- GB/T 51126-2015 波分复用(WDM)光纤传输系统工程验收规范(英文版)
- 中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部
- 232字
- 2025-02-17 19:13:31
2.2 Symbols
Symbol English Name
3R Re-amplification,Reshaping,Retiming
AIS Alarm Indication Signal
ALS Automatic Laser Shutdown
APD Avalanche Photo Diode
APR Automatic Power Reduction
BA Amplifier
CBR Constant Bit Rate
CWDM Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing
DPSK Differential Phase Shift Keying
DP-QPSK Dual Polarization Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
DQPSK Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
EM Element Management
ES Errored Second
FEC Forward Error Correction
LCT Local Craft Terminal
LOF Loss of Frame
LOP Loss of Pointer
LOM Loss of Multi-frame
LOS Loss of Signal
MPI-R Main Path Interface at the Receiver
MPI-S Main Path Interface at the Sender
NRZ Non-return to Zero
OADM Optical Add-drop Multiplexer
OCP Optical Channel Protection
ODB-PSBT Optical Duobinary PSBT
ODCa ODUk Clock of type"a"
ODU Optical De-multiplexer Unit
ODUk Optical Channel Data Unit-k
OLA Optical Line Amplifier
OMSP Optical Multiplex Section Protection
OMU Optical Multiplexer Unit
OOF Out of Frame
OSA Optical Spectrum Analyser
OSC Optical Supervisory Channel
OSNR Optical Signal to Noise Ratio
OTM Optical Terminal Multiplexer
OTN Optical Transport Network
OTU Optical Transponder Unit
PA Pre-amplifier
P-DPSK Partial Differential Phase Shift Keying
PIN Positive Intrinsic-Negative
PMD Polarization Mode Dispersion
PM-DQPSK Polarization Multiplexing-DQPSK
PM-QPSK Polarization Multiplexing-QPSK
PSBT Phase Shaped Binary Transmission
RZ Return to Zero
RZ-DQPSK Return to Zero-DQPSK
ROADM Reconfigurable Optical Add-drop Multiplexer
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
STM Synchronous Transport Module
T-MUX Transport Multiplexer
WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing