- 一辈子够用的英语万用会话10000句
- 李文昊
- 1954字
- 2021-03-26 18:02:22
4 买房
Dialogue 对话 MP3 01-04
Steven wants to buy a house. Now he is discussing it with his wife Julia.
Steven:Julia, the apartment I looked at today is pretty decent—around 120 m2.

Julia:Great. Where is it?
Steven:A new two-bedroom apartment, around 100 to 120
square meters, in the Sanlitun area.
Julia:What about the surrounding area?
Steven:Very quiet and safe. And it's got a lot of trees and plants.
Julia:That's good. Is the location easily accessible?
Steven:Yeah, it's near a bus stop.
Julia:Hmm…well, maybe we can buy this one then.
Vocabulary and Phrases 单词和短语
location [ləʊˈkeɪʃən]n.位置,外景拍摄地
Key Sentences 核心句型
1 I need to see over the house before I can make you an offer.我得先看看房子,然后才能给你出个价钱。
2 We do have one apartment available.我们还真有一套这样的房子。
3 What do you need?您有什么条件吗?
4 Do you have time to take a look?您有时间去看一下吗?
5 Would you tell me something about that house?你能告诉我一些有关那房子的事情吗?
6 May I know if you are familiar with the neighbourhood here?你对附近的环境熟识吗?
7 Please come in and feel free to take a look around the house.请进来随便参观。
1 Is the location easily accessible?交通便利吗?
2 What about the surrounding area?周围环境怎么样?
3 What is the area of your property?房子有多大面积?
4 How many bedrooms and living rooms in it?有多少间睡房和客厅?
5 When will your property become available?请问房子何时可以交付?
6 How is your property's orientation and view?你的房子的座向及观景怎样?
7 May I know the size, the layout and the view of the house?能否告诉我那套房的面积、格局和观景是怎样的吗?
8 Its gross area is approximately three hundred square feet.建筑面积约300平方英尺。
9 There's one living room, one dining room, and two bedrooms.有一个客厅、一个饭厅、两间睡房。
10 The neighborhood seems to be nice and quiet.周围环境不错,很安静。
11 Would you show me the floor plan?给我看房屋平面图好吗?
12 A new two-bedroom apartment, around 70 to 100 square meters. 70m2到100m2,两个卧室的新公寓。
13 It's near a bus stop.挨着公车站。
14 It's located near the college and in a decent neighborhood.房子坐落于大学附近的好地区。
15 It has three bedrooms, a living room, a family room, a kitchen, etc.它有三个卧房、一间客厅、一间家用房、一间厨房等。
1 What is your price range?您可以接受什么价格范围的房子?
2 You'll find our price compares favorably with that of any other house in this area.你会发现我们的房价比本地区其他的房价都便宜。
3 We will pay for houses by monthly installments.我们将按月分期付款买房。
4 The market price for this area is around six thousand Hong Kong dollars per square foot.这一带房子的市场售价为每平方英尺约6000港元。
5 What is the minimum amount of downpayment that is required?首期付款的最少金额要多少呢?
6 If I put 30% down, how much will the monthly payment be?假如我付30%的首期款,那么每月要付多少呢?
7 In addition to the principal and interest, you will also have to pay insurance and property tax.除了本金和利息外,你还要付房子的保险和地产税。
8 So, roughly speaking, your monthly mortgage payment will be around 1800 dollars.所以,大至来说,你每月的房子贷款大约要1800美元。
9 How much is the room, please?请问房价是多少?
10 The price includes both house and furniture.房价包括了房子和家具。
1 Maybe we can buy this one then.也许我们可以买下这个房子。
2 I would like to buy a house.我想买房。
3 The apartment I looked at today was pretty decent—around 150m2.我今天看的房相当不错,大概得有150平米。
4 In recent months, the demand for residential properties has become extremely high.最近数月住宅物业需求甚殷。
5 He ripped Susan off over selling the house.卖房时他向苏珊敲竹杠。
6 How much did you pay for your house?你买房花了多少钱?
7 If you buy a house for 82,000 pounds and sell it for 70000 pounds, you are selling at a loss.如果你买房时花了8万2000英磅,卖时卖了7万英镑,那么就赔钱了。
8 Banks are lending more and more money to people buying their own homes.银行向买房者放款越来越多了。
9 Councils should charge realistic rents in order to give people an incentive to own their houses.地方当局应采取合理的房租以鼓励人们买房。
10 The purchaser of the house will pay the deposit next week.买房者下周付定金。
11 It is a good time to buy a house.这是买房子的恰当时机。
12 What price range do you think I can afford?你认为我可以买多少钱的房子?
13 The more income you earn, the better house you are allowed to buy.你收入越多,你就能买更好的房子。
14 According to your salary, you are eligible to buy a 200000 dollars house.依你的薪水,你能买一个20万美金的房子。
15 The bank has to check your credit and your income to see if you can afford to pay the monthly mortgage.银行要调查你的信用和收入情况,才能知道你每月是否有能力支付房子贷款。
16 What would happen if I can not afford to pay my monthly mortgage?如果我付不出每月的房子贷款,会怎样呢?
17 The owner of the house has been transferred and he is eager to sell it.房主被调任,他急着要卖房。
18 I hope the new measures will contribute to preventing the house price rising.我希望新的措施将有助于防止房价上涨。
19 House price, which has been static for several months, is now rising again.房价稳定了几个月,现在又上涨了。
20 House prices have risen sharply this year.今年房价急剧上涨。
(也可以这样说:House prices have escalated rapidly this year.
House prices zoomed this year.
House prices are rocketing up.)
21 It's said that the house prices would plummet in this area.据说此地的房价会大跌。
22 I think the government would try to even out real estate prices.我认为政府将会平抑房价。
23 House values may begin to slide.房价可能开始逐渐下降了。
24 House prices are rising at a higher rate than inflation.房价比通货膨胀上涨的比率高。
25 House prices have gone through the floor this year.今年房价已经降得很低了。
26 After long reflection my parents decided to buy the house.经过很长一段时间的慎重考虑,我父母决定买下那所房子。