第一章 涉外法律文书概述
第一节 法律英语的词汇特征
法律英语是一种专门用途英语(ESP),也是一种工具性语言(instrumental language)。美国法律语言研究权威梅林可夫(Mellinkoff)认为“法律英语”指the English language of law,而加州大学的大卫(David)教授主张用legal English来表述“法律英语”。本书讨论的法律英语主要指以英语为母语的英美法(common law)国家的司法从业者,如律师、法学研究人员、法官、检察官等在以法律为职业和以法学研究为目的的过程中所使用的法律语言。有时候为了更易于理解法律英语的特点,会辅以我国法律条文作为例子从而更好地证明观点。
a.He maliciously damaged a car with a baseball bat.
b.The machines in the clothing factory were old and dangerous and one of the employees injured his hand.The employee sued the factory owners and got 5000 dollars in damages.
a.The Party is being degraded by its acceptance of secret donations.
b.Acceptance cannot contain any suggested changes to the original offer.In addition,acceptance must be communicated and cannot be by silence.
c.Modification of acceptance of bill denotes acts on instruments that payers(acceptors)did – write and sign on the bills and eliminate his/her writings afterwards.
a.This problem should be reserved for further consideration.
b.In consideration of all the Services provided by ALT Services Ltd.,the Company shall pay the sum of 10000 dollars subject to the provision of the Services and satisfactory completion of work.
Consideration在普通语境中指“考虑”(a句),而在合同法中,其涵义为“对价”(b句)。句子可翻译为:作为ALT Services Ltd所提供服务的对价,公司应依据所提供的服务和工作的圆满完成而支付10000 美元。



1.The decision of the judge in common law countries must form what is called the ratio decidendi of the case.This is the Latin for “the reasoning behind the decision”.This is the part of the judge’s words that provide the legal reasoning for his or her decision.Everything else the judge says is called obiter dictum.Obiter dictum is something that is not really necessary for the legal basis for the decision.Only the ratio decidendi is binding.
注:在英美法系国家,法官可以造法,即,法官的判决理由(ratio decidendi)可以成为法律,作为法官处理类似案件的依据,判决理由(ratio decidendi)具有强制约束力,而附带意见(obiter dictum)仅具有参考价值,不具有强制约束力。ratio decidendi和obiter dictum都是来自拉丁语的外来词,但是在法律英语中已经成为非常活跃的词汇并被广泛接受。
为了更好地理解ratio decidendi,请看下面的例子:
2.An Actress was employed for a season,but was delayed by illness from taking up her role until a week after the opening night.(来自英国判例Poussard v Spiers & Pond 1876)
Held:her employers were entitled to terminate the contract:her presence on the opening night was crucial to the contract.
该判例中,女演员因为生病导致不能依约出席开幕式,构成合同重大违约,守约方有权解除合同。其中Held:her employers were entitled to terminate the contract:her presence on the opening night was crucial to the contract就是我们所说的判决理由(ratio decidendi),该部分具有强制约束力。“Held”一词一般被翻译为:“法院认为”。
为了更好地理解附带意见(obiter dictum),请看下面例子:
3.The defendants owned a block of flats on land leased to them by the claimants.By September 1939,many flats had become vacant due to outbreak of war.Consequently,the defendants were having difficulties paying their ground rent.The claimants agreed that they would accept reduced payments.The defendants continued to pay the reduced rent even when the flats refilled and the war was over.
The claimants brought a test case claiming arrears of rent for the last two quarters of 1945(by which time the war had ended).(来自英国判例Central London Property Trust v High Trees House 1947)
Held:the claimants were found to be entitled to the arrears they claimed,but it was also held(obiter dictum)that had they claimed for arrears prior to the end of the war this would have been refused.It would be unfair to allow them to go back on their promise on which the defendants had naturally relied.The claimants’ gratuitous promise operated to suspend their rights to full payment while the extenuating circumstances in which the promise had been made continued to operate.
