” working mechanism of the brain department center
Since its establishment, the center adhere to the principle of“patient-oriented”, taking the improvement of medical treatment level and the service quality as our goal,we encourages innovation of technology and administration, and build the five “joint” working mechanism:
First is the joint normalization diagnosis&treatment of sole disease.For example,the multisections cooperation and normalized treatment of apoplexy.
Second is to establish the joint rounds of the wards.The special section of nervicerebrales conducts a joint rounds of the wards of both neurology&neurosurgery.The director of the center and doctors from neurology&neurosurgery lead the rounds of the wards,thus making the three-level ward round more meaningful.
Third is to build the joint consultation center of brain department.We would open the center on every Wednesday afternoon.associate chief physicians from various special sections such as neurology&neurosurgery, neuro radiological imaging, neuroendocrine and neuroophfhalmosqicclinic.those doctors would discuss the diagnosis and the further medical treatment together and make the best medical proposal.
Fourth is to conduct weekly Neuroscience Meeting/Friday Lunch Meeting.The meeting will be held on Friday, with staff attended from neurology&neurosurgery, neuro radiology, ueuropathology and the inspection section.The discussion will be ranging from medical history to accessory examination, treatment, surgery and pathology results, besides, there will also be the special reports from foreign scholar and,doctors especially the young doctors from our hospital.
Fifith is to set up the joint emergency treatment of brain department.Since 2009,we added the emergency treatment of brain department to the emergency room.The establishment of emergency treatment of brain department is based on the adjustment of neurology&neurosurgery emergency treatment, therefore it is convenient for patients with brain disease to see a doctor there,and also the successful rescue rate has been increased.
In recently years, the brand department center has launched a series of“brand surgery”,besides, the normalized treatment of cerebrovascular disease, the management of the prevention of stroke unit and other medical technology is in a leading position nationwide.
At present, the clinic receives over 5000 patients per year, and successfully save over 3000 critical patients,with a successful rescue rate reaching over 90%.
The center is carrying out new projects on the nation level as well as provincial level.In recent years, we have received 3 financial aids from NSFC.Each year, the number of the research projects and paper publishing is gradually increasing.
In 2011,the center is awarded as“innovation team” and“leading talents”, and was selected as the screening and prevention base of cerebral apoplexy by the Health Ministry.
NO.4:The building of the appointment platform
In the past,the appointment of outpatient service and inspection is arranged by section itself.Therefore,patients often complain about its inconvenience.
So, when we attach great importance to the improvement of process of the outpatient service,it is also of great significance to increase efficiency and reduce the time for appointment,this is also related to the innovation of medical service.
The hospital shall set up the diagnosis&treatment as well as the inspection center of appointment.
On one hand, we need to have the information-based platform, on the other hand, we need to coordinate well the various inspection and the sections management with the clinic.So that we can offer the appointment service such as CT, MRI, gastronomy, enteroscopy, type-B ultrasonic inspection, and special inspection.By doing so, it will be more convenient and effective for patients.
The character of gathering the platform of appointment:
It is the future trend of hospital development,also a good way to save finance&energy and is convenient for people.The advantages are obvious:
Firstly,it is more convenient.There is no need for the patients to look for sections to do inspection,what they need to do is to come to one place and make an appointment of proper time.
Second is unified management.By doing this, the hospital will be in an orderly manner,with less crowd and less quarrel.Patients conduct the inspection according to the time and order.The cases of loss and missing will be reduced as well.
Third is the easy coordination and management.By doing so,the inspection efficiency is increasing.The reason contains 2 aspects.On one hand,it is due to the improvement of motivation of the staff, on the other hand, because of the reasonable arrangement, the working arrangement become more orderly.
The establishment of the appointment platform is a stage of hospital innovative service.Though we have a plenty of difficulties and obstacles to overcome,it is of great significance to both patients and the hospital management.Therefore,it is the important part of hospital innovative service.
