- GB/T51154-2015海底光缆工程设计规范(英文版)
- 中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部
- 80字
- 2021-03-26 23:05:40
3.2 System Interfaces and Operating Wavelength
3.2.1 Client interface types supported by submarine digital transmission systems shall meet the requirements listed in Table 3.2.1.
Table 3.2.1 Client interface types supported by submarine digital transmission systems

3.2.2 The optical channel signal type and bit rate of a submarine digital transmission system should meet the requirements listed in Table 3.2.2.
Table 3.2.2 Optical channel signal type of submarine digital transmission systems

3.2.3 Submarine digital transmission systems should work at the 1550nm band.