- 一辈子够用的英语万用会话10000句
- 李文昊
- 1843字
- 2021-03-26 18:02:24
3 保险
Dialogue 对话 MP3 02-03
Steven's father Ben advises Steven to buy a life insurance. Now they are talking about it.

Ben:Hey, son, are you insured?
Steven:Not yet, but I'm thinking of it. Have you bought one, Dad?
Ben:I took out a life insurance policy and made your mother the beneficiary.
Steven:Can you tell me why you want to buy it?
Ben:I am a fireman and it is a dangerous job. I have to consider your mother's life.
Steven:Oh, I see. Do you advise me to buy one?
Ben:You have children now. What if something, God forbid, happens to you?
Steven:That's true. Well, how much do you think I should get?
Ben:A $100000 policy shouldn't be too expensive. Here, call my agent. He'll give you a good deal.
Vocabulary and Phrases 单词和短语
insure [ɪnˈʃʊə]v.给……保险
beneficiary [benɪˈfɪʃərɪ]n.受惠者,受益人
fireman [ˈfaɪəmən]n.消防队员,司炉工
forbid [fəˈbɪd]v.禁止,阻止,不许
agent [ˈeɪdʒənt]n.代理人,代理商
Key Sentences 核心句型
1 He has a life assurance.他投保了人寿保险。
2 She takes out a life insurance policy.她办理了人寿保险。
3 What is the sum assured?人寿保险额是多少?
4 Have you assured your life?你投人寿保险了吗?
(也可以这样说:Do you have life insurance? )
5 Would you be interested in buying one life insurance?你有兴趣买一份人寿保险吗?
6 I am thinking of taking out a life insurance policy.我正在考虑买一份人寿保险。
7 It is advisable to insure your life against accident.最好参加人寿保险,以防意外。
8 Do you mean the life insurance is against accidents?你的意思是人寿险是预防事故的吗?
9 A life-insurance policy may serve as security for a loan.人寿保险可作贷款的抵押。
10 I insured my life for £5000.我投保了5000英镑的人寿保险。
11 I decided to buy a life assurance of one hundred thousand dollars.我决定买十万美元的人寿保险。
12 I paid premiums on my life insurance last year.我去年付了人寿保险费。
13 I took out a life insurance policy and made my wife the beneficiary.我入了一份人寿保险,妻子是受益人。
14 I have life insurance and my home and its contents are also insured.我买了人寿保险,我的家和里面的东西也都入了保。
1 What is social endowment insurance?什么是社会养老保险?
2 What source does endowment insurance fund have?养老保险基金有哪些来源?
3 My son bought endowment insurance for me.我儿子给我买了养老保险。
4 Who should attend rural society endowment insurance?哪些人应参加农村社会养老保险?
5 You can inquire online endowment insurance code.你可以上网上查询相关的养老保险法规呀。
6 Pension system is an important social system.养老保险制度是一项重要的社会制度。
7 You will get the basic retirement benefits from our company.退休后你就能从公司得到基本养老保险金。
8 Fund your retirement, son. And don't withdraw it.孩子,要交你的养老保险,不要撤回。
9 Our country should raise the status in the old-age insurance work of enterprises.我们国家应该提高企业在养老保险工作中的地位。
10 The state encourages personal savings for old age.国家鼓励开展储蓄性养老保险。
11 The establishment of the endowment insurance system for farmers has become a social consensus.建立农民养老保险制度已经成为社会的共识。
1 Do you know how to get unemployment insurance?你知道如何得到失业保险吗?
2 Are you eligible for unemployment insurance?你有资格享受失业保险吗?
3 You can enjoy unemployed insurance treatment.你可以享受失业保险的待遇。
4 Your unemployment insurance will insure from the third week of your being out of work.从你失业的第三周起,你的失业保险就开始生效。
5 According to the rule, unemployed personnel cannot enjoy unemployed insurance treatment under the circumstance of active abdication.依据规定,失业人员在主动辞职的情况下不能享受失业保险待遇。
6 Given its limited coverage, the insurance program is incomplete.失业保险目前因覆盖面窄而并不完备。
7 At the end of 2000, a total of 100 million employees were covered by unemployment insurance.截止2000年底,失业保险覆盖职工达一亿人。
8 More and more people are living on unemployment insurance.越来越多的人靠失业保险金过日子。
9 Unemployment insurance also extends the time a person stays off the job.失业保险延长了劳动者的待业时间。
10 We need to improve the unemployment insurance system.我们需要完善失业保险制度。
11 Unemployment insurance can guarantee the basic livelihood of laid-off personnel.失业保险可以保障失业人员的基本生活。
1 How do I pick the medical plan?我怎样选择医疗保险?
2 What kind of medical insurance are you covered by?你享有那种医疗保险?
3 Do you have your health insured?您参加医疗保险了吗?
4 What do our medical benefits cover?我们的医疗保险包括哪些?
5 Nearly 30% of people are now without health insurance.近30%的人现在没有医疗保险。
6 How much is the co-pay for this medical insurance?这种医疗保险的自付率是多少啊?
7 Do you agree to mandatory health insurance?你是否同意强制医疗保险?
8 Most health insurance plans do not pay for long term care.大部分医疗保险不会支付长期疗养费用。
9 The government offers its employees excellent health insurance benefits.政府给员工提供很好的健康医疗保险。
10 Some people receive medical coverage from large employers.一些人能从大的雇主那里得到医疗保险。
11 When the employees lose their jobs, most of them lose their health insurance too.一旦员工们丢了工作,多数也同时丢了医疗保险。
12 Do you have insurance, or will you be taking care of this yourself?您有医疗保险,还是医药费自理呢?
13 Most foreigners have insurance to pay for treatment.大部分外国人都用医疗保险来付治疗费用。
14 Have you ever thought of getting medical insurance?您是否想过购买医疗保险?