NO.5:The forming of the self-service of registration
Since 2004,our hospital took an active try in appointment and set up a reservation working group, including the outpatient department, information office, nursing department and so on.The group made a reservation work plan and set up person in charge of reservation work.Besides, we establish a reservation platform based on the HIS, and the ways of reservation includes telephone, network, and the scene.The content is also increasing, that is besides the appointment with the specialists and general out-patient clinic, and we add the center clinic,night specialist clinic appointments.And the patients in the difficult cases center consulted by senior expert are all through the appointment of the center of the reservation.
After the hospital established cooperative relations with the Chong′an District Community Health Service Center, the hospital added a community reservation, so community patients can go to the community health service center to reserve the clinic in our hospital directly.There were more than 9000 reservations through the community reservation since 2011,so our hospital is known as“the first-class hospitals around us”.Our hospital has also established cooperative relations with “know-all number”, and takes it as a platform to expand our hospital appointment crowd.
On the basic of targeted aid,we selected the Jianghai community to start semi compact medical conjoined pilot work in the December of 2014,and extended the first-class hospital service to the community by taking many measures simultaneously,such as arranging specialists to community clinics every day and establishing wards to take care of the patients.In addition,in order to help them develop their specialist clinic better,we also arranged a deputy director to work as deputy director in the dominant special clinic in the community.
We implement the “24 hours of reservation” service in which we put 24 self-service machines in the outpatient, providing 24 hours’ self-service registration and charge services.Patients can pre-register all kinds of specialist clinic and general clinic for 7 days using union card payment.At the same time,we cooperated with the Industrial and Commercial Bank and launched the “payment after treatment” service to shorten the waiting time of patients effectively.At present, more than 300 patients use the self-service machine for registration, payment or pre-authorization,and outpatient clinic appointments rate reached more than 95%.
Our hospital also provided patients who pay at their own expense with “purenka” which has electronic purse function.Patients at their own expense can see a doctor by Purenka or“China Union Pay card”while patients with health insurance will see a doctor through Medicare Card.This is also the first step of our“payment after treatment” service.
In addition,we also placed elf-service vending machines to sell drinks and papers in the outpatient hall and emergency hall where there is larger flow of people,so that make patients can achieve various convenient services in the hospital.
NO.6: “nominative workroom” in endoscopy center
In the past, our endoscopy office had so many doctors and gastroscopes, however, as a result of the general performance appraisal methods,which had little relationship with more and better work,doctors in the endoscopy office did little work every day.Because it needs fasting preparation,doctors only arranged 30-40 patients to do gastroscopy every morning and arranged about 5-10 patients to do gastroscopy in one or two days’afternoon every week.
Therefore,gastrointestinal endoscopy has become a bottleneck in many hospitals which is very difficult to make an appointment and it cost a long time to wait.For example,it costs more than 2 weeks to make an endoscopy appointment,and more than a month to make a colonoscopy in many hospitals in Wuxi.
In the face of such a medical dilemma, I referred to the way of nominative experts’ clinic and implemented the workroom system which includes five directors and deputy directors.Every day there is one expert being nominated and others doing the ordinary examine.There work would have direct relationship with there payment, as a result, the doctors were highly motivated.They served the patients better and cherished the choice and evaluation of every patient.Now,they often arrange more than 100 gastroscopy examinations one day with an increase of more than 100%.There is no need to make a gastroscopy appointment now.
NO.7: “eight service commitments” cure the service ills
We carried out “cure service ills and improve our service” activity in our hospital which focused on the problems that are reflected by patients most intensely.We summarized eight prominent urgent“ills” and made public commitments to the community to reform.
Eight service commitments:
Two on time:
(1)to perform operations on time
(2)to begin clinic on time
Two kinds of behavior:
(3)to standardize hospital consultation
(4)to pay attention to hand hygiene
Two kinds of communication:
(5)to strengthen the communication between doctors and patients
(6)to fully cover the health education
Two services:
(7)to implement the bedside settlement
(8)to give out night snacks
Step 5.Research on the reform of public hospitals'operating mechanism
5.1 the head of hospital should highlight the mechanism reform of public hospital
There are two main tasks in the reform of public hospitals,one is related to the system reform of public hospitals.This kind of reform is a fundamental reform which needs top-level design and the head of the hospital is often difficult to change.The other is the reform of the internal operating mechanism of the hospital.This kind of reform can be directed by the head of the hospital and will often have fast effect.
