- 画册:身边·记忆·变迁.少数民族摄影人才培养工程(第一期)学员作品集
- 中国摄影家协会
- 209字
- 2020-06-24 22:50:41
传承 Inheritance

by Wang Jiaxi (Yunnan, Yi)
Taken in February, 2010, in Diexia Village, Yangjie Township, Yuanjiang County, Yuxi City,Yunnan Province.
This small village is very typical in mountainous agriculture area. Most people in the smallvillage are Hani ethnicity. With continuous social development, traditional clothes and adornmentsas well as weaving tools have been changing quietly. Although the crossbeam of the weavingmachine is now steel instead, the traditional technique they know by heart will never change.