- Learn Microsoft Office 2019
- Linda Foulkes
- 181字
- 2025-02-20 17:20:52
Changing the slide orientation
Slide layouts are landscape by default in PowerPoint and are always the same throughout the presentation. You cannot have some slides in portrait format and others in landscape format. When the orientation is changed, the entire presentation will update to the new orientation. To change the orientation, follow these steps:
- Click on Design | Customize | Orientation, and the following options will appear:
- Choose Portrait from the Orientation options, after which you will be asked to select a scaling option, as illustrated in the following screenshot:
- If you have graphical objects on the slide and you change the slide orientation, you may find that the objects shift around. Try switching between Maximize and Ensure Fit to alleviate too much change, but it may be necessary to reposition objects after changing the orientation. The following screenshot shows an example of this:
Note that it is possible to link two presentations together (one portrait and one landscape). To change the orientation of notes, handouts, and outlines, visit the relevant icon on the Slide Size dialog box.