Therefore,we make an appeal that the hospital's president and administrators should not only pay attention to the reform of the hospital management system,but also attach great importance to and participate in the reform of the hospital operating mechanism.
5.2 hospitals implement divisional system reform
The bottleneck of the current system of Hospital Authority
First is bull management.Different departments overlap in functions,which lead to the phenomenon of overlapping management in the work of index evaluation and management.As a result,the efficiency and authority of the functional departments decline.
Second is coordination difficulty.Various functional departments are at the same level,so when it comes to the work coordination among several departments,they usually making excuses mutually.
Third is low efficiency.Since it involves several functional departments to get approval and the procedure is very complicate,the efficiency of our service is quite low and people often get unsatisfied.
In order to establish a scientific, efficient and coordinative public hospitals’ internal management mechanism as well as to explore the modern hospital management system,we restructured and incorporated the 20 functional departments and temporary organization into seven departments in 2010.With the premise of unchanged total number of offices in the departments,the restructuring is in accordance with the requirements of divisional system.After the restructuring,the dean of each department is responsible for his department.To the external,he should perform the original responsibilities and merge the functions of original staff and offices.To the internal,we implement unified management.The staff will be deployed uniformly while the surplus employees will enrich the clinical front line.
5.3 to improve and perfect the system of supervision.
The implementation of the responsibility system which there is a attending doctor in chief is checked on a regular basis,thus ensuring the immediate settlements of any problems that may emerge when the system is carried into effect..Feasible settlements may include the readjustment of personnel in the medical treatment team in charge,and the coordination between the director of the relating hospital department and the attending doctor in chief.
Assessment and Allocation of the medical treatment team in charge
The essence of the responsibility system is to change the management of the financial accounting system fundamentally, that is to say, to change the profits distribution mode and to scale down the accounting unit.
To conduct assessment of such a system,each medical treatment team is a separate accounting unit.The cost accounting will be made in units.The performance of each team is assessed by the related department in charge,which is also formed by specially-assigned personnel of the hospital.The evaluation criteria mainly include: the number of discharged patient, the number of operation, the length of hospitalization, the ratio between the average length of hospitalization and the cost on medicine, the average valid income, the proportion of the level-4 operations, the proportion of high-risk patients.
After the implement of such a competitive and encouraging system,the initiative of our staffs is brought into full play, and the working efficiency is improved impressively, together with significant increases of outpatient number, emergency room visits, discharged patient number and usage rate of bed.
Such a systematic reform urges the attending doctors in chief and all medical treatment teams to pay high attention to the quality of the medical treatment,which in return improve the key indicators of medical treatment and technique level, such as the proportions of the level-4 operations,of the high-risk patients, of the first rate medical case, and the ratio of rescue rate.All of these ensure the quality of our medical treatment,and promote the technical progress and bring forth innovations.
Such a system fully respects the rights of our patients,including their rights to know all the attending doctors and to choose one as the chief of their treatment team.It not only reflects the patient-centered philosophy of our hospital,but also effectively reduce the average length of hospitalization,the average medical expenses and greatly improve the satisfaction degree of our patients.
5.4 the creation of a new responsible nursing team mode
In the year of 2012,having successful lessons from the implement of the responsibility system concerning the attending doctors in chief to go by,we reformed the nursing system and created a new mode of exquisite full-course responsible nursing team in charge.
This new mode has significant difference from the old high-quality responsible nursing team mode:
The first difference is that there are stricter assessments on the professional competence in certain medical section and higher standard of working ability.
The other reform is that the team, instead of a simply grouping, is divided also according to the arrangement of all the nurses, the allocation of human resources, the mode of assessment on personnel,and distribution system.
Merits of the new mode of responsible nursing team in charge
First:Scientific grouping
The allocation of nursing teams and the number of team leaders in different departments of the hospital are arranged according to the actual amount of available beds.The whole allocation process includes personal application, department recommendation, qualification assessment, public notification and reply, discussion meeting of heads of hospital, bi-directional selection between group leaders and group members.Now we have 70 nursing teams in total.
