Part 4 The Classic Shirt Block

Measurements required to draft the block.

Young Men's Sizes(e.g.40cm neck circumference,100cm chest width).

Refer to the shirt size chart:

1cm seam allowance is included in the block.

1.Body section

Square both ways from 0(as sketch Fig 5-9).

Fig.5-9 Classic Shirt Block

0—1 scye depth plus 4cm;square across.

0—2 natural waist length plus 3cm;square across.

0—3 shirt length plus 8cm;square across.

1—4 half chest plus 12cm;square up to 5 on back neck line and down to 6 on hem line.

0—7 one fifth neck size minus 0.5cm;square up.

7—8 4.5cm;draw in neck curve.

0—9 one fifth measurement of 0—1 plus 2cm;square out.

9—10 half back plus 4cm;square down to 11 on scye depth line and up to 12 on back neck line.

12—13 0.75cm;join 8—13.

10—14 10cm.

10—15 0.75cm;join 14—15 with slight curve.

1—16 half measurement of 1—4 plus 0.5cm;square down to 17 on waist line and 18 on hem line.

5—19 4.5cm;square out.

19—20 one fifth neck size minus 1cm.

19—21 one fifth neck size minus 2.5cm;draw in neck curve.

10—22 1.5cm;square out.

20—23 the measurement of 8—13 plus 0.5cm;join 20—23.

1—24 one third chest plus 4.5cm.

24—25 square up 3 cm from 24;join 23—25.

23—26 half measurement of 23—25.

Draw in armhole shape through points 13,10,16,25,23,and curve inwards 1cm at 26.

21—27 1.5cm button stand;square down.

27—28 3.5cm facing;square down;shape top edge at front neck line.

17—29 2cm.

17—30 2cm.

18—31 20cm;square across.

31—32 1cm.

31—33 1cm;draw in side seams.

34 midway between 6—18;square up.

35 midway between 3—18.

34—36 4cm;square across to front edge.

Draw shaped curves as shown from 33—35 and 32—36.

If pleats are required at the back yoke line,9—37 is 2cm;square down.


Square down from 0.(as sketch Fig 5-10).

0—1 one forth arm scye measurement(measuring a curve);square across1.

0—2 sleeve length plus 3cm,minus cuff depth and body yoke width(Fig.5-9,0—13);square across 2.

1—3 half measurement of 1—2;square across 3.

0—4 half arm scye measurement;square down to 5.

0—6 half arm scye measurement;square down to 7.

Divide 0—4 into four sections,mark points 8,9,10.

Divide 0—6 into four sections,mark points 11,12,13.

Draw in sleeve head;join 4—8,raise 1cm at 9,2cm at 10,across point 0,raise 1cm at 11,across point 12,hollow 1cm at 13,join to 6.

5—14 one third measurement of 2—5.

Fig.5-10 sleeve

7—15 one third measurement of 2—7.

16 midway 5—14;join 4—16.

17 midway 7—15;join 6—17,draw in underarm seams as shown in Fig.5-10.

18 midway 2—14;square up 15cm to 19.

18—20 1cm;join 2—14 with a curve.


Cuff width plus 4cm;cuff depth plus 2cm.


Construct shirt collar with stand.

Depth of classic shirt collar with stand is approximate to 8cm.