2.3 计算整个朱利亚集合


示例2-1 定义表示坐标空间的全局常量

"""Julia set generator without optional PIL-based image drawing"""
import time
# area of complex space to investigate
x1, x2, y1, y2 = -1.8, 1.8, -1.8, 1.8
c_real, c_imag = -0.62772, -.42193



示例2-2 创建用作计算函数输入的坐标列表

def calc_pure_python(desired_width, max_iterations):
"""Create a list of complex coordinates (zs) and complex parameters (cs),
build Julia set"""
    x_step = (x2 - x1) / desired_width
    y_step = (y1 - y2) / desired_width
    x = []
    y = []
    ycoord = y2
while ycoord > y1:
        ycoord += y_step
    xcoord = x1
while xcoord < x2:
        xcoord += x_step
# build a list of coordinates and the initial condition for each cell.
# Note that our initial condition is a constant and could easily be removed,
# we use it to simulate a real-world scenario with several inputs to our
# function
    zs = []
    cs = []
for ycoord in y:
for xcoord in x:
            zs.append(complex(xcoord, ycoord))
            cs.append(complex(c_real, c_imag))
print("Length of x:", len(x))
print("Total elements:", len(zs))
    start_time = time.time()
    output = calculate_z_serial_purepython(max_iterations, zs, cs)
    end_time = time.time()
    secs = end_time - start_time
print(calculate_z_serial_purepython._ _name_ _ + " took", secs, "seconds")
# This sum is expected for a 1000^2 grid with 300 iterations
# It ensures that our code evolves exactly as we'd intended
assert sum(output) == 33219980




示例2-3 CPU密集型计算函数

def calculate_z_serial_purepython(maxiter, zs, cs):
"""Calculate output list using Julia update rule"""
    output = [0] * len(zs)
for i in range(len(zs)):
        n = 0
        z = zs[i]
        c = cs[i]
while abs(z) < 2 and n < maxiter:
            z = z * z + c
            n += 1
        output[i] = n
return output

现在可以调用calc_pure_python了,如示例2-4所示。将调用该函数的语句放在一条执行_ _main_ _检查的if语句中,这样可在尝试剖析方法时安全地导入这个模块,而不启动计算。请注意,这里没有列出绘制输出的方法。

示例2-4 主函数

if _ _name_ _ == "_ _main_ _":
# Calculate the Julia set using a pure Python solution with
# reasonable defaults for a laptop
    calc_pure_python(desired_width=1000, max_iterations=300)


    # running the above produces:
    Length of x: 1000
    Total elements: 1000000
    calculate_z_serial_purepython took 8.087012767791748 seconds


图2-3 纯灰度的朱利亚集合图