In any department,when the number of nursing staffs who fit all the criteria of being a team leader is more than the demand,there will be a meritocratic selection.Those who fall to be the group leader and refuse to accept the outcome will automatically lose the qualification of being a team leader in any of the department.
Second:Corresponding level management of human resources
In order to construct a new system of nursing team,we also set up new standard for assessing the competence of nurses.According the new standard,all of the nurses are classified into difference level from N1 to N4.Such a new improvement of nursing competence is closely coordinated with the new mode of exquisite full-course responsible nursing team,with special attention paid to the reasonable allocation of nurses of different nursing competence.Nurses of different competence levels will be arranged correspondingly to take charge of nursing difference patients,which shows the correspondence between competence and responsibility,and also ensures the specification of nursing responsibility.
Third:Flexible shift arrangement corresponding to the exquisite full-course responsible nursing mode
When it comes to the allocation of human resources,we stress on the actual situation of not only the hospital as a whole, but also every department separately, and give consideration into both basic principles and flexibility.Instead of adopting a single solution,the allocation of nursing staff in different departments is arranged according to the specific needs in each department.For example, in case of emergence, we set up a staff allocation and shift arrangement system called Just In Time; in rehabilitation unit and special wards, we carry out a 12-hour-shift system; in neurology department, there is a 12-month-consecutive-night-shift system; in emergency center and intensive care unit, we run a 8-hour-consective-full-time-responsible system; in ophthalmic unit,we conduct a system called APN shift.All of these different modes of nursing shifts ensure a real flexibility of our working shift system.
Fourth: Perfect the assessment system——Survival of the fittest.
First of all,we improve our assessment system directing to nurses.Centering on constructing a position management system of nursing staff in the hospital,the reform of personnel system is carried into practice, which insists on setting up positions according to actual needs, employing staff according to valid position,and hiring nurses through public competitions.The nursing department thus sets up a corresponding assessment system.Every new leader of the nursing group is under professional supervision and rotates every six months.Those group leaders come into the top six in the assessment will be amply rewarded.As for those of lowest ranked group leaders,who are either lack of competence or initiative,punishment from warning to the cancellation of qualification may be issued accordingly.
In the second place,we perfect the assessment system of the working performance of nursing teams.There is a four-dimension assessing criterion including indicators of amount and quality of the work being done, patients’ degree of satisfaction, the working atmosphere of learning and innovating, together with all kinds of rating forms, such as satisfaction assessment form directing to different level of related staff, statistics concerning amount of work, assessment form relating working performance of nursing team in specific department.Meanwhile,we also set up a threelayer SOP(Standard Operation Procedure)of supervising all the nursing teams.Every nursing team is supervised by another team,as well as by a responsible director of nursing department and an auxiliary superintendent(both positions are rotating among the department on a daily base),thus ensuring any problem being found being well settled.
Fifth:Reforming the income distribution system of nursing staff
We have set up a scientific performance assessment and income allocation system according to the actual working performance.The assessment of nursing department is independent from the rest of the hospital, based on a specific principle——the higher the risk, the greater the intensity,and the better the performance, the fairer income.That is to say, when it comes to the income distribution, the more work one does, the higher risk one's position accompanied, and the better performance(reflected by the patients’ degree of satisfaction)one achieves, the higher competence level one will be.Those nurses work on the frontier of taking care of patients and also those on night shift will be those first enjoying the pay raise.In the future,all the nurses will get a higher income.
In 2013,we intensify the reform, and bring into effect the new mode of responsible nursing team corresponding to the responsible attending doctor system.After the establishment of the new mode of the exquisite full-course responsible nursing team,we once again revise our evaluation standard of nursing teams.Instead of regarding each department as a single unit of assessment,we evaluate the performance of each nursing team from then on.Every team shall be assessed according to nearly 20 different indicators including the amount and quality of medical performance,the cost efficiency, the patients’ degree of satisfaction and so on.
