- 读英国《金融时报》学英语(十一)
- 英国《金融时报》
- 381字
- 2023-02-16 10:35:52
01 沙特阿美:能源转型过快或引发社会动荡

The chief executive of Saudi Aramco, the world's largest oil producer, has called on global leaders to continue investing in fossil fuels in the years ahead or run the risk of spiralling inflation and social unrest that would force them to jettison emissions targets.
Speaking at the World Petroleum Congress, Amin Nasser said there was an assumption that the world could transition to cleaner fuels “ virtually overnight ” , but that this was“deeply flawed”.
Nasser's comments come amid growing investor and social pressure for fossil fuel companies to make their operations greener. The International Energy Agency said earlier this year that energy groups must stop all new oil and gas exploration projects if the world is to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.