5 投资

Dialogue 对话 MP3 02-05

Steven's friend Billy knows that Steven has invested some money in the business of Internet. Now Billy is asking Steven what the situation is.

Billy:How is your business on the Internet, Steven?

Steven:Don't mention it. I lost a bunch of money on it this year. I think it is on the brink of bankruptcy.

Billy:I am sorry to hear that. It shows that you should buy companies, not ideas.

Steven:I changed my strategy around too. I am investing in good companies now.

Billy:Yes, I agree with you. I am going to find a good company and invest in it soon.

Steven:It's a good idea. But please be careful when you invest this time.

Billy:Yes, I will. I should learn more from you. After all I am green hand on it.

Steven:If you have any question, you can ask me.

Billy:OK. My wife sent me a message and asked me to go home just now. I am leaving.

Steven:All right. Let's chat next time. Bye-bye.














Vocabulary and Phrases 单词和短语

mention [ˈmenʃən]v.提到,说起

brink [brɪŋk]n.边缘,边沿,界限

bankruptcy [ˈbæŋkrəp(t)sɪ]n.破产,倒闭

strategy [ˈstrætɪdʒɪ]n.策略,战略

invest [ɪnˈvest]v.投资,投入

green hand生手,没有经验的人

Key Sentences 核心句型


1 I am going to find a good company and invest in it.我也要找一家好公司然后投资一下。

2 If you have some spare cash, why not invest it?如果你手头有多余的现金,何不投资呢?

3 I don't like to have money just sitting in the bank, so maybe I should try investing in property.我不喜欢把钱放在银行里,或许我该试着投资房地产。

4 We plan to buy a new car as an investment.我们计划投资买一辆新车。

(也可以这样说:We are thinking of investing in a new car. )

5 My father can't decide if he should invest in the market or put his money under his mattress.父亲不确定是把钱投资到市场上去还是把钱存起来。

6 Susan decides to invest in a fast-food restaurant.苏珊决定投资经营快餐店。

7 They decide to participate in the financing of the new hotel.他们决定参与新旅馆的投资。

8 My brother is doing a three-year investment plan.我弟弟正在做一个三年投资计划。

9 What do you want to invest?你想投资什么?

10 How much do you plan to invest?你计划投资多少?

11 What is the minimum investment?最小投资是多少?

12 John roughed out a plan of investment.约翰草拟了一个投资计划。

13 I will invest in a new company.我将对一家新公司进行投资。


1 My grandpa invested heavily in the cotton business.爷爷在棉花生意上投入巨资。

2 Jack had invested heavily in the bond market.杰克在债券市场上投资了很多钱。

(也可以这样说:Jack had invested a lot of money in the bond market. )

3 They made an investment in heavy industry.他们投资于重工业。

4 They dabble in the stock market.他们少量投资于股市。

5 He embarked his fortune in trade.他把财产投资做生意。

6 I invest in good companies now.我现在投资前景好的公司。

7 We were spending money for the future when we spent money on books.我们花钱买书是为未来作投资。

8 He invested in a painting.他投资于一幅油画。

9 I invested all my money in real estate.我把钱全部投资房地产。


1 It shows that you should buy companies, not ideas.这说明你应该投资具体的公司,而不光是一些概念。

2 I changed my strategy around.我改变了我的策略。

3 The best time to invest is now.现在是投资的最佳时机。

4 I'm going to stalk you until you come up with an idea worth funding.我将追踪你直到你有个值得投资的好创意。

5 Stocks are regarded as good long-term investments.股票被认为是理想的长期投资。

6 You must invest if you want your business to grow.要想使生意扩大,必须投资。

7 It's vital that you understand the ins and outs of this investment scheme before you commit any money to it.投资前你要弄明白这项投资计划的来龙去脉,这是极为重要的。

8 Buying a house is a large investment for many people.买房对许多人来讲都是一笔大投资。

9 It's said that investment in health is investing in family happiness.据说投资健康,就是投资家庭幸福。

10 I am afraid that it is an unsound investment.我担心这项投资靠不住。

11 A relatively fast increase in investment should be maintained.保持投资较快增长。

12 I want to find an investment that returns good profits.我想找到一个利润大的投资。

13 It's to your advantage to invest wisely.明智地投资对你有利。

14 In my opinion, the most valuable investment parents can make is to educate their children.在我看来,一个家庭最有价值的投资就是孩子的教育。

15 If not, stick with low-risk funds.如果不能,还是投资低风险基金。

16 I do not quite see the point of investing money in mine.我觉得投资矿山没什么意义。

17 A broker will advise you on how to invest your money.经纪人将和你商量怎样投资。

18 I am advised to invest in real estate.有人建议我投资于房地产。


1 Sound investments have made us very wealthy.稳妥的投资已使我们变得非常富有。

2 It proved to be a lucrative investment.事实证明,这是个赚钱的投资。

3 By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune.她由于投资精明而积蓄了一笔财产。

4 She invested cleverly, and reaped a rich reward.她聪明地投资,获取丰厚的报酬。

5 I lost money investing in the Internet.我投资因特网赔了一些钱。

6 I lost a bunch of money on it this year.我今年投资赔了一些钱。

7 I lost a bunch of money in the last two years, but the situation has been pretty good this year.我前两年赔了一些钱,但是今年很不错。

8 They received a poor return on their investment.他们的投资获利甚微。

9 My investment had disastrous consequences: I lost everything I owned.我的投资结果很惨,血本无归。