- GB50432-2007炼焦工艺设计规范(英文版)
- 住房和城乡建设部
- 1158字
- 2021-04-01 14:05:21
5.4 Cokemaking Equipment
5.4.1 The gas collecting system shall be designed to meet the following requirements:
1 Water seal structure shall be adopted at ascension pipe lid,goose neck and socket joint of water seal valve;
2 The diameter of ascension pipe and number of suction main shall be determined to ensure pressure drop inside the gas collecting main not higher than 20Pa;
3 The gas collecting main must be provided with crude gas bleeder which shall be provided with automatic ignition device at the outlet;
4 High pressure ammonia liquor pump shall be provided with VVVF(Variable Voltage and Variable Frequency)system if spraying of H.P.ammonia liquor is adopted for charging emission control;
5 Suction bend shall be provided with manual damper and automatic pressure regulation damper;
6 Heat insulation measures shall be taken for the external surface of ascension pipe;
7 The gas collecting main shall be provided with ammonia liquor cleaning system;
8 Gas collecting main shall be provided with steam or nitrogen purging and pressurizing facility;
9 Make-up emergency water facilities shall be provided on ammonia liquor pipe in case of shutdown of ammonia liquor system.
5.4.2 The coke oven heating and gas reversing system shall be designed to meet the following requirements:
1 Piping for coke oven heating shall be designed to meet the requirements below:
1)The piping for coke oven heating shall be determined according to the kind of coke oven heating gas,gas calorific value,oven proper structure and gas calorific value required by coke oven heating,etc.;
2)The pipe for coke oven heating shall be provided with crude gas bleeder,condensate draining device and flow regulator of heating gas to each combustion chamber and vertical flue;
3)The COG for coke oven heating should be delivered through pre-heater.The preheated gas temperature should not be lower than 45℃;
4)The end of gas pipe in the coke oven cellar is provided with crude gas bleeder for automatic bleeding,which shall be 4m higher than the operating bench of the gas collecting main.
2 Waste gas system shall be designed to meet the requirements below:
1)The waste gas box shall have sufficient flow cross section to allow smooth air incoming and waste gas discharge.Regulation of suction force shall be sensitive and convenient;
2)The side waste gas flue shall be provided with automatic damper for suction regulation,and common waste gas flue shall be provided with manual damper and water draining device.
3 Gas reversing system shall be designed to meet the requirements below:
1)Hydraulic reversing machine should be adopted.It may be provided with accumulator which can be used in case of power failure;
2)Gas reversing cock shall be used for COG reversing;disc or reversing cock may be used for lean gas reversing.
5.4.3 Coke oven bracing equipment shall be designed to meet the requirements below:
1 The protective force applied to the brickwork of coke oven from buckstay shall be determined according to structural parameter of the brickwork;
2 The buckstay should be made of H-beam;
3 The coke oven shall be provided with longitudinal and cross tie rods which shall be loaded with compression springs at the ends;
4 Oven door should be provided with spring loaded latch,elastic knife edge and suspension structure oven door;
5 The coke oven shall be protected with large flash plate.
5.4.4 The wet quenching system shall be designed to meet the requirements below:
1 New wet quenching process should be adopted.
2 Dust catching device of high performance shall be provided on the top of the quenching tower.
3 Coke fine settling pond shall be designed large enough to ensure effective settling of coke finecontaining quenching water and coke breeze collecting device operation.
4 The coke fines in the settling pond may be collected by electric grab crane or scraper.Facilities for storing and maintenance of the coke fine collecting device should be provided.
5 The waste quenching water in the coke fine settling pond shall be recycled in closed circulation and should not be discharged.
6 The treated cyanide-containing waste water may be used as make-up water for coke quenching,of which the water quality shall meet the requirements below:
pH value 6-9,CODCr≤150mg/l,NH3-N≤25mg/l,petroleum≤10mg/l,volatile phenol≤0.5mg/l,cyanides≤0.5mg/l.
7 Level control unit shall be provided in coke fine settling pond.
5.4.5 The equipment level and quantity of coke oven machinery shall meet the following requirements:
1 "One-spot positioning"operation should be realized for coke oven machinery.
2 Pusher machine and coke guide car shall be provided with oven door and door frame cleaning device and coke spillage collecting device;charging car shall be provided with mechanical device for charging hole lid opening/closing;charging car should be provided with cleaning device on oven roof.
3 Each unit of the coke oven machinery shall be controlled by PLC.
4 The pusher machine should be provided with power generator to withdraw the pusher ram and leveling bar stopped inside the chamber in case of power failure.
5 Pusher machine,coke guide car and quenching car shall be interlocked in a reliable way.The electric locomotive shall be provided with interlock unit to start the pusher ram for pushing and to stop pushing in case of fault.
6 The operator cabins of coke oven machinery at pusher side and coke side shall be provided with anti-interference bi-directional communication facilities.
7 The operator cabins of coke oven machinery shall be provided with air conditioners and industrial TV.
8 The numbers of coke oven movable machines(incl.standby machines)shall be configured to meet the requirements of operation and maintenance for the coke oven batteries.The configuration for coke oven machinery of conventional top-charge battery should conform to Table 5.4.5-1;the configuration for coke oven machinery of conventional stamp-charge battery should conform to Table 5.4.5-2.
Table 5.4.5-1 Configuration for coke oven machinery of conventional top-charge battery(set)

Note:The configuration of 2×72 coke oven battery with 4.3m high coking chamber is named wide-coking-chamber battery,with average width of 500mm.
Table 5.4.5-2 Configuration for coke oven machinery of conventional stamp-charge battery(set)

Notes:1 The charging-pusher machine is all-in-one car for charging and pushing.
2 The configuration of 2×50-2×55 coke oven battery with 5.5m high coking chamber is named stamp-charging battery of widecoking-chamber,with average width of 554mm.
3 The configuration of 2×72 coke oven battery with 4.3m high coking chamber is named stamp-charging battery of wide-cokingchamber,with average width of 500mm.
4 The stamping machine for coal cake is supplied in unit of set.