- 世博诗草(英汉对照)
- 王智钧
- 147字
- 2025-02-17 19:45:18
On Residence of Natural Hearing
The worldwide number of people with hearing disability is huge, accounting for 10% of the total world population.
( 1 )
Like a labyrinth of miraculous structure,
With courtyard leading into more courtyards,
The membrane vibrates, sending messages
Through, like snails, upon a clear sound wave. Helminths in wet condition breed illness;
Use of stone acupuncture needs to be careful.
National Ear Care Day① is now established;
Pop health science promotes natural hearing.
Note: ① 3rd March.
( 2 )
The deaf suffer most in listening without hearing;
All being silence, who is to talk with them?
Hand language, mouth shapes, and screen scripts;
Flashes, vibrations, and the moving of door bells:
Hearing aid devices amplify the sound effects;
Electronic ear drums create the pulsations.
Language training best begins with little children;
The beautiful future will be enjoyed in good hearing.