在上述法官观点中,obiter dictum后面的内容,就是我们所说的法官的附带意见,该意见对于以后的案件具有指导性意义,但不具有强制性约束力。
另外,需要补充的是,上述判例确立了禁止反言原则(promissory estoppel),promissory estoppel也被称为High Trees doctrine(沿用判例名称:Central London Property Trust v High Trees House)。上述判例大概的意思是说:战争期间,房东同意给承租人降低房租,承租人信赖房东的诺言而同意继续租赁房子,但是战争结束后,房东不能食言向承租者追讨承租人在战争期间少交的房租,也即,禁止反言(promissory estoppel)。而战争结束后,由于租房市场的复苏,如果承租人继续按战争期间较低的租赁价格缴纳房租,则房东则有权主张正常价格的租金。
Promissory estoppel(禁止反言)来自拉丁语,该原则的大概意思是:under this principle,parties who gratuitously promise that they will not enforce existing contractual rights may lose their entitlement to do so if it would be unfair to allow them to go back on their promise;they are prevented(estopped)from breaking the promise.
另外,bona fide third party(善意第三人),null and void(无效)等外来词在法律英语中也很常见,针对其用法,此处不再赘述。
其中常见的一种古旧词汇的形式是:副词here/there+介词。如 “herein”“hereon”“thereby”“thereon”等。“here”通常的涵义为“在此文件中、在此合同中,或者在该条款中”,而“there”一般指上文提到的文件、合同、条款等。如:
The persons herein after named 指的就是“在本文件之后所提及的人”
The sum of money borrowed and the interest thereon shall be repaid in full on June 6.此句中的“thereon”指该单词前面所述“sum of money borrowed”。
The titles to the articles are for convenience of reference only,not part of this contract and shall not in any way affect the interpretation thereof.(本协议)各条款之标题仅为查阅方便,非本协议之构成部分,也决不会影响合同的解释。其中“thereof”是指of the said contract。
1.Hereby——by means of this document/with that words/with this action.
“I hereby accept your offer.”
“The undersigned hereby certify that the goods to be supplied are made in the USA.”
2.Herein——in this document.
“The price named herein is final and non-negotiable.”
3.Hereto——to this contract.
“All disputes arising from the performance of this Contract shall,through amicable negotiations,be settled by the Parties hereto” .
4.Hereinafter ——starting from this time/later in this document.
“ALT Electronics plc,hereinafter known as ‘the Company’.”
ALT Electronics plc在此后被称为“该公司”。
5.Heretofore——earlier in this document/previously/before the time of writing.
“The property heretofore known as Downing House is renamed Appleby House.”
此前所提及的名为Downing House的物业被重新命名为Appleby House。
6.Hereunder——in a later part of this document/under the terms of this agreement.
“The terms and conditions are listed hereunder.”
7.Thereby——as a result of this or that action.
“Your client signed the contract and thereby entered into a binding agreement.”
8.Therein ——in or into a particular place or thing/in that/in there.
“The rented property and the furniture contained therein.”
9.Thereon ——on it/on there/on what I have just mentioned.
“The amount borrowed and the interest due thereon must be repaid by May 22,2016.”
10.Thereinafter——later in that place or thing/later in what I have just mentioned.
“We were defined in that contract as the Company and we were known as the Company thereinafter.”
11.Thereto ——to it,to the thing that I have just mentioned.
“At the meeting we will discuss Mrs.Smith’ will and all matters related thereto.”
另外,还有一些古旧词汇用来指代“本文件/合同/条款前面所提及的事物”,如said,aforesaid,aforementioned,the same.
1.The contract between the claimant and the defendant was signed in August.Said contract was for the supply of goods.
该句中的“said contract”指代句子所述“The contract between the claimant and the defendant”.
2.The goods should be inspected by the Buyer upon delivery.All goods come with a delivery note.In the event that goods cannot be examined by the Buyer the aforementioned document shall be marked “not examined”.
该句子中的 aforementioned document 指代句子中的delivery note.
3.Any defective goods must be returned to the Supplier.Said goods must be correctly packaged.
该句中的“said goods”指代句子中的defective goods。
4.Payment must be made upon delivery of the goods.The exception is where payment by invoice has been agreed.In the event of payment by invoice payment must be made within 30 days of receipt of the same.