Step 6.The order of the day:impressive daily promotion of our unique hospital culture
If we regard the above-mentioned medical performance, technical services, hospital management and human resources allocation as points of junction of the hospital lean management chain, then there is no doubt that the hospital culture shall definitely be not only the join point,but also the constituent material of the chain itself.Only through the advocating of a self-promoting hospital atmosphere, all the concepts, strategies and tools of lean management can finally come into full play.
In the hospital lean management chain,hospital culture can not only be one of the join points,but also be the chain itself.An extraordinary hospital culture is the essential condition for any lean management,and a guarantee of improving the execution of the latter as well.
The management of hospital, in any time and under any circumstance, must obey the objective law of having ones unique culture before conducting any behavior according to it.It is hard to imagine carry into effect a lean, coordinative and effective management chain in a casual, impulsive and undisciplined hospital cultural atmosphere.
6.1 Management of the Hospital Culture——Tips from Professor YI, Head of the Hospital
During the development of the study and then the establishing of the theoretical system of hospital management in China,the construction of hospital culture remains to be a shortcoming.Especially during the reform of the state-owned hospital,the promotion of the hospital culture is spontaneous and unsupervised.
In fact, the construction of hospital construction is quite important.It is the soul, the air,the soil,the whole environment and atmosphere of the hospital management.Any further management has to take root in such an atmosphere.It is the total of both the material civilization and the spiritual civilization, for its containing of the philosophy of hospital management, the values, the rules and the standard of behaviors of hospital, the team building of staff, and also the culture activities as well.
Many developed countries and areas overseas have already pay special attention to the promotion of their hospital cultures.The Mayo Clinic in USA advocates a culture called Team Learning,which emphasizes lifelong learning.In Sweden,the Karolinska University Hospital promotes a culture of continuous innovation,encouraging their staffs to break away from conventions and to develop Translational Medicine.
The Nethersole Hospital in Hong Kong advocates a culture of personal competence.Through the enhancing of individual competence, the coping of risks, the construction of strategic guidance,they successfully have improved the competence of all the employees.As for the Raffles Hospital in Singapore,they lay emphasis on a service culture.They upgrade their medical service to a higher level by learning from top-level company like Singapore Airlines and Raffles Hotel.
The hospital culture should be a unique feature,and the special mark of a hospital.It is a symbol of excellence.First of all,it needs the continuous learning and innovation of the head and directors of the hospital.Secondly,all the elite employees and backbones shall support all the promotion and take the lead as well as exert the model effects.Last but not the least,the promotion has to be widely acknowledged, conformably advanced, and fully implemented by all the staffs of the hospital.These are the three layers,as well as three steps of the construction of hospital culture.
The hospital culture can exert important influence in hospital management.It changed the executive orders of the head and directors of the hospital into a cultural strength which can guide staffs to obey the management voluntarily.This would then become a highly efficient executive power.Meanwhile,it can also be the incantation which stops certain least ambitious employees from not obeying the disciplines.
The management of hospital culture is not constrained by time and place.It can embody in different forms and take effect in different places, not matter on individuals, on a group of people, in a specific place or all over a whole area.It exists throughout the whole process, every link and every occasion of the hospital development.
6.2 Management of the Hospital Culture Can Work Wonders
Culture can play important role in hospital management
First:Guiding the Course of Development
The accumulation and innovation of the hospital culture can form unique philosophies of hospital management and humanistic spirits,all of which are great impetus that can guide the course of further development.If the motivations and intentions of the head of hospital can be changed into strategic goals and management prospects through the effects exerted by hospital culture,it is easier for those administrative orders to gain acknowledge from all the employees, who, in return,will do their best to work for those goals and prospects.
Second:Unifying and Bringing Everyone Together for the Same Goal
The most important effect of culture is to bring everyone together as a unity.There must be ups and downs during the daily operation of the hospital.Although innovation must be emphasized,what dominates is still the daily normal routine management.Culture is the most important tool which can most effectively help to maintain hospital management in a stable positive condition.It can bring together all the staffs and promote an atmosphere of“each one have a stake in the success of the hospital, and also shares its disgrace together.”
