- 一辈子够用的英语万用会话10000句
- 李文昊
- 2174字
- 2021-03-26 18:02:25
4 股票
Dialogue 对话 MP3 02-04
Steven has decided to invest money in stock. Now he is calling brokedealer to tell him this matter.

Steven:Hello, can I speak to Mr. Green?
Brokedealer:Yes, speaking.
Steven:This is Steven speaking. I'd like to buy a stock.
Brokedealer:What stock do you want to buy and how many?
Steven:I'd like to buy 1000 shares of Dubon.
Brokedealer:Let me get the asking price of the stock. Just a moment. Oh, now the asking price is $90 each share. By the way, what is the offering price?
Steven:Let me see. The offering price is near or at $88.
Brokedealer:Then the difference between the asking price and the offering price is $2. It's hard to take place today.
Steven:Do you mean that I have to buy it at current price?
Brokedealer:You can decide by yourself.
Steven:I heard that this stock would go up. Hum, I will take it at current price.
Brokedealer:So, now I will buy in. Are you sure?
Steven:Yes, please.
Vocabulary and Phrases 单词和短语
stock [stɒk]n.股票
share [ʃeə]n.一份,股份
offering price发行价
asking price卖出价
Key Sentences 核心句型
1 I'd like to buy a stock.我想买股票。
2 I want to try my hand at stocks.我想试着搞搞股票。
3 What stock do you want to buy and how many?你要买哪一支呢?要买多少呢?
4 I'd like to buy 5000 shares of Dubon.我想买五千股的杜邦股票。
5 Oh, now the asking price is $80 each share.哦,现在卖出价每股80美元。
6 By the way, what is the offering price?顺便问一下,发行价是多少?
7 The offering price is near or at $58.发行价大概在58美元左右。
8 Then the difference between the asking price and the offering price is $3.卖出价和发行价的价差是三美元。
9 Do you mean that I have to buy at current price?你的意思是我只能现价买入吗?
10 Hum, I will take it at current price.嗯,我按现价买入。
11 This stock is a bad buy.这股票划不来。
12 What stock do you think will be the best to invest in for this year?你认为今年投资哪只股票最好呢?
13 What are the most popular stocks?哪些股票最抢手?
14 The shares are too expensive at their present price.这些股票现价太贵。
15 So, now I will buy in.那现在我买入吧。
16 How much money do you spend on a stock?您投资股票要花多少钱?
1 My boss made a fortune on the stock market.老板在股票交易中发了大财。
2 These shares have brought in good returns.这些股票带来了很好的收益。
3 Those oil shares were a good investment.那些石油股票是有利可图的投资。
4 Stockbrokers benefit a lot from the stock exchange.股票经纪人通过股票交易获利颇丰。
5 It proved to be a stock that pays poorly.事实证明,这是支收益很差的股票。
6 The stock market crash did John in.股票行情狂跌使约翰破产。
1 Would you tell me something about stock?你能告诉我有关股票的一些事情吗?
2 The stock market is a place where the exchange of stocks takes place.股票市场是一个股票买卖交换的场所。
3 Can you explain what is the "bull" and "bear" ?你能给我解释一下什么是牛市,什么是熊市吗?
4 There were so many unpredictable fluctuations on the Stock Exchange.股票市场瞬息万变。
5 A bull is a situation in which share prices are rising.牛市是股价上涨的股市。
6 A bear is a situation in which share prices keep falling.熊市是股价不断下跌的股市。
7 Why the prices get rising or falling?价格为何上涨、下跌呢?
8 If there are more buyers, the price will rise.买股票的人多了,价格就会上涨。
9 How can we make money in the stock market?我们如何在股市中赚钱呢?
10 If you believe the market will go up, you can buy in or hang on.如果你相信股价会上涨,你可以买进或者持股不动。
11 If it turns out to be true, you can make your profit.如果股价真的上涨了,这时候再把手里的股票卖掉,就可以赚钱了。
12 When you really invest in stock market, you'll get involved into the whole world.如果你在股市投了资,你也就卷入了整个世界。
13 If you believe the market will fall down, you can sell out your shares and then buy back at a lower price.如果你认为股市会下跌,你卖出股票,然后再以较低的价格买回。
14 To decide which share to buy in is quite hard sometimes.要决定买哪一只股票有时相当困难。
1 They enticed me into investing money in stocks.他们怂恿我投资购买股票。
2 We really missed the boat on that stock investment.那次股票投资,我们真是错失良机。
3 Investing in the stock market is a risk.投资股市其实就是一种冒险。
4 I heard that this stock would go up.我听人说这支股票的价格会上涨。
5 I won't part with the shares on any account.无论如何我都不放弃这些股票。
6 Some people use the media to create artificial buzz about a stock so as to drive up its price.有人利用新闻媒体人为地制造有关个股的传闻,为的是促使股价上涨。
7 As a matter of fact, when fund managers appear on TV to talk about the stocks they like, they are usually pumping the securities they own.事实上,基金经理在电视上谈论股票时,多半是在为他们自己手里的股票打气。
8 At least I think they can promote their stocks in more subtle ways than that.至少,要宣传自己的股票别这么明目张胆。
9 I give instructions to my stockbroker to sell the share immediately.我指示我的股票经纪人马上出售股票。
10 Share prices bounced back this morning.今天上午,股票价格回升。
11 I've heard stories of CEOs leaking important information to newspapers or reporters obviously to give their stock a boost.我听说有的公司老总把重要的信息泄露给报纸或记者,以推进他们公司的股票价格上涨。
12 Gold shares jumped yesterday.昨天黄金股票猛涨。
13 Are you considering becoming one of these millions?你是不是也考虑加入这数以百万计的炒股大军?
14 The stock market is, by definition, unpredictable.从定义上而言,股市本来就是不可预测的。
15 It is usually the bull market that creates the explosion of business news, not the other way around.通常是牛市行情才会引起业界新闻的爆炸,而不是熊市。
16 Do you know how many people predicted the Nasdaq crash of last April?你知道有几个人预测出了纳斯达克去年四月份的狂跌?
17 We should hang on to the shares until their prices are higher.在股票价格升高之前,我们应当尽力保住这些股票。
18 I heard that some people can earn money out of a bear market.听说有些人在熊市也能获利。
19 Stocks took a flop last week.上周股票猛跌。
20 Stocks generally lowered in value.股票普遍下跌。
21 Shares have gone down again by five points.股票又降了5个点。
22 The stock market turned down sharply.股票市场行情急转直下。
23 There will be a quick recovery in the share price.股票价格很快回升。