该句中的“ the same”指代句子中的invoice。
1.The amendments to or alteration of this contract become effect only after they are signed by parties hereto and approved by the original approving authorities.
2.If the contract shall duly perform and observe all terms,provisions,conditions and stipulations of the said Contract,this obligation shall be null and void but otherwise shall be and remain in full force and effect.
除了上述两个句子中的amendments to or alteration of,terms,provisions,conditions,and stipulations,null and void,in full force and effect等词语并列现象外,其他常见的并列现象如下:
Any and all全部
Any duties,obligations or liabilities所有责任
Charges,fees,costs and expenses各种费用
Covenants and agreements 合同、协议
Customs and usages惯例
Free and clear of无
Import duty and tax进口税捐
Keep secrete and confidential保密
Licenses and permits许可
Packing and wrapping expenses包装费
Rights and interests权益
Settle claims and debts清理债务
Ships and vessels船只
Sign and issue签发
Support and maintenance维护
Use and wont习惯、惯例
Null and void无效
为了体现法律语言的严肃性,法律英语的措辞风格以严谨、庄重为主,多采用正式书面体。所谓法律文书中的正式词汇,不但指相对于口语用词而言的书面语用词,尤其指普通书面语体中不常用的正式程度较高的词汇或短语。如常见的书面体用语according to,concerning/regarding/ with regard to,但是在法律英语中,一般采用正式程度更高的、表达相同概念的词汇如in accordance with,pursuant to及in respect of。
1.The participants in the Joint Venture shall commence discussion with regard to the extension of the period of existence of the Venture and in the event of their agreeing upon such extension,they shall record such agreement in a written document signed by all of them not later than three years prior to the expiry of the current period.
本句中的三个介词短语 with regard to,in the event of,prior to分别对应三个介词about,if,before。用介词短语代替,更好地体现了法律英语的正式性。
其他类似的用介词短语来代替介词的表达方式有:in the near future(soon),until such times as(until),on the part of(by),at the present time(now),during such time as(while),due to the fact that(because),notwithstanding(despite),inclusive of(including),referred to(named,called,mentioned)等。
另外,法律英语中经常出现的两个正式介词或介词短语有:notwithstanding和inasmuch as。
Notwithstanding的含义为:despite or in spite of something。如::
2.The new law concerning the protection of the environment will come into force next year,notwithstanding a huge amount of opposition to it from industry.
而inasmuch as 的含义为:what you are saying in the rest of the sentence is true only in a limited way or to a certain extent。如:
3.The judge in the Court of Appeal held that the court of first instance made a mistake inasmuch as inadmissible evidence was taken into consideration.
4.Caroline is a good lawyer inasmuch as she usually gets a good result in court.However,she is not very good at keeping up to date with important work.
1.The Licensee will notify the Licensor and shall assist the Licensor in taking such action as the Licensor deems appropriate.
2.The term “Effective date” means the date on which this Agreement is duly executed by the parties hereto.
又比如用premises代替place来表示企业的经营场所,用commence代替start,用termination或者expiration代替end,用comply with代替obey,用subsequent to代替after,用procurement代替purchase,用term代替duration,用aggregate代替total,用undertake代替do等。
(1)The quality and prices of the commodities to be exchanged between the eximporters in the two countries shall be acceptable to both sides.
(2)The board meeting shall be convened and presided over by the Chairman.Should the chairman be absent,the vice-Chairman shall,in principle,convene and preside over the board meeting.
A civil juristic act may be in written,oral or other form.If the law stipulates that a particular form be adopted,such stipulation shall be observed.
