- 国际水墨设计1
- 李中扬主编 李僮 许力 张通 王佳副主编
- 2463字
- 2025-02-17 12:38:38
The Final Judges of 2016 International Exhibition of Modern Design on Ink Painting

谭 平
Tan Ping
中 国
Vice-president of Chinese National Academy of Arts, professor, PhD supervisor
Director of The Experimental Arts Council of China Artists Association. He has been the vice-president of CAFA, the dean of Design Department of CAFA, the director of Desigh Teaching in National Universities Steering Committee of Ministry of Education, the director of Design Education Subcommittee, Chinese Association of Higher Education, the deputy director of Graphic Design Arts Council of China Artists Association.
Tan was the Beijing Olympic Emblem Appraisal Committee jury (2008), jury of Chinese Stamps Appraisal Committee. He held ‘Chinese Contemporary Art in Transition’ Seminar, and ‘Open spacethe Chinese culture and art’ Seminar. Tan held Chinese Contemporary Artists’ Poster Exhibition. He published design education experimental books for Central Academy of Fine Arts, Classic educational books for Central Academy of Fine Arts, etc.
Moreover, he has had one-man shows and exhibitions all over the world, such as USA, Germany,France, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Australia, etc. Tan's works are widely collected by museums like Portland Art Museum (USA), Ludwig Museum (Germany), Museum for Modern Visual arts (Denmark), National Art of China, Today Art Museum, Artron Art Museum, Shanghai Art Museum, Longmuseum, Shenzhen Art Museum, Qingdao Art Museum.

Wang Yuefei
中 国
Creative Director of Wang Yuefei Design Company Ltd.
Creative Director of Feitong Space Art Design Company Ltd.
Member of New York Art Directors Club
Member of Alliance Graphique Internationale
Honorary Chairman of Shenzhen Graphic Design Association
He teaches at The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Central Academy of Fine Arts, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, etc. Wang has been jury of 7th Macau Design Biennial, jury of Identity of Beijing Olympics Bids, Organising Committee Member of Identity Design of Beijing Olympic Bids and Olympic Emblem Appraisal Committee jury, jury of Hong Kong International Poster Triennial ,jury of Ningbo International Poster Biennale, Jury's President of GDC05 and GDC11‘graphic design in China’, jury of Shanghai Expo Official International Poster Prize, jury of The Beijing Organising Committee for the 2008 Olympic Official Poster, jury of 11th National Arts Show, jury of China Design Prize (2012), key curators of‘graphic design in China’(1992).
Wang's works won following prizes and honors: the most excellent works prize in the seventh international poster show in Paris, works elected in the 15th, 17th, 18th Warsaw international poster biannual shows, Works elected in the international poster biannual show in Mexico (1996,1998),GDC92 silver medal and bronze medal graphic design in china, GDC96 excellent award in ‘graphic design in china’, The excellent award in 1998 french FIFA poster contest, Works elected in Brno international graphic design biannual show. Works elected in international poster triennial in Toyama,Excellent award in New York TDC, Nomination of Tokyo TDC, Gold medal and judges' award in GDC03, Silver medal in the 11th national arts show.
Wang's works are perpetually collected by following institutions: Museum fur kunst and Gewerbe Hamburg in Germany, International Corporate Center in New York, USA, Museum fur Zeitgenossische kunst in Germany, Hong Kong Culture Museum, Danish Poster Museum and V&A Museum.

Eduardo Barrera Arambarri
1999—2000年担任Leo Burnett Mexico广告代理机构艺术指导、奥地利维也纳Magic Moments Agentur für Kommunikation创意指导。2001年起开始成为自由平面设计师。
他的作品曾获2000年第六届墨西哥海报双年展铜勋章奖、2000年国际摄影艺术联合会广告奖、2005年BF Goodrich图像竞赛一等奖、创意圈特等奖、2006年乌克兰哈尔科夫第六届国际生态海报三年展三等奖等。作品被18个国家展览和收藏。
他参与了西班牙、法国和捷克的当代艺术项目,并为Tápies基金创作出版项目“Ergo Sum”,该项目被布尔诺国际设计双年展出版项目授予特别奖。
Freelance graphic designer currently working at the International Poster
Biennale in Mexico.
In 1999-2000 he served as an Art Director for the Leo Burnett Mexico advertising agency and was the Creative Director in Magic Moments Agentur für Kommunikation, in Vienna, Austria.
His personal portfolio has won a lot of awards ,such as the Bronze Medal of the International PosterBiennial in Mexico in 2000,the Advertising Ward of the Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique (FIAP) in 2000,the first prize of the 2005 BF Goodrich Image Contest,the special prize of creative circle, the third prize of the Sixth International Ecological Poster Triennial in Kharkov,Ukraine in 2006, etc. His work has been exhibited and collected by 18 countries.
He participated in contemporary art projects in Spain, France and the Czech Republic, and has created the ‘Ergo Sum’ for Étapes, which was awarded a special prize by the Brno Design Biennale publishing project.

Daeki Shim
韩 国
首尔设计与出版发行工作室DAEKI & JUN的联合创始人和艺术指导
他的设计项目参与很多国际展览并获得无数国际奖项,包括STA 100, del Cartel en México(14a BICM)、双年展、东京艺术指导俱乐部、红点奖、2016金蜜蜂平面设计莫斯科双年展、How形象与市场奖项、应用艺术与设计奖、Brno双年展、A’大奖、IDA大奖、纽约ARC传达艺术设计奖、韩国设计奖等。他的作品在2015-2016年收到超过五十项国际奖励和展览邀请。近期他的作品被韩国字体协会授予特等奖,2017图形年会荣获白金奖、五项金奖和五项银奖。
他的作品曾在富德画廊、斯雷德美术学院、雪迪驰大厅、左银行、伦敦大学方院、伦敦圆屋、伦敦设计节,以及PS 35画廊、零一设计中心、首尔城市大厅、Sejong艺术中心、Pi Room画廊、文化站284等展出。联合策展了“How is it going?”,“Between#2 and Typojanchi 2015”,“在第一次展览之间”以及第四届国际字体双年展等。
He is curntly teaches in department of visual communication design at Seoul
Women's University and also a co-founder and art director at DAEKI & JUN Studio[DAandCOMPANY] which is a seoul-based-design studio and press
His design projects have been awarded and selected by numerous awards including STA 100, Bienal Internacional del Cartel en México (14a BICM), Tokyo TDC, Red Dot Awards, Moscow Global Biennale of Graphic Design Golden Bee 2016, How Promotion and Marketing Design Awards, Applied Arts Design Awards, Brno Biennale, A’ Awards, IDA Awards, Communication Arts Design, Newyork ARC Awards, Korea Design Awards among many others. He has received over 50 international awards and selections with his design works during the year 2015 and 2016. Most recently, his work was awarded the Grand Prize from the Korean Society of Typographyand one platinum, five golds,and five silvers were awarded by the Graphis Annual 2017.
Moereover, His design works have been shown at the Fold Gallery, Slade School of Fine Art,Shoreditch Town Hall, Left Bank, UCL Quad, Round House London, London Design Festival and the PS 35 Gallery as well as Zero One Design Center, Seoul Citizens Hall, Sejong Art Center,Pi Room Gallery, Culture Station 284 among many others. He also co-curated several design exhibitions such as How is it going?, Between the First Show, Between #2 and Typojanchi 2015; The 4th International Typography Biennale.