- 一辈子够用的英语万用会话10000句
- 李文昊
- 1667字
- 2021-03-26 18:02:23
5 装修
Dialogue 对话 MP3 01-05
Steven and his wife want to decorate the house. Now they are doing some measures.

Julia:Can you hold the end of this tape measure?
Steven:Sure. What's this for?
Julia:I' m taking some measurements for new curtains.
Steven:What about measuring the floor for a new carpet, and the walls for new wallpaper?
Julia:I thought we'll just fix up the wood floor, and use some paint for the walls.
Steven:Good idea. I was thinking the same myself.
Julia:Tomorrow we'll go and pick out some curtains and paint.
Vocabulary and Phrases 单词和短语
measure [ˈmeʒə]v.测量,比较
carpet [ˈkɑːpɪt]n.地毯,地毯状物
wallpaper [ˈwɔːlpeɪpə(r)]n.墙纸,壁纸
fix up修理,修补
Key Sentences 核心句型
1 May I help you decorate the room?我可以帮你装饰布置房间吗?
2 I think we should do the floors before we work on the walls.我认为装修墙壁之前,我们应该先装修地板。
3 Can you hold the end of this tape measure?你可以拿着卷尺的这一头吗?
4 Carpet is held down with carpet nails.将地毯用钉子固定住。
5 Perhaps we should lay paper over the floor while we're decorating the room.也许我们在装修房子的时候应该把纸铺在地上。
6 I'm taking some measurements for new curtains.我正在量新窗帘的尺寸。
7 What about measuring the floor for a new carpet?咱们把地板量一量,换上新地毯怎么样?
8 What about measuring the walls for a new wallpaper?咱们把墙壁量一量,然后换上新壁纸如何呢?
9 We can fix up the wood floor, then use some paint for the walls.我们可以整修一下木地板,然后粉刷一下墙面。
10 When the floors are done, we can move our furniture in.等地板装修完毕后,我们就可以把家具搬进来了。
11 We should hire a professional to decorate our house.我们应该雇一名专业装饰工来装修房子。
12 I spent four days getting up my house.我花了四天时间装修房子。
13 We'll go and pick out some curtains and paint tomorrow.明天我们就去挑些窗帘和油漆吧。
14 Susan was occupied with the work of redecorating her house.苏珊忙于重新装修她的房子。
15 I'll decorate the downstairs bedroom first.我先要装修楼下那间卧室。
16 He is planning to fix up the front of the shop.他打算装修门面。
17 They are considering a house renovation, but they need to find someone to do the labor.他们打算装修房子,但是得找人做这件事。
18 Decorating a house must adjust measures to local conditions.搞家庭装修,必须因地制宜。
19 Make sure to use the fire-resistant materials to renovate your room.装修房屋时,请务必用防火材料。
20 My bedroom is painted all grey, fully decorated.我的卧室都刷成了灰白色,装修一新。
1 We retained the original kitchen table when we decorated the room.我们装修房间时保留了原有的灶台。
2 We had to do a lot of painting and redecoration by ourselves.我们不得不自己重新刷漆装修一番。
3 Why don't you let me decorate your sitting-room for you? I am good at decorating.你为什么不请我装修你的起居室呢?我很会装修。
4 We're decorating the kitchen again this summer.今年夏天我们得重新装饰厨房。
5 It cost a lot of money to decorate the interior of the house.房屋的内部装饰花了许多钱。
6 I certainly had gone to town on the decoration of your house.我当然竭尽了全力来装修你的房子。
7 We argue constantly about how we're going to decorate the house.我们讨论怎样装修房子时总是吵架。
8 My plans to decorate the house came unstuck when I broke my leg.在摔断了一条腿之后,我装修房子的计划泡汤了。
9 They gave the decorator a free hand in doing their apartment over.他们给装修师全权来翻修他们的房子。
10 We spent nearly 50000 yuan on sprucing up the house.我们装修房子花了近5万元。
11 How much will it cost to decorate the house?房子装修要花多少钱呢?
12 The house was empty and easy to decorate.房子是空的,装修起来很容易。
13 We decorated the room ourselves, so it fits our style.这间屋子是我们自己装修的,所以很符合我们的品味。
14 He decorated his house within and without.房子的内外都是他自己装修的。
15 We are looking for a skilled decorator to do the house up.我们正在找一位技术好的室内装修工,把这个房子重新装修一下。
16 The building has been decorated.房屋已装修完毕。
17 How about the internal decoration?室内装修怎么样?
18 We plan to decorate the house regardless of cost.我们打算不惜工本装修这栋房子。
19 We decorated the house on a tight budget.我们节俭地装修了房子。
20 The rooms were decorated in delicate pastel shades.房间都装修得色彩柔和。
21 They redecorated the parlor.他们把客厅重新装修了。
22 It's necessary to decorate the classroom.有必要装修这间教室。
23 Every shop was smartened up before it was open.每家商店在开业前都装修一番。
24 I was surprised by the rich furnishing of his place.他家的奢华装修让我惊诧不已。
25 I heard that they put in a flusher in the house.我听说他们在家里装修了厕所。
26 In the past, it was easy to find couples who had been saving for years in order to furnish their homes.过去,不少夫妇攒了多年的钱就为了装修住房。
27 Though the decoration of my house is very simple, my sitting room is tastefully laid out.虽然我的房子装修很简单,但是起居室的布置很有品味。
28 The bedroom needs doing over.卧室需要重新装修。