根据L.A.Zadeh提出的模糊集合理论以及由此产生的模糊语言学,我们知道法律英语作为自然语言之一,必然具有模糊性,法律英语的模糊性不仅存在,而且具有自身的作用。社会生活的多样性和语言的限制性之间的矛盾造成法律英语必须具有概括性的特点,从而产生模糊。另外,由于法律具有滞后性,由于社会及经济的逐步发展,社会文化、人们的思想意识、法律标准也在发生深刻的变化,过去某些被律师及法律工作者认为是确定的法律名词现在又被提出质疑,从而产生了模糊性。如汉语法律文书中经常用到“情节严重”“数额巨大”“多次盗窃”“其他”“任何单位和个人”等词义模糊的词语,有很强的不确定性。英语法律语言也是如此,如 about,as soon as possible,necessary,average等。
以《中华人民共和国刑法》为例。《中华人民共和国刑法》第264条规定:“盗窃公司财务,数额较大的,或者多次盗窃、入户盗窃、携带凶器盗窃、扒窃的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制,并处或者单处罚金;数额巨大或者有其他严重情节的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金;数额特别巨大或者有其他特别严重情节的,处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑,并处罚金或者没收财产。” 该法条中,存在三种法定刑,主要由盗窃的数额决定的,而“数额较大”“数额巨大”和“数额特别巨大”很显然是模糊的。《最高人民法院、最高人民检察院关于办理盗窃刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释》第一条规定:“盗窃公私财物价值一千元至三千元以上、三万元至十万元以上、三十万元至五十万元以上的,应该分别认定为刑法第二百六十四条规定的‘数额较大’、‘数额巨大’、‘数额特别巨大’。各省、自治区、直辖市高级人民法院、人民检察院可以根据本地区经济发展状况,并考虑社会治安状况,在前款规定的数额幅度内,确定本地区执行的具体数额标准,报最高人民法院、最高人民检察院批准。”
而有时候模糊性和精确性却是辩证统一的。如在传票“你已被本院传唤,请于接到本传票之日起20日内在本法院出庭”。翻译为英文:“You are summoned to appear and answer this action in the Court named above by filing an Answer along with the required answer fee within twenty(20)consecutive days from the service of this summons,not including the day of service.If the twentieth day is Saturday,Sunday or a legal holiday,then this time shall run until the end of the next day which is NOT a Saturday,Sunday or legal holiday.”
又如:Shipment:To be shipped on or before Feb.28,2014.
on or before Feb.28,2014增译为 “2月28日前(含28日)”,使得译文更加精确和严密,避免导致曲解。
1.In all cases affecting ambassadors,other public ministers and consuls,and those in which a state shall be a party,the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction.In all the other cases before mentioned,the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction,both as to law and fact,with such exceptions,and under such regulations as the Congress shall make.
在英语中,such 是个模糊词汇,意思是“这样的”,但是在结构 “with such exceptions,and under such regulations as the Congress shall make”,如果译为“国会有这样的例外和规定除外”,原文意思就没有得到恰当的表达。而如果省略翻译such,翻译为“但国会规定为例外及另有处理条例者,不在此限”则显得简明清晰多了。因此,可以将上述句子翻译为:“在一切有关大使、公使、领事以及州为当事一方的案件中,最高法院有最初审理权。在上述所有其他案件中,最高法院有关于法律和事实的上诉受理权,但国会规定为例外及另有处理条例者,不在此限。”
2.The applicant or the insured shall notify the Insurer in a timely manner of the occurrence of any insured event once it is known to them.
3.Unless this account is paid within twenty days,we will take further measures.
对于这句话中的“take further measures”,完全可以用“start legal proceedings”或“bring lawsuit”等来代替。但是用模糊词语“take further measures”使得表达更加含蓄、委婉,缓解了可能的诉讼给双方带来的紧张局面。
另外,通过意译法(free translation),根据原文的精神实质,使译文更忠实通顺地表达原文的思想内容而增加或减少适当的词语,而非机械地保持原文与译文在词量或字面含义上的对等,也有助于解决法律英语模糊性造成的在实务写作和翻译方面的困难,如:
4.The Insurer shall have the right to terminate the insurance contract,in the case that the applicant intentionally does not perform his/her obligation of making a full and accurate disclosure,or fails,due to gross negligence,to perform such obligation to the extent that it would materially affect the Insurer’s decision whether or not to underwrite the insurance or whether or not to increase the premium rate.
5.This Agreement may be immediately terminated by one of the Parties,without compensation from either side,in case of bankruptcy,winding up,or legal or factual,direct or indirect,taking over by a third party of the other party.
