- GB/T 51126-2015 波分复用(WDM)光纤传输系统工程验收规范(英文版)
- 中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部
- 372字
- 2025-02-17 19:13:30
According to the requirements of document JIANBIAO〔2011〕No.17 issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development-"Notice on Printing the Development and Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards in 2011",this code is developed by the drafting team,developed by China International Telecommunication Construction Corporation in association with other organizations.
Based on the professional standards of the People s Republic of China,including YD/T 5122-2005 Specifications of Engineering Acceptance for Long-Haul Optical Wavelength Division Multiplexing System and YD/T 5176-2009 Acceptance Specification for Local Optical Fiber Cable Network of Wavelength Division Multiplexing System,the drafting team finalized this code through extensive investigation,careful summarization of practical experience and wide soliciting of opinions.
This code consists of 7 chapters and 1 appendix,including:general provisions,terms and symbols,equipment installation,function check and performance testing of the equipment,performance testing and function check of the WDM system,as-built document,and acceptance.
The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is in charge of the administration of this code and Information Technology is responsible for routine management of this code.China International Telecommunication Construction Corporation is responsible for the specific explanation.Shall there be any need of change or supplement to this code during its practical implementation process,please post the opinions or suggestions to China International Telecommunication Construction Corporation(Address:No.A56 Nanfangzhuang,Fengtai District,Beijing,China,Post code:100079)for references while the code is to be revised or modified.
Chief development organization,co-development organizations,chief drafters,chief reviewers,translators and translation proofreaders are listed as below:
Chief Development Organization:
China International Telecommunication Construction Corporation
Co-Development Organizations:
CITCCNo.4 Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Guangdong Planning and Design Institute of Telecommunications Co.,Ltd.
Guangdong Telecom Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Chief Drafters:
Li Shusen Li Kaijun Ding Xuewe Wan Kun Ye Yin Li Zhiguo Guo Dong
Chief Reviewers:
Wang Junhua Liu Qi Zhang Guoxin Zou Hongqiang Shen Liang
Yang Tierong Yuan Haitao Chang Ning Huang Weimin Pan Yaoxi
Wei Xianhu
Li Zheng Yin Peng
Translation Proofreaders:
Wang Fengwu Meng Yongye Wei Peng Wang Chao Gao Junshi