- Learn Microsoft PowerApps
- Matthew Weston
- 267字
- 2021-06-24 12:08:11
The Apps screen
The apps screen works in the same way as many other Microsoft applications, where you are presented with a number of ways of quickly accessing the PowerApps that you have been developing or can access. The list of apps is split into various categories in order to help you locate the app you are looking for. These categories are as follows:
- Recent apps: These are apps that you have worked on recently, with the most recently modified being displayed first. It also tells you who the owner of the app is, that is, you or someone else within your organization, as well as the type of the app.
- Shared with me: This category shows you all of the apps that either you or someone else within your organization has explicitly granted you access to via sharing. Effectively, this is a list of apps that you can use within your environment, including ones that you have developed yourself.
- Apps I can edit: Apps that you can edit are those that have either been created by you or where you have been nominated as a co-owner of another app that has been developed by someone else. The co-owner's rights allow you to use, edit, and share the app, but does not allow you to delete it or change the owner.
- Org apps: Org apps are apps that are shared with the entire organization. This means that everyone within the tenancy who has a PowerApps license can use the app.
Now, all you need to know is how you can create new apps.