Third:Edifying and Regulating Thoughts and Conducts
The hospital culture can be embodied in activities, but it is more than an atmosphere, an environment as a whole.Everyone working in such an atmosphere will definitely be deeply influenced by it.This is why people working in the same hospital are always found to have similar thoughts and conducts.The head or administrators of a hospital must stress on the edifying function of the hospital culture.In many occasion,the atmosphere and unconscious mass requirement can be tacit but unanimous codes of behaviors.
Fourth:Coordinating Staffs
For the management system of a hospital,coordination is quite important.There must be lots of differences between different departments or between different staffs,which emphasize all the more the importance of cooperation and coordination.
To unify and realize the cooperation between all the departments and staffs,culture is the most important and crucial tool.The better promotion of the culture is,the stronger effects the administrative orders can exert.It also works the other way around.
Fifth:Bringing forth the Collective Identification
The aim of advocating certain hospital culture is to bring forth the collective identification among all the employees,the manifestations of which may include willingly acceptance of the administrative decisions and measures,voluntarily taking part in the implementing and do ones positive contribution in the process.
The “Lean” culture——We advocate and explore to implement fine management to the hospital, and to instill the concept of“lean” into all the staff, as well as the whole process of management and medical treatment.
The concept of“lean” brings us the idea of being responsible to everything and pursuing perfection.No matter we are studying or working,it always reminds us to do our best on each aspect and to make details better and more competent.
The “lean” culture requires each of us to be rigorous and diligent, to develop the habit of thinking and reflecting and to hold the belief of keeping forward.In all,it requires us to be“lean” in every aspect of our study, work and life.
Culture of innovation
Week of Science and Technology Culture-Let Innovation Become the Main Theme of Hospital Development
The hospital takes it as top priorities to increase the level of discipline construction,enhance technological innovation, and focus on talent cultivation.Every year, it will hold the Conference of Scientific and Technological Innovation,which has become a necessary and critical conference for the hospital.
In March of each year, the hospital will hold a grand “Week of Science and Technology Culture” activity during the hospital anniversary, an activity which has been held for many years.During the activity,the hospital will carry out a series of activities in various forms and categories, such as holding a high-level symposium; inviting academicians or famous experts and scholars at home to give lessons in the hospital;holding a flag-raising ceremony in celebration of the hospital anniversary, which can gather all the hospital workers’ enthusiasm and love for the hospital; holding a conference of discipline construction and technological innovation, etc.In recent years,the discipline construction of the hospital has made striking progress.
The “Bright Ideas” Activity-Let“Bright Ideas” Kindle the Sparks of Innovation
Since 2005,the hospital has organized the “Bright Ideas” activity each year, during which,all the people will gather and discuss over the hospital development program, its key work, as well as bottlenecks and urgent problems it encounters during the development.One specific theme will be discussed each year,and the wisdom and efforts of the whole workforce will be pooled.
Activities like this can fully arouse the enthusiasm of the whole staff.Besides, the “brainstorming method” can help resolve many problems arising in the hospital development, supported by one bright idea after another.
Culture of Learning
Morning and Evening Courses-
Since July, 2004,we have opened “morning and evening courses” each month for workers with senior and secondary professional titles and those with primary titles separately.In an hour before work or after work, we give medical education to them, namely “morning courses” and“evening courses”.
Till now, we have opened 185 morning courses, with 57,972 attendees; and 98 evening courses, with 17,339 attendees.Renowned deans and scholars have been successively invited to give lessons in the hospital and make introductions in many aspects ranging from hospital management, scientific research, cutting-edge technologies, and use of equipment.It has accelerated the pace of knowledge update concerning the medical staff.
Learning by New Employees-
Since November, 2009,the Office of New Employees has organized two to three different courses each week at the time of night self-study,concentrating on ideological quality and the writing quality of medical record; learning of “three bases” theories, key clinical theories, clinical practice and clinical operation skills, as well as lectures on professional skills.During the learning,theories and practice are combined, as well as book learning and clinical practice.Besides, observations of night emergency surgeries are arranged for,and education in weak links of learning is strengthened.All of these have achieved positive responses and actual effects!
