- GB50723-2011烧结机械设备安装规范(英文版)
- 住房和城乡建设部
- 407字
- 2021-03-31 18:24:09
6.11 Head Bending Rail and Intermediate Rail
6.11.1 The head bending rail of sintering equipment should be put in place after installation of head wheel,the adjustment and positioning of which shall be proceeded after the alignment of head wheel and its chain blade.
6.11.2 The preset thermal expansion gap for rail joints shall be in accordance with the design document.
6.11.3 Installation for head bending rail(Figure 6.11.3)shall take chain blade of head wheel as reference,its position shall be adjusted through adding or reducing shims at rear side of bending rail,The tolerance of every position shall meet the following requirements:
1 The gap between bending rail and chain blade(upper,middle,lower corresponding points at both sides a,b,c;a′,b′,c′)shall be adjusted,and checked by wire/thread and steel ruler with tolerance of 2.0mm;
2 The gap between gear root of chain blade of two sides and arch rail(to measure corresponding points d,d′,e,e′)shall be adjusted,and checked by steel ruler with tolerance of 1.0mm;
3 Height differential(h)of corresponding points at upper part and lower part of two sides of bending rail shall be adjusted,and checked by steel ruler with tolerance of 1.0mm;
4 The gap between the outer rail and inner rail shall be in accordance with the design document.

Figure 6.11.3 Head bending rail
1-Chain wheel;2-Head bending rail;3-Longitudinal centerline of sintering equipment
6.11.4 Intermediate rail shall be installed after the alignment of framework of sintering equipment,which shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
1 The longitudinal centerline of sintering equipment shall be regarded as the reference for measurement,which shall be checked by theodolite,or wire/thread and steel ruler with tolerance of±1.0mm;
2 The rail gap shall be checked by rail template or steel ruler with tolerance of 2.0mm;
3 The rail beam elevation of framework shall be adjusted.Elevation of upper and lower rail shall be checked by level and ruler with tolerance of±1.0mm.It is not allowed to add shims for adjustment between rail and rail beam;
4 The height differential at rail joint shall be checked by ruler with tolerance of 0.5mm.