原句中,one of the Parties不能直译为“一方”,或者“任何一方”,而应根据语境灵活翻译为“另一方”。同理,the other party应翻译为“一方”,表达协议终止的一种假设情形。
“语法隐喻”这一概念是Halliday在《功能语法导论》(1985)中首先提出来的。根据系统功能语言学理论,语言是由音系层(phonology)、词汇语法层(lexico-grammar)和话语意义层(discourse semantics)构成的三层次符号系统,且三个层次之间是体现和被体现的关系,即,音系层体现了词汇语法层,而词汇语法层体现了话语意义层。体现方式大致有两种:(1)一致式(congruent form),即无标记形式;(2)非一致式(incongruentform),或隐喻式,即有标记形式。
所谓一致式,就是通过用名词体现事件过程的参与者,用动词体现过程本身,用形容词体现事物的特征,用副词或介词词组体现时间、地点、工具、方式等环境意义(circumstantial meaning),用连词体现逻辑意义,从而使词汇语法层所表达的表层意义和话语意义层所表达的深层意义彼此相同。但是,如果词汇语法层所表达的表层意义和话语意义层所表达的深层意义不一致,例如,用名词体现过程、用名词体现特征、用动词体现时间关系或因果关系等,使词汇语法层所表达的表层意义和话语意义层所表达的深层意义变得不一致,属于有标记形式,就是非一致式,这种现象也叫语法隐喻,其中名词化就是其中一种常见的形式。例如:
[a] The man drove the car too fast down the slope,so the brakes failed.
[b] The man’s overrapid downslope driving of the car caused brake failure.
[a]属于一致式,三个动作参与者分别用名词the man,the car和the brake表示,动词drive和fail分别表示两个过程,用副词词组so fast体现表示速度的环境意义,用介词词组down the slope体现表示方向的环境意义,由连词so体现表示因果关系的逻辑意义。而[b]则属于非一致式,三个动作参与者和环境意义都变成了名词词组中的修饰成分,逻辑意义变成了过程本身,而过程却通过名词化的使用变成了参与者。
一般说来,语篇的技术性与名词化出现的频率是成正比的,即,语篇的技术性越高,名词化出现的频率越高。反之,名词化使用得越多,语篇的技术性越强(Halliday 1998b)。因此,科技、法律语篇作为技术性较高的语篇,名词化的语法隐喻出现的频率也较高。而小说、寓言等文学类语篇的技术性较低,名词化出现的频率较低。
Shareholders of a company shall be entitled to gains on assets,participation in major decision-making and selection of managers in accordance with the law.
The establishment of foreign-invested enterprises shall be beneficial to the development of China’s national economy;they shall use advanced technology and equipment or market all or most of their products outside China.
Notwithstanding any contrary provisions herein contained,should either party be faced with legal action or a requirement under governmental regulations to disclose Confidential Information received hereunder,such party shall promptly notify the furnishing party of such requirement,and upon the request of the furnishing party,shall cooperate with the furnishing party in contesting such disclosure.Except in connection with failure to discharge responsibilities set forth in the preceding sentence, neither party shall be liable in damages for any disclosure pursuant to judicial action or governmental regulations.
A contract concluded by a person with limited civil capacity for conduct becomes effective upon ratification by its legal agent(s),provided that a contract from which such person accrues benefits only or the conclusion of which is appropriate for his age,intelligence or mental health does not require ratification by his legal agent(s).
A party may sell,transfer or otherwise dispose of(each a “transfer”)all or any part of its interest in the registered capital of the Company to any third party only with prior written consent of the other party,the approval of the Board and the approval of the Examination and Approval Authority.
Any civil activity conducted by civil subjects shall be conducive to saving resources and protecting the ecological environment.
In the case of a conversion from a limited liability company into a company limited by shares or vice versa,the liability of the company before the conversion shall be assumed by the converted company.
Any of the following circumstances arising in a listed company’s major assets restructuring shall be submitted to the Listed Company Merger and Reorganization Examination Committee for examination.