From November, 2009 when the Office of New Employees was established to March, 2014,514 night self-study and 594 observations of night emergency surgeries were organized.Besides,32 theme activities(doctors and nurses were separated)and 144 various lectures were held.All of these activities witnessed an attendance rate of over 95%.
Calling for Papers from Employees-
How does the dean know the feelings of employees?How the employees release their personalities? How to cultivate thoughtful employees? To solve these seemingly complicated problems,we can actually use a simple method-calling for papers from employees.
For some significant events covering the whole hospital,significant moments with special meaning, or some seemingly negligible “trifles”, we often ask employees to write a composition around a given topic.There is no restriction on genres or styles.Poems, essays, narratives, or even hint fictions can be accepted,as long as they express their thoughts and feelings about the topic.
The“Calling for Papers from Employees” activity provides direction for the construction of hospital culture.Through it,the dean also knows how to shape hospital culture favorable to the general staff.That is because nobody knows the hospital culture better than employees themselves and no culture can exist with employees being isolated.
Culture of competition
Awareness of Competition Being Raised by Table Tennis-
Since 2011 when our hospital's Puren Table Tennis Club won the championship for the first time,the horn of Puren has been blown.The small ping-pong ball has been bouncing with the increasing strong pulse of Wuxi No.2 People's Hospital.Although the Club is young,it has been developing with irresistible and unstoppable force.
Through the competition, employees’ spare-time lives have been greatly enriched, friendship among them has been enhanced, and team cohesion been strengthened.Besides, the employees’interest in sports activities has been stimulated and their physical strength been built up.All of these fully display the good spirits of the staff in Wuxi No.2 People's Hospital,who are both aspiring and vigorous.
Health Culture
Studying and Exercising for Half an Hour Respectively-
In the second half of 2013,we carried out the“Studying and Exercising for Half an Hour Respectively” health activity in the hospital.“Studying for half an hour” requires the employees to keep individual learning, team-based learning, as well as professional learning.Various departments in the hospital are required to organize and undertake professional training activities,such as academic lectures, introduction of new advances in medical science, case discussion,and theme-based salons.Every month,lectures open to the whole hospital will be selected and held in Tuesday and Wednesday, lasting for one hour each time.Till now, 24 lectures like this have been held with over 6,000 attendees.
“Exercising for half an hour” requires the employees to insist on physical activities and exercise after doing their own job well.Physical activities in various forms are advocated.The Translational Medicine Platform also regularly opens a one-hour theme-based training course,serving for clinical practice.The hospital keeps organizing morning courses,evening courses and season courses.The Trade Union organizes the staff to ride a bike, hike the Lihu Lake, play football, and hold various forms of table tennis and badminton matches,which makes each day of employees rich and full of joy.These activities have received a positive response from the employees in the whole hospital.
Our thoughts on how to construct a lean chain of hospital management
Firstly,to improve the quality control circle and more specifically quality and effects of medical care,which is the key task of the hospital.
Secondly,to improve and strengthen construction of talent team and discipline construction.
Thirdly, to build a lean system of performance, as well as rewards and punishments, which are adapted to the hospital characteristics.
Fourthly, to improve hospital services in threes aspects: efficiency, benefit and performance.
Fifthly,to actively explore a mode of innovating and reforming the operating mechanism of public hospitals.
Sixthly,to develop a learning culture featuring in continuous efforts for improvement.
The lean supply chain and collaboration theories play a critical role in raising the level of fine management.It should be our major grasps and scientific method for scientific management of the hospital.
To build a lean chain of hospital management,hospitals can choose several factors which they think important based on their own practice and management tasks at different stages,and further form a core chain of fine hospital management.Through the mechanism of triangle tools involving PDCA circulation and fine hospital management,different parts of the chain can be connected more tightly and driving effects of scientific hospital management can be achieved.
Building a lean chain of hospital management is an open-ended issue.Since different deans and managers in different hospitals have different understanding,focus on different factors and employ different strategies,then the effects of the chain might differ.But it is surely beneficial to scientific management of each hospital and it is worthy of everybody's learning, thinking, exploring and re-innovation.